Can you imagine if Obama said this?
Wouldn't tea-party-liberty-fags be outraged?
Can you imagine if Obama said this?
Wouldn't tea-party-liberty-fags be outraged?
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Soon brothers, soon....
he's self destructing USA for the new China century
>what the fuck Trump needs to declare a national lockdown right now!!
>no no only the governors have the power to reopen states in lockdown you idiot!
Remember when CNN was criticizing Trump for not locking down the entire country. Yea, they didnt know what they were talking about, nor will they ever
You niggers need to learn about wartime rules.
>the absolute state of whig faggotry
Kek I can't wait for this country to turn into a dictatorship/monarchy. Objectively the best form of government
I'll take my orders from the God Emperor thank you. I like winning too.
Hail to the king, baby.
I mean if he tells Louisiana, Michigan or Mississippi to open up for business, that's a dick move and those shitstain states don't have to comply until they're ready.
Federal emergency
it doesn't matter.
There's a huge book you could create, thousands of pages of "It Obama did it" and just imagine the reaction of the things Trump has said and done if it were Obama from the Republican party. They are the party of hypocrisy, the party of double standards, the party of pure politics no matter the cost. That's what they are and they truly don't give a fuck about the hypocrisy anymore, they just do not care.
It's really amazing though because it really shows that all of their whining and crying about Obama was just because he was black and a Democrat. Trump has said and done things that would have twisted them into knots if he were a Democrat, surely they would be outraged but that little special (R) next to his name and his bowing down to the Neocon agenda has them all lapping up his cock.
Trump is a puppet king for BIG OIL / BIG PHARMA/ BIG TECH.
And that's JUST the way I like it. $$$ for DAYS
Where's the faggots who were complaining about freedom of speech and religion being limited a few days ago
He has the authtority during an emergency.
But we all know what he means is that if the states don't do what he wants he'll just withhold money.
China is busy dealing with internal problems. Killed 20 million in the past 3 months
I’m in Louisiana :^)
We’ll be open starting may
>now states rights matter
I fucking hate democraps
I can only laugh because this probably true.
>Can't have civil disobedience if the civilians are dead.
Just imagine being stuck there.
There's a huge book you could create, thousands of pages of "If Trump did it" and just imagine the reaction of the things Obama has said and done if it were Trump from the Democratic party. They are the party of hypocrisy, the party of double standards, the party of pure politics no matter the cost. That's what they are and they truly don't give a fuck about the hypocrisy anymore, they just do not care.
It's really amazing though because it really shows that all of their whining and crying about Trump was just because he was white and a Nationalist. Obama has said and done things that would have twisted them into knots if he were a Republican, surely they would be outraged but that little special (D) next to his name and his bowing down to the Neocon agenda has them all lapping up his cock.
Federal government should start seizing all that sweet illegal marijuana money from the states and redistributing it to help the nation.
Get in here user.............
Women ruin everything
How bad did China memory hole the wave of protests against the CCP just right before corona virus? Remember the shit about hong kong? Taiwan? NBA? How interesting
>Media pretends for weeks that Trump has the power to shut down the entire country, constantly asking Trump why he hasn't imposed a nation wide lockdown. Also make daily stories about Trump caring more about the economy than people's lives and he's going to reopen too early.
>Trump claims he has total authority
>FACT CHECK: Only the governors can impose lock downs!
It's all so tiresome. Trump and the media are just going back and forth with each other now.
Hahah wtf point are you making retard? Trump is saying he has the complete authority to end the _suspension_ of constitutional rights... and you imply that is dictatorship?
>They are the party of hypocrisy, the party of double standards, the party of pure politics no matter the cost. That's what they are and they truly don't give a fuck about the hypocrisy anymore, they just do not care.
That's always been both parties you fucking teenager
could you imagine the media freakout if red states decided to deliberately crash the economy in 2012 to punish Obama?
Can you stop embarrassing yourself for one fucking day?
Shill slide threads. Trump didnt mean this, listen to him talk. This is FAKE NEWS.
In a state of emergency there are different laws etc. funny how all these states have their hands out but then dont want to be told what to do. There are ways to make them comply by withholding money if it comes to that though, its done with school programs all the time
2 center right parties having similar goals.
imagine my shock.