Black Twitter: Slavery vs Holocaust [Part 3]

Black Twitter has erupted over which is worse, Slavery or Holocaust? If you'd like to assist:
>tweet Jewish facts or infographics regarding the slave trade in response to
>tweet about how the Holocaust was worse than slavery.
>post infographics or facts in this thread.

Enjoy the show.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck niggers
Fuck Jews
Fuck spics
Fuck chinks
Long live the Aryan man

You fucking asshole, have a (You).

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First thread Last thread

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based jews

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to beat the jew, Yas Forums has to become the jew

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low IQ if you actually believe this

long live the aryan man, but will be breeded out in a generation by the rate white women are throwing themselves on black conquerors. Aryans are hooked to ventilators at the moment.

Funny setup.
Never stop Leo Frank posting, though.

That's the key.

Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.

And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.


This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.

Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.

They have not forgotten, and neither should you.

Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.

One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.

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Remember what they stole from us.

Schizophrenic if youre actually still posting in the thread worrying chris you sound sleepy chris why don't you take some xanax and go to sleep?

Post this one.

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I already explained in the last thread why this is wrong.
user then sperged out and accused me of being Jewish and told me to take my pills (common JIDF tactic) instead of arguing the point.
The Jews were over represented in the slave trade but they were not 78% of slave owners, or even the majority of slave owners. T

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I care about the truth. You obviously don't.

fucking cia niggers

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Show the niggers this one.

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You care about made up conspiracy theories take your medication no one's samefagging here, you're just hallucinating it's pretty depressing my guy

Time to play devils advocate
Half of us say the holocaust , the other day slavery and fight each other to start this fire

>These are the facts:

In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned 3,953,760 slaves.

That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves.

While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it MUCH higher.

There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.

40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So around 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

Thus, at a minimum, over 20% of all US slave owners were jews, despite being statistically insignificant 0.7% of the population. The actual percentage was likely much higher.

Therefore jews were over-represented as slave owners at least at an 3400%+ rate.

>You care about made up conspiracy theories take your medication no one's samefagging here, you're just hallucinating it's pretty depressing my guy
Can you be anymore obvious? No one is going to fall for this.

It's because your a lying Jew, it's in your nature.

All of them need to be fucking obliterated. THe amount of nonsense. Slavery existed for more than 400 years. Oh my god, they need to fucking die

Ever notice how every time black hoteps and white natsocs start agreeing on things, an unarmed shooting; or a BBQ becky goes viral. Another thing with all those BBQ beckys is that they are always ewish.

I never disputed the fact that Jews were over represented in the slave trade you dimwit. The statistic of "78% of slave owners being Jews" is fake. Anyone who bothered to read the sources listed on that image can see why.

Please post proof where I'm samefagging you schizo you're HALLUCINATING here get some sleep already lmao

Yeah right you care about the truth Rabbi.

Semites LOVE slavery. The Talmud commands them to enslave all races. Christianity is slavery for goy cattle to Jews and Israel.

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I would believe it for only a few reasons.

1) the companies owned the slaves they transported so continuing to own them for their purpose, such as working on a plantation that you also own, is not very far fetched.

2) simply not a lot of people. We are talking 10s of people to raise it percentage points.

Ok now you're not even trying. Epic trolling m8.

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Didn't Yas Forums start this

Is it just a coincidence that Shoah looks like Show?

Sorry let me add, slaves were expensive things. Like having a modern tractor.. You do not own one just willy nilly. It is for business purposes. This common cruelty and disposing of them depicted in media is nonsense. They were highly valuable.

i'm fucking dying holy hit

per capita is so hard for some ppl. this is fake news and blue pilled

good time for redpills start with 109 nations

The fake jews (israelis) are the edomites

I get why memeflaggots hide behind flags, I'd hide my countries flag too if I was cursed with the downs lmao
Again you're confusing me with other people, you should really take your meds and remove your flag for me I'll remove mine because I'm not a schizo like you