Is Switzerland the closest thing to paradise on Earth?

Is Switzerland the closest thing to paradise on Earth?

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Probably. I've heard it's a lot like Kentucky, which is nice.

Pretty good. Stay out of Geneva's south eastern edge. Lots of shitskins.

Only if you are rich.

What do they eat that's not imported?

What kind of paradise has poor people?


Isn't Austria better ?

I heard Nepal was. At least that’s what some anons here keep saying.

> Living with Indians
> "paradise"

Yeah, that’s what I thought. I still keep seeing it mentioned and people saying their dream is to run away from here and go to Nepal. wut.

I am just in awe, from the outside Switzerland looks like this beautiful land where basically everything is wonderful, harmonious and livable.

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Kentucky is a shithole full of white trash methheads

mountain jews

Yo guys, just free-ballin here, but what do you say we fill this place up with third-world migrants?

What place in America isn't filled with methheads and opiod addicts?

Where I live we have this
>I actually took pic

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They also seem to have the best setup for a democratic system where it's far more direct than what most countries have, but they also have a very peaceful population so it's like this safe, beautiful paradise. Looking at it is very humbling

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no it's full of niggers don't come here

When I was there there were lots of sand niggers and brothels, just a lay over tho stop in town. Was alarmed.


>t. lived in kentucky for 30 years

It's a country that never mattered and will never matter. Its only purpose is to facilitate the hoarding of money. So if you consider that paradise, yes.

in the mirror

There is no shortage of natural beauty in America. The problem lies elsewhere..

Then you crawl inside and you hear what sounds like voices

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So I shot it just to be safe.

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i've been to switzerland, it's just expensive, land-locked NZ. i still find NZ to be prettier, pic is 10min from my old house

if you want swiss-tier views but don't want to take out a mortgage for your trip, just come here

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Are you jealous outsiders like Switzerland so much more than Germany?

imagine a place without americans and then explain to me how that is paradise? america built the modern world. maybe say thank you next time you meet a american.

I shot this one a few times cause I brought a bunch of ammo

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switzerland is just known for chocolate, watches, and money laundering. Germany has had much more influence historically.

Not really. I'm glad I don't live in a touristy place.

This one I shot with 4 shot .410 (it's a governor) . It didn't do much.

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that's not very nice pierre

i live very close to heaps of glaciers, except they sit on top of one of the most active fault lines in the southern hemisphere, so i would never do what you did. fuck that for a joke

Their speeding laws make Virginia look like the autobahn

so no

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Australia and NZ are paradise on Earth...but only if populated with Europeans.

Heaven is that times infinity no comparison

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the region where that pic was taken is 97.5% european with a population of 32k, it's the second-biggest region in NZ, over 700km long. basically just mountains, glaciers, lakes and bush

It's also in the middle of Europe and not on the edge of the map

Jewish Banker's Paradise

>except they sit on top of one of the most active fault lines in the southern hemisphere,
This is today in Alaska.

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NZ and Aus are paradise, just need higher white birth rates to maintain the status quo of a success, sufficiency based christian culture and it will stay that way.

All they had to do was terraform Australia so all the "racists" of Europe could move here and turn it into a fortress. There's no better place on Earth to rule the world from.

ironically millions of euros still visit here every year. 25,000 german tourists just had to be repatriated

I would like to visit it but I can't remember if NZ is very cucked or not. I remember the housing is absurd and I think the chinks are all over. Are the maori nice?

This, but fuck off we're full

jesus, ring of fire bro. our earthquake detectors don't pick up anything under 2, so our maps are far less saturated.

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new zealand up until about 2014 had one of the highest birthrates in the west, since then it's dropped under 2.1

Oh shit nigga is this the cog train to Jungfraujoch?

they serve up lush grape tart in their CERN canteen


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maori in the cities can be shite, maori everywhere else are some of the most hospitable people you'll meet. the govt is cucked but the country in general isn't