The only winner move is not to play

who else's /celibacy/ here?

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major cope

Do not make the mistake of denying Christ's humanity by being celibate in His name.

Well, it's better than nothing. Why would i even care about modern women?

Don't come here pretending to be a holy monk just because nobody want's to fuck you.

Not for religious reasons. Society has issues that I will not add to concerning the ruined family unit. I won't risk getting divorce raped. I would rather keep what I have worked for.

That is all.


Low quality bait

you're the one coping, faggot. While you're frying your wallet and brain by being a retarded, coomer shitsack everyone else is getting on with their lives.

> just because nobody want's to fuck you.
I'm fine with this.

volcel life, these whores can all suffer

> Low quality bait
Not all Brazilians are low iq monkeys, leaf.

literally nothing wrong with impregnating a white roastie

Christians only what Europeans to celibate, because Christianity is largely anti-European.

That's great and all but it doesn't make you special or a monk.

> Christianity is largely anti-European.
Let's return to the tree worship and buttfucking.

I agree with this, but if you can actually resist cooming to a pair of tits attached to a nice face for the rest of your life, you’re a better man than I.

My ex is begging me to give in and I haven't so far. Feels great. but on the other hand I really want to

Sex for reproduction is the only natural mode of life.

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> it doesn't make you special or a monk.
I don't care. The whole sexual thing is fucked anyway.

Fuckdammit, didn't check the flag first.

Are you having a laugh fellow jungle monkey?

No, i'm being serious.

You do realize there is a difference between incel and vocel right?

Literally had this discussion at work today. They ended up admitting that they wish they weren't addicted to sex.

> incel and vocel
Meaningless labels. People frightened about the idea of sex are already consumed by it.
The whole thing is about people who care about sexual matters and those who don't.

Is that guy thanking Jesus for the prime puss?, cause that is what I would be doing.

Anyone who shames others for being virgins probably has child support payments up to their ears. Sex is a drug. The dealer is women. The mafia is the state.

reminds me of the kid in animal house

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Clearly jesus the Jew was gay

No, you're wrong.
You aren't celibate, you're unfuckable and $3.50 say if any woman wanted to fuck you'd change your tune real quick.
Full of shit.

Actually, quite the opposite. Masculinity is about discipline, especially in sexual matters. Those who spending their times watching porn all the time are becoming faggots.

Committing adultery is not the same thing as not fucking.

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You seem to care about this Brazilian user being a incel.

You a vocel lol your just like him.

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Don't breed goy, go into a monastery and write some propaganda instead until your hands are twisted, gnarled, arthritic claws.

Or you'll go to hell and not to yahweh ;^)

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>4 posts
>All "have sex" tier
Found the projector
Huebros lack of sex life seems to have you very upset

>want is to fuck you
you dumb nigger

You're the kind of chump that just go along and doesn't call out bullshit when he see it.

Go fuck yourself sheep.

Looks like he's saying
>Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do to that ass

Thanks english teacher, I'm so glad you cleared that up because nobody would have know what I meant other wise.

That’s me. I can’t deal with the female mind.

There’s that nigger talk.

Let's stick with pacifism and worship a Jew who impregnated his own mother.

I felt so bad about being a virgin until I finally had sex. I was like wow this is what everyone brags about? And most guys are fucking sub par looking women. I havent fucked an actual hot girl yet but i have had my dick deep inside a few pussys and i have to say i was not impressed that much. Video games, weed and fapping is a better option.

And what bull shit are you calling out exactly?

Sex is gay.

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>4 posts
>have sex meme

You don't get to claim you're chaste when nobody wants to fuck you.


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good goy, don't reproduce

Me. Coomers are degenerates.

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So you define "winning" as failing to procreate?

Objectively this is the opposite of winning...

Not even one of my post did i ever tell the guy to have sex, not once.
I said stop lying about it and pretending to be something you're not.
You can't see it because all you see are memes.

Modern Sexuality isn't about "procreating". You're missing the point.