With the second wave of infections happening in China, I think it is pretty clear that we are headed for some kind of economic collapse. How severe do ya'll think it will be? Will people be talking about it in 100 years?
Incoming economic depression / recession
It will be 10 of 10 bad. Preppers were right.
Just take the loss, sell your puts and go back to wsb.
This will spark regional conflicts easily.
We’re entering a grand solar minimum and our society is eating away at what little remains of our EROI to the point where we’ll be forced back to Iron Age technology.
Shut the fuck up. Trump has everything under control.
Literal nothing burger dude if you even had a IQ above 70 you would have known this was the year where the market makers/whales cash out bigly. Learn astronomy ffs
This coming economic collapse is going to make the Great Depression look like a picnic. You'd best prepare by buying a gun, and thinking of a cool name for your gang of roving rapist bandits
It's easy really. Don't quarantine
It's not needed
I'm trying my best to hedge my bets in both directions. Probably terribly but I'm trying. I am saving up food and medical supplies, ammo and survival gear, while also taking advantage of the drops in some of the more pricier ETF stocks while it's low. No matter what, nothing is fool proof nor permanent. It's going to get bad. Real bad. Money will be all but worthless and people will be bundled for warmth because they'll have to choose between eating and bills. Then it will recover slowly. If we do it right, we'll recover as a collective whole with new found empathy for our fellow man, better understanding of sacrifice, and maybe some new skills picked up along the way.
>or we starve ourselves into civil war and leave the survivors to pick the bones of the dead.
A recession is qualified as 2 quarters of negative returns. Half a year, people.
It'll bounce back
This house of cards has fallen and the cards are on their way down.
>It'll bounce back
With the massive debt load the United States has at all levels? It's regressing GDP? The tens of millions of Americans who are out of work? The inevitable closure of massive amounts of small businesses? The FED flooding the market with USD? The collapse of global supply chains? Landlords being completely fucked? America is done, and so is the rest of the world for a long time.
I think it will be hell on Earth, and so I hope a fucking meteor or something else wipes us out. We have so many people, so much urban sprawl that our food is grown far away. So many sedentary, unhealthy people. We have so many people that will be unemployed, so many people close to us will be dying. I imagine civil unrest will occur, and then a revolution like the commies and dems are promising because we'll honestly need a new financial system. All the gun owners with nothing to lose will blow everyone around them away at a rate far surpassing what we have now. The violence and crime will disrupt supply chains, the just-in-time deliveries of food and goods to the cities, making the situation even more dire in the cities which will spiral downward.
I think this problem will be ten-fold in third world shitholes where they're already teetering on the edge of a collapse. Imagine the crushing poverty they already experience but magnified.
>disrupt supply chains, the just-in-time deliveries of food and goods to the cities
Looks like cannibalism is back on the menu, boys!
Kek /thread.
These flags wanna fight the fed and billionaires.
They’re going to be holed up in their ivory towers watching us plebs eat one another.
>tfw you didn't buy the dip
What a lively imagination anons have in this thread
Good goy
to see what is in store for society, download the app “MeetMe”, it’s a gateway into the lives of the average worthless American pleb. Right now it’s still roasties, nogs, juggalos, pot smokers and meth heads wrapped up in their own little fantasy world not paying much attention to everything going on, but I’m slowly starting to see the discontent building over the quarantine, mostly because they are passed they can’t go out and breed, get into trouble or do drugs publicly. What happens next month though when they miss their second rent check or car payment and are being threatened with eviction or car repos and their bastard children are crying that they’re hungry. My friend we are going to see a MAJOR crime wave.
History is cyclical.
The information is all out there. Best of luck in these coming dark days user.
Exactly. But the stock prices arent coupled to the broader economy.
are you some kind of normie whisperer? never even heard of this shit
>we'll recover as a collective whole with new found empathy for our fellow man
Wishful thinking user, your neighbours would soon enough cut your throat for a quarter.
Or snitch on you to the pooolice for breaching social distancing requirements.
We're going to be eating eachothers children in 12 months.
Apps like Facebook and Instagram, that is middle-class normie shit. Take a look at what apps the working-class uses to post their miserable life stories on, you’ll soon realize America is truly fucked.
snapschat? tiktok? onlyfans? what the fuck do people use these days user
The flyboyz
i think he left us a clue in an earlier post
like i'm gonna install an app, though. lmao
it's literally a nothing burger. stocks will see an all time high in a couple months
10% unemployment in a month.
LOL Trumps opening up everything in a few weeks though!
A lot of roasties use Snapchat to sell their naked body photos. Kik is another one. All these apps have become a digital Sodom and Gomorrah for people to buy drugs and sex off of. So many are unemployed or underemployed with no goals in life but seeking out the next drug hit or a man who can give them money. When they run out of coin for these simple pleasures it’s going to get ugly. A lot are tattooed, rather Neanderthal looking, addicted heavily to meth and seem like people who have no qualms about taking a tire iron to your face to snatch 20 dollars from you. The only thing keeping them from descending into total ape mode is the daily scratch they earn engaging in black market activity and whatever government aid they get on the side. I’ve never felt more strongly about owning a firearm than right now in this time we are living in.
The virus is irrelevant. The economy already collapsed when 16 million people got laid off in 3 weeks. I don't know why so many of you don't get that. Those aren't temporary furloughs coming back next month when business is allowed to resume. They're gone for good because everyone will be out of work and spending will be Great Depression style where everyone's hoarding what little they have and cancelling all instances where they exist as a customer for companies who will in turn lay off all their own workers to deal with the lost revenue.
Fucking this, the only reason America could survive on debt based economy is because we had an economy
Where's that Spaniard /cvg/ waiter? I'd like to order his head on a plate
The Chainsaw Wielding Maniacs
You idiots predicting depression fail to realize the average person that is unemployed is now making more money than before they lost their jobs.