If there was an IQ threshold to vote

Who would unironicly be the next President?

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There wouldn't be a next president

Chris Langan


>If there was an IQ threshold
to be president...

depends on the threshold. midwhits would probably vote for someone like trump but if you go higher they tend to conform pretty well to the neoliberal world order and they would vote for someone like biden or bloomberg

Nobody would vote because they would know the irrelevant figureheads are not chosen by them

This isn't true in the slightest

>There won’t be a next president.
FTFY - we are entering the NWO. Drumpf either held us off as long as possible or was just a false hope op for us. I’m not gonna take the Mark, Anons. Hopefully I see you on the flip side.

If we set the floor at...
70+ IQ: Trump - 60% of vote
85+ IQ: Trump - 51% of vote
100+ IQ: Biden - 52% of vote
115+ IQ: Lincoln Chafee - 55% of vote
130+ IQ: Peter Thiel - 60% of vote

Unfortunately Mid-wits vote Blue, whereas your extreme ends of the bell curve lean Republican.

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It would be someone you have never heard of. Both the democrat and republican parties would be over.

High-IQ Trump

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As someone in MENSA I can say

1) IQ doesn't mean shit high level people are spergs [myself included]

2) it's still a coinflip

Jared Taylor

This is what Artificial Intelligence / Machine learning students look like at Carnegie Mellon, one of the nation's best tech universities. They probably average over 130 IQ, yet I bet money they would vote for some SO1 candidate like Bernie.


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Whites vote right
Browns bring us down

Trump. Because people who vote Biden are actually low IQers who took a shitty test or think they have high IQ because they performed like a monkey in liberal universitypedia. High IQ people are typically engineers which earn a lot and hate getting taxed to fund dumb people

Never seen so much onions in one pic

Mandatory lifethreatening civil/ military service should be the threshold to get to vote.

Unironically it would have been Tom Steyer. He’s boring as fuck but he’s balanced and thoughtful. His policies are even more boring but they are stable and plausible. He is also on paper the safest candidate that also comes high track record of success

Patrick little


voter apathy is high iq

howd trump win then retard

IQ test is to determin if a kid can go up a grade in grade school. If you try and use it to show your better than others you have low iq.

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This and /thread

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iq of 147 here, can confirm that most people i meet with 120 iqs are way smarter than me

IQ does not equal intelligence, never has never will, arbitrary measure of nonpractical skill. Most 120s I meet are stable, well adapted and cope with basic responsibility better than most 140+s I know.

Lol Chris Langan is a fraud and a massive faggot

Probably the huwhite man himself, Jared Taylor


So they aren't more intelligent than you they are just more useful than you. Cool, faggot

>but there is an IQ thereshold to vote.....

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