Has anyone ever had a better solution to the homeless problem than Murray Rothbard?

Has anyone ever had a better solution to the homeless problem than Murray Rothbard?

He recommended police: "clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares? Hopefully, they will disappear, that is, move from the ranks of the petted and cosseted bum class to the ranks of the productive members of society."

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why not just press gang all the homeless wineos. Put them im the Navy

Murray Rothbard? You mean the Kike, Murray Rothbard. How about we stop letting Jews have opinions and keep them in their fucking ghettos like it used to be.

What a retarded ass opinion

I agree we need to get rid of bums. I hate seeing them on the streets because they are ugly as fuck. However I don't agree with his solution. My family are huge stockholders in geogroup, a literal prison.inc company. They get given contracts to hold prisoners and my family get paid massive dividends because of this. I say lock the bums up in prison and help me and my family profit.

you must be 13 years old or a woman.

yea those two groups of poeple are the first thing I think of when someone suggests press ganging homeless into the navy.

now if you said I sounded like a 130 year old, that would make more sense

He was extremely red pilled.

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you're a women

>Dude just disappear them and pray they don't appear anymore lmao
I bet you think Malthus was right.

How about giving them homes to live in? raid billionaires bank accounts to pay for it.

Well, that is how much of the US does handle homeless people. They get kicked out of public areas unless it's California and then there's so many of them that they just gave up on enforcing.

>some hideous Jew hates goyim regardless of class

state run rehabilitation centers
it's not hard to grasp

>overly defensive about jews.

Homeless are drug addicts and alcoholics. They are the refuse of an uncaring society. I've lived and worked with them. They are so far gone that there is no hope for most of them. All we can give them is a good death.

if it was so easy everyone would have been doing that already

Former homeless rough sleeper here.
Bullets are the solution.

poor bums... jews wanna kill ya 8(

No, we should have private prisons.

Murray Rothbard is probably the least Jewish Jew ever.

>Palled around with Harry Elmer Barnes
>Denied the Holocaust
>Blamed Jewesses and Jewish financiers for the rise of the welfare state
>Supported David Duke
>Hated Martin Luther King

this man knows, irrespective of what drove them to it (its almost never finances like most assume, many come from rich families), the moment they get into the cycle of parasiticaly feeding from the goodwill of those around them they instantly become irredeemable.

The solution to homelessness is simple, create a homeless utopia free of all currency! In the middle of the Mojave desert, so they couldnt escape, in minecraft

also worth noting that for the uk at least, we have a pretty generous welfare system, I know because I used it to get back on my feet. free house, money in the bank etc
it wasnt hard, it didnt come with expectations beyond no crime and if theres an addiction, you have to take their help.

thats it, anyone choosing the drugs cannot be saved, nor should they.

Why not just have more private prisons?

if they can sustain themselves without public funds sure, otherwise bullets.

Keep in mind my family owns shares in private prisons. We want more prisoners not dead people.

how much of their income is from the state?

Abolish all prisons.

>take money and labor from productive society to reward people for being homeless
oh gosh why are there so many homeless everywhere?
>we need mo money fur dem programs

>anyone choosing the drugs cannot be saved
drug prohibition pushes possibly productive people out of society, sends the drug market underground, reducing the safety and quality of the drugs, and the organizations that distribute them

drug problems are government problems

That’s what gulags are for, amiright?

Thats what they used to do. That’s where the term shanghai’d comes from.

All of it.

Imprisoning people merely for being homeless is a monstrosity and a violation of their civil rights. Paying the prison industry tens of thousands of dollars a year per prisoner is an abominable use of taxpayer money.

>(((Murray Rothbard)))
His recommendation scares me. Is he suggesting the police murder them?

Fuck this disgusting kike



>Murray Rothbard is probably the least Jewish Jew ever.

How based to have someone like him fight the jews who do all those troubling things.
Thankfully we have all those jews doing those troubling things so we can be thankful to have the jew Murray Rothbart to help us.

The world needs not even a single jew.
Any jew you might deem positive wouldn't be needed if we didn't have jews to begin with.

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The only method that has ever had any success was simply to keep them moving, and bust them when they commit crime.

Nah, penal legions.

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