I can't find it anywhere.
What was it called?
Where can I watch the MTV documentary on Nick Fuentes?
"Man ends his career by picking a fight with absolutely everyone at the same time except a gay guy who dresses up as a cat"
What are you saying?
>MTV documentary
Is that a thing?
Extremists Next Door
This is spot on. I tried watching him and all he does is regurgitate the daily news and does it in the most monotone, uninteresting way. He insults everybody and every generation, not exactly what you want to do if your income is based on donations. Then he goes and fucks a catboi. He's over.
>Duhhh my name is OP and i can’t figure out how a search engine works: the thread
i feel like he decides what is or isn't cringe based off a coin flip half the time. He's always so acidic and it seems so arbitrary to him as to what constitutes something effective and something damning
This. I started following Fuentes because he was redpilled on the JQ and Holocaust. I still respect him for bringing awareness of those issues to a wider audience, but I eventually stopped watching his show because it got boring and his economic views are inconsistent.
It’s probably called the Rising Tide of Hate, The Hate Tide Rises, Hate in America, or The Tides of American Hate Rising
That's not it.
It was produced by mtv and featured fuentes
How can a spic mutt be a white nationalist?
The reason it seems arbitrary to you is because you are a shallow brainlet with no real opinion or morality of your own.
the groyper war was hilarious and very fruitful but it's just hard to keep up with whatever the fuck he's on about half the time. he had a pretty sizable audience when he was on youtube and I think he could have used it have used it better in a rhetorical sense. Like actual rhetoric instead of gloating and shitposting all the time. I know he does a high volume of content but so do the spergs on tds and at least I can glean good talking points from them twice a week. with nick its just fucking shrill confused bullshit 90% of the time
Tide Pod Hate Train Rapes Trans American Grapes
cos you're not on the zoomer wave length, cringe retard, just sit the fuck down and let the zoomers handle the mess
That still around? Still playing reruns of Singled Out and Next?
It's actually because Nick has a claimed view of the world and a real one, most of what he says is an act to get attention and build a reputation and his real views are just your basic bitch college liberal who thinks they are pushing against the system
haha shut up foreigner
America First, Austro fags BTFO
I don't remember the name but it wasn't about him specifically, there just a scene where a former neo-Nazi says "ur raycist bro" and he basically just say "nah, i'm not" it's a circular and uneventful conversation between the two and the rest is the same pandering you here every day.
1/10 do not recommend.
No, it's because you pol tards don't know how to navigate the political climate let alone even know where to start
laughs in 80% white
I heard he's a fairy.
That's true
based and ironpilled
You forgot American Tides of Rising Hate.
Hatepocalypse Now I think it was.. Or was it Hatenado?
How is anal sex going to get us anything that we want? Nick doesn't even want anything controversial, he just wants the same things as the establishment but with him and his friends getting a little richer. Nick wants to assimilate into a controlled system and keep things as degenerate as they are but no more or less.
Nick Fuentes suffers from cognitive dissonance constantly? No... Almost as if he's nothing but a dirty clout chaser
>How is anal sex going to get us anything that we want?
You literally just used a groyper line though?... so you want another failed Rockwell or Spencer? Do you even listen to him? so because doesn't reveal his power level 100% of the time you think he's "cucking" you're obviously some low IQ retard with no PR knowledge
Jack Links is poor quality beef jerky.
MTV Presents: White Supremacy Destroyed My Life