African Americans (niggers)

In which states of the United States are there fewer or no African Americans (niggers) ?
Tell me

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Montana, Vermont, Idaho, Maine, and North Dakota

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Most states besides the southern ones and urban areas. America is like 80 percent white beyond that.

Formerly white places which got beaned tend to not have nigs if they weren't there already - namely, the Southwest


Montana is 0.6% black. I think that's the lowest of all 50 states.

Of you stay out of the south and out of the cities you’ll probably never see a nigger.


Maine. Only white niggers

Thank you all for responding.

On my way to Montana right now after reading this bringing corona with me

Nice try, Jew. I'm not telling you a new dumping ground.

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Thank you very much for sharing, have an excellent day

Go to the south side of Chicago, spico. I'm sure you'll love it

You'll be wanting the states with "no sufficient sample"

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Most blacks are in cities. The further you go rural, the less you will see.

no. this information is readily available on the internet. i'm not spoonfeeding your lazy ass.

quit shitting up the board

New Mexico is like 2%. We make up for it with lots of spics, tho. So there's that.

Thanks for that information, I think it is like this in all the countries of the World (except those in Africa) where there are Africans.

Sorry. Can you ask questions of this nature (ethnicity, races) in that category?

The reason for this is pure sociology. The dependence on welfare and city jobs brought a lot of blacks toward the city. A lot of them do not have independent wealth, which is why you see less of them with their own land or living away from the city itself. All the NFL and NBA and boxing black athletes you see are considered modern slaves. They are being paid to run and beat up other black men, and given a lavish lifestyle to keep them happy and docile. It's no different from giving the best rewards to your prize horse.

What a good reflection user. Thanks for sharing

>A lot of them do not have independent wealth
I've noticed Asians that own farms and have independent wealth. Its so strange that I've seen maybe one black family talk about legit inheritance. They happen to both be college grads.

Blame the government for siphoning the black community. They succeeded with flying colors.

How many acres can i buy with 300k cash?

>Blame the government for siphoning the black community. They succeeded with flying colors.
I'd go the other way with that statement. I won't say that they haven't been given hope, but I think that was by design. They're malleable, useful pawns in the game and blissfully only half aware.

I will admit that certain equally poor races ended up growing their wealth and got houses and good jobs like italians and asians who come over. Hell, I see more arabs with stores in black communities than blacks themselves.

Oregon has almost no nigs, and the few ones who do live here mostly live in Portland. Lots of hispanics and Californians, who are worse than hispanics. I'll take 10 beaners over 1 Californian yuppie faggot.

>Hell, I see more arabs with stores in black communities than blacks themselves.
Same with Asians stores. We even have Asian stores in places like Dayton in the ghetto. In part it's monkey see , monkey do. And I'm explaining a thing that's real and not being racist.

>caring about racism on Yas Forums

Nigger I know, I just thought that it was strange I used it in a non-racist manner.

>35+ black
Blacks are less than 3% of the population. The fuck is this data?

Obesity by race. >35% of blacks in Oregon are obese.