Well whats it gonna be? Tired of republishit doublespeak. I have a baby on the way and didn't get an extra 500.
Well whats it gonna be? Tired of republishit doublespeak. I have a baby on the way and didn't get an extra 500
I'd be fine with that personally but I'm not a lawmaker.
the only difference between democrats and republicans are their stance on whether or not fetuses are human beings. there is no other significant difference in policy between the two parties. democracy has completely and utterly failed the west as a whole and you've got your nose pressed right down on that red herring trail
Get an abortion faggot.
Curious what added cost are incurred while prego?
And don't say eating for two you fat bitch.
Really. You are under stay at home order. You going to the doc for check ups? Prolly got rescheduled didn't it?
So again. While at home sitting on your fat ass. What extra money are you dishing out in order to have the honor of being pregnant?
You just want money don't you skank?
Gonna get your nails done?
Your hair did?
Would you spend the money on your unborn baby? Or blow it?
Sit the fuck down
The $500 is for managing to deliver.
Miscarriers and stillbirthers BTFO.
$500 to each expecting mother and every person who provides or procures an abortion gets life in prison? Deal.
The money isn’t issued to humans, it’s issued to citizens, which your child is not until it is born. Bam.
>And don't say eating for two you fat bitch.
She literally is though.
If you file for the extra 500 dollars you are admitting that fetus is a child
This based Leaf
I don't know, are pregnant women asking for an extra $500? Because if they are, they're admitting abortion is murder.
fetuses don't require excess healthcare, food, and clothing
gotta stop killing babies first, then they'll give you other peoples money
Its only for kids who have been claimed on taxes. Not ALL KIDS. We didn't get shit for our newborn because we haven't claimed him yet. Pretty gay argument because it would be worth it to outlaw abortions and make them raise it. Here's your $500 roastie. Good luck!
don't you need a tax return?
complain to your congressmen
How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!
No social yet dip shit. I’m not paying people to abort babies
you can then make the argument that they aren't claimed as tax deductibles because GOP doesn't consider them humans
a fetus does not consume 2000 calories per day retard
Fuck pregnant women we should gas them before they can have kids
top kek, roasties BTFO
So you're saying a fetus is a child?
this, besides OP is a faggot trying to muddy the waters.
the stimulus goes based off of 2018 tex returns, and so for those purposes a "child" is a legal dependent as identified on taxes
Skank weighs 150lbs
Beautiful unborn baby weighs anywhere from .1 to 8 lbs
"Eating for two" is a lie propagated by selfish bitchs who realize they don't have to "watch their weight" for 8 months
wrong. women get constipated while pregnant because the baby pulls more nutrients out of the food they eat than they normally would.
eating for 2 is an excuse for fatass women of which there are many.
It’s even worse than that. policy makers don’t give a fuck about issues like abortion, it’s just a convenient binary issue to split voters.
Back in the day republicans were pro-choice in eugenics grounds but they flipped to gain religious votes. Democrats then flipped to pro-choice and branded it as a women’s issue. Regardless of which side of the issue you’re on, if abortion motivates you to vote then it’s doing exactly what it’s meant to do. Sheep.
Jesus Christ you are all children and/ or tax evaders. Even if you have a child You would have to claim it as a dependent on your taxes to get your 500 coronabux. If you’re pregnant now even if you give birth tomorrow you wouldn’t be able to claim your extra chromosomed wonder until 2021.
a pregnant woman needs about 200 extra calories a day compared to the same individual at the same weight but not pregnant
I would be for this but it's virtually impossible to verify without destroying HIPPA so...
2 apples
Women will pretend to be pregnant.
Does your baby have a SSN? Should it have to? If you're fine paying out $500 for every babby someone says is on the way, the I have over 9000 babbys on the way.
dependent status is not about whether it's a person or not.
a fetus not need to be clothed and put through school yet, so there are no additional costs which justify a tax deduction.
your argument is retarded.
furthermore, what makes you think republicans make all tax laws?
y'know, you people are far better at bitching about people in leadership than actually leading.
when democrats ruled this country for 8 straight years you accomplished fuck all besides bitching.
o'nigger passed the most retarded healthcare bill in history but you dipshits pretended it was great up until trump gets elected and now you are bitching about healthcare again.
like fucking why? we both know that even if you win again you won't do anything.
democrats just like to have titles but don't actually know how to run the country
Some sheep need to be led, brother.
7D chess trust the plan
You didnt claim the fetus on your taxes then your not getting stimulus. Since it's the IRS doing the stimulus money, you can blame A) yourself for not telling the irs your pregnant, and B) the IRS because even if they knew, they are probably too retarded to get you the proper amount anyway.
unlike the democrats, the republican party is not a cult.
there are plenty pro abortion republicans, and there is a healthy internal debate on the subject.
just because we acknowledge science to recognize it as a baby, doesn't mean we have also concluded that it shouldn't be killed in some cases, for example, if it's a nigger baby.
You're welcome to abort yours.
Based vitamin C poster.