Is Taiwan the real China?
When you think about it Taiwan is more Traditionaly Chines than China is.
Is Taiwan the real China?
When you think about it Taiwan is more Traditionaly Chines than China is.
which is the one i hate again?
We had this thread the other day. Taiwan is the real China. "CCP China" is just communist shit.
>Is Taiwan the real China?
What does this even mean? I swear, Reddit retards are some of the most braindead people on the internet. China is China, Taiwan is Taiwan. Who gives a shit?
taiwan is best china
I think you meant that China is more traditional than the Peoples Republic of China.
This is going to drive the CCP China shills crazy.
I see these videos all the time. Why do these dumb fucking chinks just drive straight into big huge holes?
its all china u moron just different governments. China is a geographical region fuck yanktards
>just different governments.
Big Difference.
If you look at Chinese history, having more than one government is not uncommon. They all speak the Sinid language so it's still the Chinese (Sino) region.
Is Portugal, Spain?
when you think about it they sound almost the same. China no longer exist and that place is a spawning pool the virus is the means to.
Taiwan helped start the anti-communist league after the second world war. Never called no german a kraut. As far as I'm concerned you are the real China.
FUCK you
democratic country is better
oh fuck its really funny
Why is Mongolia part of China in that image?
If the nationalists had won, whole China would be like Taiwan today. But no they killed their people and most importantly killed their intellectuals during the Great Leap Forward, so they ended straving (so being stupidier) and with no education left.
Without that, they would be like Japan and Korea. Far more powerful, developed and buddies with the west.
>the Sinid language
Chinese isn't one language. There are literally hundreds of languages spoken in China.
>Republic of China
>People's Republic of China
Pick none. Neither is a legitimate dynasty.
Taiwan is the nicer, more western/modernized China.
China as run by the PRC is the real China and you can't really argue that. The People's Army pushed the Nationalists off the mainland and forced them to retreat to Taiwan. You can't lose every battle, lose the war, go into a full retreat, fucking abandon the country you claim to rule and yet somehow still claim to be the rightful ruler of that country.
For sure. What worked for a tiny island in a good geographic location will work for a fucking continent with guys like Russia at it's doorsteps.
It's amazing how brainlets keep saying this shit and no one ever questions it.
Oh and it's amazing how people always assume Taiwan has democracy yet they only had real elections from 1996. Again brainlets never questioning anything.
Those sneaky fucking commie chinks want you worried about Taiwan. Meanwhile they annexed Mongolia and you faggots didn't even notice.
Cela fonctionne pour le Japon et la Corée. La Corée n'a commencé que dans les années 80.
Si la Chine avait commencé directement après la fin de la guerre comme le Japon, bien sûr, elle aurait été totalement à jour aujourd'hui.
Taiwan est une petite île pauvre sans rien. Imaginez ce qu'ils auraient pu faire s'ils avaient tout le territoire et le peuple chinois au lieu de rien.
>that pic
China with Mongolia looks awful lol
Fuck i’m tired I wrote it in French
It works for Japan and Korea. Korea only started in the 1980s.
If China had started directly after the war ended like Japan, of course, it would have been totally up to date today.
Taiwan is a poor tiny island with nothing. Imagine what they could have done if they had the whole China territory and the Chinese people instead of nothing.
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Nuff said.
>we didnt have the same thread for 5 seconds
>discuss MAGA faggots
Okay Pajeet
If they "normalize" images like this then when they invade you find it normal.
Are you sure?
Hell even the qing dynasty started developing the first railroad for taiwan.
There's a lot to crap on for china. But for some reason everyone's basis is on historical ignorance rather than actual flaws.
Just like how everyone assumes Mao hated the west when he actually wanted to ally with them but America backed the other horse instead to contain russia and communism.
I lived on a US base in Tsoying from 73-75. Southern Taiwan was beautiful. Fun fact: I got to view Chang Kai sheck’s (sic) body while lying in state!