>b-b-but they told me the USA has a horrible health care system and Trump is incompetent?!

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OK Boomer

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My favorite is when they don't even reply to my question as to what this building is for.

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WTF is wrong with Belgium? They're one of those peaceful countries, you would think that they would have healthcare figured out

Attached: Monkey Medic.webm (240x320, 1.45M)

It's almost as if retarded zoomers like yourself can't stay home instead of muh spring vacation, you dumb nigger.

ok jewmer

Have you seen their minister of health? Bitch looks like Jabba the Hutt with tits.

Seethe more

I love that these little fellas save their buddy. I see they're fat I hope they get plenty of rewards.

muh 'free' healthcare ftw

>stats on stats on stats
Get fucked, faggot.

Yes, let the butthurt flow through you.

Please stick a gun to the roof of your mouth and pop yourself in the head unironically you autist.

I live in a wealthy area and have no need for guns.

lol. The only one that’s butthurt is the reeeeing first post reply which is you. lol.
>hurr durr uh oh it’s a trump post I gotta reply at the top

I posted facts. If you can’t handle them, I have nothing to tell you.

>but muh orange man bad quotes
You're retarded if you think this has to do with 100% just him, with no outliers.

Yup, it's going to be the one type of statistic that liberals hate, per capita. Per capita deaths will show the USA to be lower than many of their beloved left wing European countries.

Oh shit, you weren't wrong. Fucking hell

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Not just me. The majority of Americans.

At this point you're a terrible larp and an autist.

lol. So did I. Can’t handle them, can you?

I heard she was against draconian tracking measures on citizens so I’ll give her that

Politician trying to not get people to stay calm.

>I'm a privileged waste of space and air, also a parasite
>that means nobody needs guns
Kys asap

So, Trump should say "the virus is coming, we're all going to die"? Downplaying it is a good thing for stopping panic. Once it got more serious, he took more action.

That’s what the data shows. I posted his words and you can’t stop whining.

What data. You just gave me quotes you actual niggerfaggot.

Trump lied. Where are the tests?

No. I’m wealthy and not schizophrenic. You can still waste your money.

The majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s presidency and response to the virus. That’s every poll. Your teenage insults don’t phase me.


There’s only one of us posting data.

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Let me see your source. A legitimate, source.

The lie that America’s health system is shit tier is the issue here

America has the best healthcare in the world. We’ve got shitty people so sometimes our results do look so good.

The majority of Americans are being dishonestly informed about Trump's actions on the crisis by the media.

Looks like she's also the minister of immigration, so maybe she's just going easy on the Moroccans

You need guns faggot. If ever niggers don’t get their benefits, they’re coming for you.

Trump has killed Americans. But you can’t get your head out of the sand and break free from state propaganda.

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butthurt quads

>actually taking solid facts from the CDC after they sold out to China
You must also read daily news from Twitter dot com and read the New York Post you disgusting s0iboi faggot.

A virus pandemic that spreads exponentially without quarantine is worse than a single terrorist incident? No shit, you fucking retard.

I bet you still read Breitbart and watch OANN. Ironic.

I have no problem with black people. In any case, I live in a gated community. Even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t live live constantly paranoid.

Checked come-and-take-it numericals. So, user, what is that building for?

Trump knew, he lied and killed tens of thousands of Americans.

I read things which require a higher reading level than your propaganda. New York Post is a shit rag. I recommend WSJ and NYT instead.