It's pretty funny how American Christianity is so soulless.
It's pretty funny how American Christianity is so soulless
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They both have their unique aesthetic my guy, these churches are older than their nation, can’t help it.
Environment changes circumstances. You’re mad over one side of the chart not using stone to build a church.
Bonga have the back history for sure.
>Basing your spiritual beliefs on a syphilitic wife-murderer.
I shiggy diggity.
And yes, Episcopalians are doubly retarded that way.
the king's religion.... no not that King, you DUMB FUCK BRIT SHIT
churches or castles, you decide
>slavetard and faery
Dude. Do you not know?
ignorant moron
A lot of churches simply rent space too. Every method is valid
Step aside bong I thing the Italians have this
They don't look soulless. Americans simply aren't a gothic people. They are more classicist because of climate. The only gothic peoples are those of european north.
>Cherry picked photos without breath or depth
The bong is utterly irreligious and utterly un-Christlike.
The U.K. is not a Christian nation while America IS.
>American Christianity is so soulless
If you only value the building, you have no idea what Christianity is about.
if you want to understand Christianity try coming to an American tent meeting.
both are made for jew worshipping, nothing to be proud of
There's no soul in those castles. They look old and unused. Like they are just tourist attractions.
more than that, an example of the earliest examples of Christianity hundreds of years old vs 244 year old country that started from scratch
most churches were built as americans were settling the frontier. its not like they would be elaborate constructions, they were just pretty quick builds as the community was building up. its pretty comfy imo
Protestants believe that any unnecessary adornments in the church distract from the glory of god. Protestants build humble churches, with the possible exception of stained-glass windows
Wtf would we build castles out of stone and not southern or colonial style houses of worship? It's not like we need them to last through a siege. It's not like lumber isn't plentiful. It's not rainy and twelve degrees. You're a retard.
My church isnt pretty but it was entirely built by volunteers. We're not a big congregation and we do not have debt.
Judge a church based on how it shares the gospel first
Imagine killing your pure blood Nordic pagan brothers in their ancestral homelands because they wouldn't worship a Jew hanging from a cross killed by other Jews in their Jew Homeland.
Christcucks are truly pathetic.
Protestants to busy buying bacon and beer with credit cards. To fat to make great structures.
There's nearly no way to get the permits and money to build something like that.
Even Mormons are more Christian than Protestants
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Definitely love the history of Europe. We have some great buildings here but it'll be centuries before they have that mystique. Tip of the...hat to ya.
>looking at the early medieval period with a modern nationalist lens
fuckwit, stop posting
Catholics are more concerned with appearance than having a relationship with God. When's the last time you cried in a church service?
Poland has more churches per square foot than the UK has pubs.
>dick measuring contest over who has the better jew shrine
>being this kiked
>pagan larpers living in the future built by christians with culture beyond gibsmedat thugs
Our churches are comfy
Good education system we have here/
Not a Christian, but if I were I would be a Mormon. It literally talks about niggers being scorned by God and whites being the chosen people. About the closest thing we will get for a Christian NatSoc.
KYS Chink shill
Those churches are nice and all but brits simply don't go to them, I'd rather stick with the McChurch with faithfull(ish) people then with people completely devoided of Christianity.
I love the American tall white church buildings. They are really pretty in small towns.
It's literally only prot heretics
That main Morman church in Salt Lake City was one of the most beautiful things I saw when I visited the USA
A. Massachusetts Puritanism is not American Christianity. Not anymore anyway.
B. Your churches are far more beautiful. And I applaud you for that. But we don't have an established church and tax dollars don't build churches here.
C. Show pics of non-conforming chapels