
A contemporary folk etymology that connects Saturn to the Hebrew word Satan, שָׂטָן, meaning adversary or accuser, seems worthy of consideration as no convincing etymologies for the word Satan appear.[1] Again, this assumes a late development of the Hebrew Bible, which this study does.

Etymologists believe Saturn originates from the Etruscan subterranean deity Satre whose name meaning is unknown. It certainly seems possible, if not likely, that they represent essentially the same chthonic deity particularly since the Etruscans appear to have had a crypto-Jewish or proto-Jewish element. Though this derivation is of course undisruptive to the idea that the word Satan is also related to Saturn. Rather its possible all words share a common root.

In the New Testament Satan appears in the Greek as Diabolos, διάβολος, and Satanas, Σατανᾶς. The names appear to describe a figure who is also the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Famously in John 8:44, Jesus accuses Jews who he is imploring to “accept his message” as being the children of diabolos. The interaction in John is worthy of close study but ostensibly this would give these Jews, at least in these passages, the same relationship to Satan that Tacitus’ Histories speculatively gives them to Saturn.

In Revelation 3:9 the Greek word Satanas is used in the famous passage: “Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead.” Here it is important to note a distinction is actually being made between Jews and liars who belong to the Synagogue of Satan, something Christian anti-Semites always overlook or fail to mention. But this passage makes sense as Christ himself was a Rabbi.

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Who cares

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>Tacitus’ Histories speculatively gives them to Saturn.
page number?

bumping for more /polX/

>meaning adversary or accuser

So youre saying that the jews didnt have a word for adversary or accuser and instead adopted the term satan from satre which has the same root as saturn?

Because they would have a word for that. Maybe the greek words were corrupted by the saturn link.

The new testament also condemns acusers saying not even the archangle brought a railing acuasation, but that is the compulsion of the devil.

Jews belong to the synagogue of Satan because the Church is the True Israel; the Church are the inheritors of the promise made to Abraham.

Christ is God.
When the Jews rejected Christ, they rejected God.

I was just reading about this today. Divine timing and whatnot.

Children being sacrificed to Satan, Saturn, Satres, Moloch, Baal, etc... (all the same inherited figure) has existed since the very beginning of the world, inspired by the belief that the more precious the sacrifice, the better the magical result.

Mainline Abrahamic religion tried to 'fix' this multiple times with various laws, prophetic injunctions, stories (Abraham and Issac), circumcision, infant baptism, and ultimately the idea of Jesus (as God's ONLY child) being sacrificed. It's all been attempts to quell the extreme lengths people will go to, to guarantee an outcome.

The short and narrow of it is that expectation and confidence is all that is needed to get a magical result, but tards will think 'can't get something for nothing' and sacrifice blood because they have no faith in the love and mercy of reality.

Jesus' whole message was that belief alone in the goodness of God and sincere prayer and earnest desire is all that is needed. People couldn't understand that level of subtlety and so eventually the Church fell back to the 'no pain no gain' shit (ascetic magic) of ritual mortification, suffering, etc to 'get stuff'.

But still the extreme end of this stuff (ritual sacrifice, pedophilia, etc) has persisted in secret cults throughout history and still exists today (obviously) and it's really the misguided thinking that comes from very materialistic oriented consciousness that requires extreme pain to fully dissociate and allow magic to happen.

Amos 5:26
>But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
>Remphan is a rendering of the Ancient Greek, ρεμφαν. Various manuscripts offer other transliterations, including Ancient Greek: Ῥομφά, Ῥεμφάν, Ῥεμφάμ, Ῥαιφάν, & Ῥεφάν. It is part of a reference to Amos 5:26, which reads in Hebrew as "Chiun", "Kewan", "Kaiwan", "Kiyuwn", or "Kijun". The Septuagint's reading of Amos is "raiphan" or "rephan". The Greek forms may be based on a transliteration of the Hebrew, k (qoppa) having replaced r (resh), ph having been substituted for y (yod), and u (vowel waw) having been replaced by a (alpha). "Kēwān" is the another pronunciation of the Old Persian word of Kayvân, meaning Saturn.
Yes there are connections to it, EVERYWHERE
Herodotus and other Greek historians have noted they took their gods from the Egyptians who may well have gotten theres from the Phoenicians, Mesopotamians, or elsewhere
The Greeks got their own alphabet from the Phoenicians.
pagans worshipped the same gods

