Who else here is beyond the Blackpill and only grows more motivated by hate?
Who else here is beyond the Blackpill and only grows more motivated by hate?
Based and Same
yes but im 26 not 18
thats gay
Why does he have a Vz-58. Tasteful choice, but why?
I am not motivated by hatred for my enemies, but by love for my own people.
Same bros.
I used to be such a good guy.
Now I want to murder every decadent human I see in the street
Idk but if I can get one of those to be like in the pic, I'm in
I honestly don't expect to live more than 10 years so yes
same, the feeling rings true nonetheless. the hate can keep you warm at night
Same, I was super soft and introverted and now everyone knows I'm a raging fanatic
become him user
Based & Siegepilled
ready when you cunts are
Wow. This is beautiful user
Now it’s this
There is a reason we must fight
Beyond black pill? Is there a thing? Once you see the whole truth, how does hate motivate you? Its all meaningless anyway.
The world requires cleansing
Loli's are the only thing in this absurd world worth trying to get. I don't hate another because he has succeeded where I have failed.
I'm not motivated by anything I just lurch out of bed every morning and drag myself to work like a zombie.
All other hours I spend sleeping.
Your a fag for building up the resentment
men not placated by porn and video games and other dullers but not yet mature enough to master stoicism are full of rage and proper passion
That’s all there is.
It’s all lies
Pic related: where we take our wages
you won't do shit nigger
all of you boogfaggots will meekly and quietly shuffle into the camps right alongside the normies when the time comes
I know the way--follow me
god bless you
smoke weed, fap and play vidya until we gracelessly expire alone in our darkened cuckboxes
that's the BEST outcome for your average white male here on ZOGsteins wild ride
The west died 80 years ago. we're living in it's rotting corpse
Because only if you knew how different things could be
Effortposting best posting.
Hail St Tarant!
*could HAVE BEEN
It's not even hate at this point for me. It's just frustration. Progressives aren't as straight up malevolent as they are just so fucking gay and annoying. I'd prefer if they were sauron, so I could use hate, but they are too fucking gay to be like "ya that's right we own you guys, were gonna feed all your kids to moloch". BUT ALL THEY CAN DO IS BE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE AND USE WORDGAMES FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKKK.
>proper passion
Sure utilize whatever euphemism you'd like but it sounds quite pathetic. You are doing nothing with your potential and all you do is complain like a bunch of bitches
There's only one rational response to this
I'm very sorry to anyone who has had a tough life that they've become indignant and radicalised whether it be an incel loser or doomer neet. I hope things improve so you can let go of the hate.