Are you telling me we can't just fire a missile at this thing?
Are you telling me we can't just fire a missile at this thing?
Are you telling me we can't just nuke this thing?
It would just throw the missile back at you
Wouldn’t want it to go full Apollo 13 and come back to hit your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don’t reply to this post.
how about we get everyones vacuums and just point them at it and capture it?
>Shot Radaition up into the sky
>Have literal nuclear clouds raining raindioavtive water all over the world
I mean we probably should at least try once.
Even if you disrupted that particular vortex, the atmospheric conditions which gave rise to it would likely quickly lead to the formation of another. Imagine the vortex that forms when water is draining from the tub; even if you slosh the water around and break it up, another one forms as soon as the water settles again
We don't need a missile-lit sharknado.
Has anyone tried? I think a big enough explosion would cause enough disturbance to dissipate it, especially a weaker f1/f2.
>even if you slosh the water around and break it up, another one forms as soon as the water settles again
Not when you fire a fucking missile at it
Because Americans use our vacuums instead of our mouths to suck dog hair
Nah, let nature take its course.
I can't imagine what would happen if we didnt have our windy bois.
I think we should try.
the tornado isnt the problem its the multi state wide airmass creating it that is
You could maybe disrupt its path a bit
worth trying at least but fireing a missile at every tornado that pops up would break the bank real quick
Your geniuos is showing
be carefull
Are you forgetting we fired a missile at every sand nigger walking around the mountains of Afghanistan for 20 years? I think we can afford it
Just out of curiosity, has anybody ever tested a nuke on a tornado or waterspout?
just get a big vacuum and suck it up
>nuclear hurricanes
>My brigade fired a million dollar ATACMS into a fucking garbage pit.
Some leaf already made this joke.
Of course you can.
Theoretically you could cause a force large enough in the center it could temporarily stop it. But its wind currents spanning thousands of miles compiling into a center point.
That was a quick kek
>But its wind currents spanning thousands of miles compiling into a center point.
How long does a Tornado last. A couple minutes? A couple missiles only if its going towards a community.
You can't stop mother nature
it's so big and black
We built dams, we can build a missile that blows airs away
Try stopping two sisters
The missile would cost more than the shitty American town the tornado destroys.
Ayyyyy, my favorite /AHSG/ poster.
I would bet a large mid-air explosion would indeed disrupt a smaller tornado. Likely not the mile-wide monsters, though.
liquid nitrogen... just spray a shitton of that crap into it and it will just lock up and fall apart.. ask Wanye Lambright