Is veganism a jewish psyop?

is veganism a jewish psyop?

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yes, all those research papers were written by and sponsored by jews
go outside and eat your neighbors dog and drink from udders


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Nothing will naturally increase your testosterone as much as animal protein intake, more specifically beef, so you tell me.

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No, meatcuckism is. It's satanic and meant to destroy everyones's souls, animals and humans alike.

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>accuse the enemy of what you yourself are guilty of.
show flag baby eater


In fact most of our food isn't even good for us, it should only be eaten as some kind of supplementary food for the sake of "taste".

You should be having raw eggs, beef, milk, yogurt, and maybe some watermelon if you want fruit (also best if you pick out the seeds). And maybe collagen powder in some water with your raw eggs.

Everything else is superfluous.

Veganism is volkisch. The jew is a parasite and needs to destroy life in the most gruesome ways. Look up kosher slaughter. The white man values life and seeks to protect it. The jew resides in the deserts and cties, where life cannot thrive. The white man nurtures and cultivates the land so that it may provide him everything he needs, in perfect harmony with nature

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Lots of the people promoting it are jews and it gained momentum during their New Age psyop.
It seems to make you weaker and more stupid, so they even tried to push it again a few months ago.

Perfect harmony with nature implies the realization that humans are animals too, and we are at the top of the food chain, and we have been eating meat for the past two million years, and we need it to be healthy. Read on regenerative agriculture.

prove it
yes but we've been eating only fruits and veggies for the 20 million years before that, we only developed the ability meat in case of a famine

Maybe you are still a literal primate but most of us evolved past that. The human body digests meat better than fruit or any vegetable.

Herbivores are in ketosis, while humans (obligate carnivores) can only achieve ketosis through the keto diet

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Fruits are sugar with fiber, ancient fruits was no sweeter than a carrot while beef always tasted like beef

>yes but we've been eating only fruits and veggies for the 20 million years before that, we only developed the ability meat in case of a famine

Not true. Don't even know where you've gotten this from.

Try this and see for yourself.

- Eggs (had raw, 2-3)
- Collagen (optional if you can get top quality collagen powder).

1. (30 minutes - 1 hour later)
- Red meat: Beef

2. (5 hours later)
- Watermelon

3. (1 hour later)
- Red meat: Beef

4. (5 hours later)
- Milk
- Yoghurt

The time frames are digestion times. Most of us screw with our digestion by mixing all these incompatible foods, and often toxic foods.

Take it or leave it. I couldn't give a shit what you do. One more moron fucking themselves over the better.

how is this vegan thing still up for debate? just keep being vegan so us meat eaters can fuck your wives. your brain and hormonal system is so deprived of saturated fat and cholesterol you'll become hysteric, which is when il fuck your wife.

just because we can digest something doesn't mean we should and that its healthy
>ancient fruits was no sweeter than a carrot
>beef always tasted like beef
yes but modern beef is not the same nutritionally as it was even 50 years ago
>Fruits are sugar with fiber
and antioxidants
I used to eat like that and it totally screwed with my digestion
>toxic foods
meat is carcinogenic

No, beef tasted like game. We did the same thing to cows we did to bananas

>Fruits are sugar with fiber
Indeed, that's why meat is superior from a nutritional perspective.

>meat is carcinogenic
browned carbohydrates are carcinogenic

>I used to eat like that and it totally screwed with my digestion
>>toxic foods
>meat is carcinogenic

I guess you have weak genes that need to die out. Or maybe you can't handle a bit of re-adjustments your body was making.

And burnt meat is carcinogenic, meat on its own or cooked rare is not carcinogenic.

Anyway, I guess you'll leave it. More meat for me then.

>just because we can digest something doesn't mean we should and that its healthy

We can't even properly digest fruit, grains, legumes/beans or vegetables, what does that tell you? Hello?

Yes of course user. It all becomes clear once you think about it

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Eat shit then.

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Are tigers satanic?

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Fruit is one of the few things we can properly digest desu

If you are an exceptional mutant who can digest fiber, then yes. Most humans can't.

Man, look at footage of Chinese wet markets... then ask yourself, are vegans actually that bad ? (beside their personalities of course)

Yes, Jews are trying to make people vegans so they'll live longer lol... retard.