Hear me out Yas Forums. Im going to make some basic connections. >elite group that controls world is often believed to be mix satanists and jews >jews follow judaism, JUDAism, Juda betrayed Jesus for shekels
>in revelations, Jesus refers to the Synagoge as the synagoge of Satan
>Jewish rituals involve circumcising with mouth, satanist rituals involve sacrifice of equally defenseless animals (lamb)
Further speculation Jews are one of the oldest religions. is it possible they are compromised by Satan? Resemblance between star of david/ pentagram?
Yes they are santanists. That is why god took his commandments back, destroyed the Ark and their Temple (via the Babylonians). They tried to larp still but he sent the Romans to knock down the new temple.
Kayden Fisher
Some of them are. They are not real jews but they use the designed and manipulated "oppression" of jews as cover for fuckery. They worship this world and worldly power at the expense of everyone else.
Judaism has always had some sects that have practiced Satanism. Modern Judaism is almost entirely Satanic. It is a religion which concerns itself with dominating and ruling over the whole earth. Satan is the Prince of this World and can offer people that seek to gain power all kinds of ways to rule and dominate it. Clearly, they are linked.
Justin Roberts
To a certain degree the star of david is supposed to be the power of the jews to question God, or have the ability to defy God. It's why they believe themselves to be the "chosen".
Julian Perez
Wait. What?! Is that supposed to be Obama? Because it sure as hell looks like it. And that guy next to him is an Alabama state senator. I know cuz I'm in Alabama. What in the fuck
Isaac Lopez
Yeah that is 100% Obama.
Colton Moore
Well damn! Anyone translate? I mean the rams head seems like a give away