Republicans and democrats are the same

Republicans and democrats are the same.

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>extremism good, moderates bad


This should be taking place in the red part of the center

more like the very end of the green one
the western world is insanely liberal and equality-driven




I prefer post ironic moderate extremism.

You’ve never taken the political compass test. Democrats are about here.

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>not authoritarian

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No. They’re total fucking degenerates. Answer the quiz honestly as a typical Democrat would, you will land deep in the green guaranteed

>typical Democrat
>answer honestly

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its not even true on the site you took that from.

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Total fucking bullshit. No Democrat is even near authoritarian right. Guess these retards don’t know the questions on their own test

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The greenfags are the ones who think there's a huge chasm between republicans and everyone else

They are pretty conservative. Most of them only do lipservice to progressive causes cause that's what's popular now. Historically Dems have been pretty socially conservative.

>No Democrat is even near authoritarian right

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No they don't. At least not in any meaningful way. You know very well that they're always lying in wait to jump on one of their own and re-brand them as fascists.

You do know obama called himself a moderate republican, right?

The democratic party is what it is, not the boogieman you've made in your own head. That reality is.. auth right. It's like you forget that obama made bush tax cuts permanent, that trump "renegotiated" nafta just to fool cucks. Democrats had a supermajority under obama and made obamacare, written by republicans.

Just because dems dont say they hate the poor, gays, and minorites like republicans do, doesn't mean they're not neoliberals.

>Trump that far up right
You can tell this was made by a delusional Bernie supporter

Good is an extreme, isn't it?
I assume you find slavery bad. So what is the most good: A) everyone is enslaved to one man B) some people are slaves and some are not C) everyone is free and slavery is illegal
If you are like most people in America, then you would agree with the last statement. The last statement is an extreme. Any system of belief with a sense of moral and immoral necessitates good as an extreme.

In other words,
>extremism good, moderates bad

Apolitical status quo NPCs need to be hanged

No they're not, both parties are pro-corporate neoliberals in the center upper right. Democrats just slightly closer to the center.

Its made on like 20 years of data of elections, and you can just go to the website and check yourself.

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Were coming for you in ww3. Putin with xi is the new hitler and Mussolini !