Help, Yas Forums, I'm on the fence between communism and fascism. I think that tradition is important...

Help, Yas Forums, I'm on the fence between communism and fascism. I think that tradition is important, but some traditions aren't worth perpetuation. I think a collectivized, planned economy can solve the alienating boom-bust cycle of the modern economy, capitalism. What even is modernity exactly? I see it associated with everything bad in the world, but no fascist gives me a clear definition.

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I just want to off myself. bye

Have you considered suicide? I think its the perfect fit for someone like you.

I dont exactly know how you can be between hardcore nationalism and internationalism.



In my home country, the most popular faction of the radical left are "national communists."

That still isnt actually clarifying anything. Its hard to be undecided between two radical and in some ways contradictory positions. Its hard to know what you actually believe with regards to nationalism.

Imagine being so mentally retarded that you end up between two near-absolute opposites. How? How does that even happen? As for what modernism is? It's the post-50s world. Equality, consumerism, tolerance, globalism, secularism.

Sounds like pussys who are too afraid to call themselves National Socialists

Con u ism is a trap. Most likely you would be executed at normalisation. Facism, i only know of one that met that definition. Kim il sung north korea.

nazbol gang

All these walking contradictions are too funny
This has got to be satire

Either that or OP is fucking brain dead
Just like any fascist or commie
What a fucking retard


Lets take a look at the definition of facism.
Note that google says its far right. The term was invented by communists in ussr as a slogan word. Note that, racism is not part of the requirement and is only a side note.

Wiping away national borders as they are now is a bad idea for many reasons. But cooperation and guest-friendship between people of the world is also important. It's not so contradictory, though one embraces idealism and the other rejects it.

Thats so fucking vague it literally doesnt mean anything other than you dont want to invade everyone. It doesnt say anything about your thoughts on nationalism.

I guess musilini fits accept he did not have full control of production. However, the leader of cuba did.

Why not both? ETHNO PLANET

This exactly

You mean Fascism and Fascism? Global Socialist Fascism and National socialist Fascism.

this is nth level nabol

greed, you forget greed.
"I'll gut you for more" is a real thing

Stalin would fit as well. So would lennin. Hitler does not fit, he allowed people to run there businesses as long as it was good for the volk. Unless, you were a jew.

This board has become so fucking stupid it can't even define communism OR fascism anymore.

Thanks, plebbit.

No. Nsdap. Democracy is in there. Most facists are and were commies.

National Socialism.

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>"D is for democracy'
Holy shit, nu-Yas Forums is even more retarded than I thought.

I already did. Its a slogan word created by communists. Can anyone refute this?

I'll bite. What would be an example of guest friendship look like to you? I don't disagree with you, but as Captain Kangaroo here states it's awfully vague.

Hitler at no point removed the democratic process. He simply took it over. If you don't believe me, look at the lower general policies put in by subordinates.