Roosh V thread

Based or Cringe?

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Cringe. Absolute cringe.

Creepy sandnigger

Agree. But this is the kind of man women let inside their bodies without any sign of commitment.

Cringe grifter


Reading his post about his sister dying was sad.

It really changed him


The literal king of human basedness.
All you anti-roosh sodomites can have fun jerkin’ it to anime tonight, you filthy, repulsive, degenerates.

into the trash you go

Kinda cute, he got any nudes?

de meesteryoos Roosh Vanashkarian


He found god. Good for him.

Roosh's story is similar to Paul the Apostle's as far as his conversion.

Sandnigger... Deport!

That was very sad.

But since then the change has been weird.

It's like he's changing tact to make more money again and please the masses.

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God isn’t real

Weird faggot made himself the face of an autistic Internet forum. Turbo cringe

The roosh forums are based


He's a mentally ill Iranian that makes money by making a fool of himself online. Didn't he convert to Catholicism and marry a Serbian girl? Why is he still so miserable?

He’s on a personal journey. I suspect he’ll return to Iran and become a mulla before the odyssey ends.

male roastie ends up alone and begging for money on the internet. many such cases.

Because he converted to Catholicism and married a Serbian girl.

He is the male roastie.

Hes married?

You stupid fucking memeflag mutt!

He’ll hit the wall any day now!

Based. He's a brown that advocates for white nationalism which is respectable. Also old roosh forums destroyed my sides and had pretty great content well before the manosphere became a thing

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I know him, I used to send him my nudes when I was in high school. I still have his number. He was living in Poland as of 3 year ago, I haven't heard from him since.
>inb4 roastie whore

He looks incel
What happened to him

Biggest larp in history. But he is profoundly important as a cultural figure. We will be analyzing what he did in 20 years, unironically. Think of him what you will, people who matter always seem to know who Roosh V is.

He took the Orthodox pill

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He's self absorbed beyond belief; and as a result of that sort of childish worldview at his age - cringe.

Read his eulogy for his sister. It's literally woe is ME. How someone goes about missing the point that fucking bad in writing a eulogy leads me to believe he's bipolar with delusions of grandeur or the largest prick totally inflated by fucking 4s and too much MDMA.

What's your worldview? Your reddit-tier spacing is cringe.

Cringe doesn't cover it.

He's spent all his life trying to jew every girl he meets into spreading their legs for him. Now he LARPs as an Armenian Orthodox Christian.

Have you read his material? If you spent your formative years doing so you're probably a worse person as a result.

I get a good kick when I think of Yas Forumstard larpers showing up at orthodox churches, bewildered by the glorious diversity that surrounds them. Georgians, South Slavs, Abyssinians, Arabs, Greeks, Russians, and Armenians all worshiping together in harmony.

>but muh based tradchurch

*Yas Forumstard larpers like him

>One space
>le reddit spacing

KYS, newfag.