> Jesus said hurrrrrr

Fuck outta here with that blasphemy.
The Orthodox Church, which was established by Christ, has never thought that bullshit. No part of what you said about the Lord or His sacrifice is even remotely accurate.

In the event that you're gonna gonna copypasta Scripture to try to substantiate your bogus claim, that's Protestant-level retard shit and isn't how Scripture works: personal interpretation is invalid.
The only interpretation with validity is the Church's, as the Scriptures were written for the Church and by the Church, she the Church herself is the context.

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>Hyksos, Set, Sinai
>Babylonian exile, Kabbala, Ishtar/Ereshkigal
>Old Hebrew/Canaan/Sea Peoples/Phonecians, Molech, Mot, Remphan
>Rome slave traders, Saturn, Satan, Josephus
The caste system within rabbinic orthodoxy favours the Mizrahi (Babylonian), though the Setians are more visible (Hollywood).

It is interesting that the greek myth of prometheus says that the sacrifice of the worthless parts of an animal occured because of Prometheus's guile.

The greeks primacy was craftiness and wit. It is the essence of their culture.

Whereas the mayans were a blood culture and their myths of blood sacrifice and flaying were founded in their conception of the afterlife. They only went to mayan heaven if they died a violent death.

Much like the myth of the viking Valhalla.

The warrior ethos bread similar mythology.

In the middle east and elsewhere child sacrifice was common because their deity was a God of magic. The myth was based on blood sacrifice of the first fruits and most precious thing. Blood magic.

Much like the mayans who also worshiped blood, the sacrifice turned to humans.

The ethos and myth of the culture create the relationship with god. Warrior cultures produce bushido and warrior codes.

Societies of intelligence produce trickster gods

And blood magic produces human sacrifice.

Actually it's how prayer works. Mark 11:24 and all that. That's the whole concept of faith miracles, faith healings. It's a bit surprising however that Jesus promised those that followed him would do greater miracles than himself and yet outside of the Mystics, the faithful seem rather lacking in supernatural gift. Maybe they don't know how?

In any event, we can't know the historicity of Jesus personally. But in practice we can put ideas to the test and see what works. My experience has been that sincere desire and expectation of the outcome wills it into being, whether in a Christian paradigm or not.

Possibility is not actuality. Only those with an agenda assert otherwise.

Where did you read that? I would imagine something like that would have been burned a long time ago.

When it comes to doing that which Jesus says believers can do I think a lot of times we're limited by other peoples disbelief. We may very well believe in faith healing and such but the disbelief of a single person nearby us messes that up. At least this is how it seems to me.

I can smell the Protestantism in you from here. Get thee behind me, Satan.


Read what specifically? The inheritance of Baal throughout the ages is all on Wikipedia, can be traced through those various relevant God and sacrifice pages. The child sacrifice page also details the 'corrections' by Abrahamic religion as a means of mythologizing the outlawing of child sacrifice. Interesting stuff!

It's your belief in their disbelief that messes you up actually. You have to believe in your own belief as canon.

catholics aren't christian
the vatican is the beast from revelation

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Why would you namefag with my last name. Why.

That's nice. I'm Catholic. Incidentally, Catholicism (and thus all inherited Christianity) is a syncretic blend of various Mediterranean religions and philosophies.

