So what is being done in the USA to contain the virus? Obviously nothing, you're free to travel around the states...

So what is being done in the USA to contain the virus? Obviously nothing, you're free to travel around the states...pic related

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I live between two small town communities in different southern states. I got in my car the other day to see what was going on.
In one state they have some money and in the other it is one of the poorest counties in that state. When you go into the poor state all I saw were old white people, white trailer trash and niggers sitting down in restaurants and ordering food like nothing is happening. I bet if you talked to them they would tell you vaccines are fake.
When you go into the richer state with the richer county you immediately see a sign warning you to social distance, people are respecting eachother's space, cops are driving around enforcing the rule and I even saw a few masks.
I wouldn't be surprised if it isnt the same in other places. People with money and brains were prepared. People with neither will be the first to go.

So you're implying that the poor do not believe what is going on?

It's a guess. I'm sure there are dumb people in both countries. In fact I'm extremely certain of it in my personal experience. One side though actually pays their police force and their police actually do their job and try to protect the public health. In the poor county I never saw a single bit of evidence the cops were out doing anything. In fact all their vehicles were in their parking lot when I looked.

Dipshit. How full you think those planes are?

Based country people. I'm not going to be a part of Bill Gates' herd of nigger cattle.
>I bet if you talked to them they would tell you vaccines are fake.
Vaccines aren't fake, but they've become politicized and are being used as a tool for governments and even non-governmental supranational organizations to control our lives.

That's the idea. Freedom > human life. It's all about priorities.

Here in Alaska everyone who enters the state is required by law to self quarantine for 2 weeks or face a big huge fine. Lower 48 fags stay out.

How profitable is it to charter a plane that is half full, retard?

No one is going to waste a vaccine on your poor worthless ass don’t worry.

Wrong. There are stay in place orders all across the most affected cities

Do you think anyone is following it? Look at all those flights. It's incompetance.

fly around anywhere as much as you want

get arrested for playing catch with your child in an empty park

the flights are mostly empty
the government wants to keep essential air service going, but the aircraft are flying between 12 and 23% capacity.


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Yes and 100s of flight are still on going for "essential" flights for half dozen people... You really are retarded

unlike civilized countries, in the US they are "safer at home" rather than "Stay At Home" orders. Difference being the latter is enforced - the former is not.

Your assuming far too much based on air traffic. Look at ticket sales instead of air traffic.

I couldn't care less if the outcome is going to be the same

Tell me how many of those are military transport, civilian cargo, etc?

>you're free to travel around the states
Yes.... it's called freedom. Something you can only dream of.

Show me the source and I'll stfu. I've checked everyday, and these flights do not stop from state to state.

Imagine falling for this shit.

well, being as I pilot these aircraft, I do know something about what is going on

They are flying around with so few passengers that frequently fuel costs are not even covered.

My airline is hemorrhaging millions of dollars per day as is every airline right now.

I have had multiple flights in the past week with fewer than 10 passengers. With that said, flight schedules have been drastically reduced.

Oh look, so easy to travel...

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*I have had one flight with one passenger. It seems ludicrous to me and management has not given any sort of detailed explanation for this insanity.

Show license or it didn't happen

>being as I pilot these aircraft

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my friend flew on a 737 from NY to SFC and there were literally 4 people on the entire plane and 8 people staffing the plane

number of flights means nothing you fucking retards

He might have been a legit pilot