You worship Saturn
The halos on every orthodox or catholic icon represent the Saturns ring , Your reject scripture and worship the material world , not the Lord . You wear long dresses which are something which Christ preached against . You worship false images of the LORD (including Mary ) , You pray to death saints and you believe that works are needed in order to be saved . YOU ARE THE ANTICHRIST , abandon this heresy and repent while you are still alive

Pic. related . a false image of Christ with a halo on his head which symbolizes Saturn

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What about Eastern Orthodoxy?

1. I'm not Catholic.
2. Yes they are, they're just heretics.

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Thanks, Mexibro

Think about the Ego and how the media stimulates it and the defence mechanism. The Ego is the great deciever, it only ever lies to us.
Meditate. Can you stop the voices/ your mental voice? Where do they come from? Are they cast from Saturn? Does it play us like player one, in all our heads, playing us against eachother?

literally a Latin god whose name means The Sower (of seeds and shit)
These are the same people who burned Jerusalem to the fucking ground and crucified every Jew in the city and strung them up along the Roman highway for rebelling and they did not give a single fuck about what their god's names sounded like in Hebrew and neither should you

Youre full of shit. People always mistranslate the original greek to push their agenda. Basically go fuck yourself, beaner kike.

Watch the film Revolver to see it played out on screen. The two other inmates are Id and Super Ego.

We are fighting an invisible enemy/ powers.

1 post by this ID

I actually have quite a lot of respect for the Orthodox as the mystical side (theosis) of Christianity is missing in Scholastic Roman liturgy. But that experience of theosis is what actual Christianity, or actual religion, is really about. The Divine unity cannot being 'taught' (finger pointing at the moon), but at the same time it is not monopolized by any one system.

Hail Saturn

All denominations are specifically created for mind control. To lead people away from the truth of scripture. Catholicism in particular is absolute debaucherous, antichristian, pure evil, Jesuit ruled satanic doctrine.
Vatican City State (The Holy See) IS the beast from the book of Revelation. Mystery Babylon, the whore.

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OOF, take a seat, Eckhart.

Fuck Saturn. I shit on Saturn. Fuck moloch he can eat my short

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>christcucks raving

Imagine if your goal in life was to unironically love a jewish rabbi. Honestly, think about how pathetic and gay that is. You were dead for eons, and by an act of unbelievable chance, you’ve been given the gift of life. You can breathe, see, smell, listen, search and discover. You’ve basically been given all the wonders of the world, only to turn around, deny all your instincts, deny all your biological imperatives towards surviving and thriving, and instead give all of it up, to worship a jew. Sacrifice not just yourself, but everyone and everything, all because you were conditioned to love a jew. Even believing the vile delusional fantasy that if you don’t love this jew, he will torture you forever, for the simple act of not loving him enough. And that your reward for loving a jew, and sacrificing all you have for jew loving, is that you get to go to a place where you’ll be able to love this jew forever. Your reward is literally doing the same thing you did on earth, except forever. Now that’s some next level cuckolding.

Yes it is.
...but you'd probably expect me to say that by now.

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Nah God knows all, he has elected us, we did not choose him.

I will rebuild the fraternitas saturni on tibet after the west collapses under their awful healtcare system, thus says the plaguelord.

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Cool deal, I'm just loving life and getting blessed everyday by Reality Itself.

Internet says his name comes from the Latin word meaning "to sow," since he was the god of agriculture.

So in other words, your life was pointless to begin with. That’s even more pathetic and depressing

Who is Eckhart?

You can call local help line to report spiritual abuse.

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Read the tolle, have no soul.

And what's the point of ur existence huh

The Ego says you should do this, you need to do that. Sound familiar? Thou shalt. Perhaps it's devilish to deny the Ego but following leads us to pain and suffering, war, murder inter alia.

So how do we do what we truly want to do and not what the Ego wants us to do? Can we truly be free?
I believe so. I was taken on a journey/ritual of sorts September 2017 and maybe all of us can be free the same way.

Eckhart Tolle, thanks for the warning. If I can btfo he can't be pushing the truth.