Well Yas Forums

Well Yas Forums

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"Woods" is a jewish surname fellow white friend?

Retarded boomer things

I dont know. Pence isn't charismatic at all as shown by the Hillary VP vs Trump VP debate. And honestly I'm not sure where Pence stands on policies himself. Right now he's just a yes man for Trump. I need to know what Pences convictions are more than just hating homos.

Make Space Great Again

Race Bannon 2024

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Pence WILL build the fence

I work for the RNC. The plan is Nikki Haley and pretty much only Nikki Haley. She has Trumps full endorsement.

Whatever pisses the left off the most. I literally don’t give a shit.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he would've spent his first term accomplishing a big sack of nothing if it weren't for the Corona, and even with it's not like he's a shiny example of leadership.
He looks better now since he's "heading" the response team. But if it wasn't for that I would have believed the rumors of him getting replaced for the 2020 campaign

You seriously have to be mentally ill to think Republicans ever win after 2020. Kill yourselves dipshit boomers you destroyed the country with your naivete.

James Woods will do a bunch of really based tweets to the point you think he is on the level and suddenly come out with some totally ZOG boomer shit and it's a disappointment every time.

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I'm from his state. He's just a yes man. before trump it was republican ideals down the line. It will be so after as well.

I think he's containing his charisma not to take the spotlight, in other words being a good VP. Idk how bad could he be.

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Republicans are the good guys now.

Pence is the archetypical Israel-loving neocon.

Yes I was just saying this. Trump tested him with this Task Force and he proved above and beyond.
>I work for the RNC.
If you do, she'd be a good vp.


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Pence posting needs to return.

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Fuck that


Pence is the quintessential VP. I love him but running him would be a mistake.

Its pro-(((america))) boomers vs pro-(((LGBTQ+@*$^10))) boomers. Both suck but one is less suck.

pence is deepstate and a case of trump keeping his enemies close. why was pences wife given a counter letter allongside obama, clinton, biden and bush?

why at the sotu was he conspiring with pelosi when you apply what pro lip readers have applied to the conversation between the two?

b..b..but lip reading? yes, deaf people do it all the time to make communication easier and not having to resort to waving their hands around like a bunch of crippled faggots.

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Boomer. It's too late for him.

Demonicrats are a bunch of baizuo and scabs being lead about by human slavers and pedos. Gas yourself.

> works for the RNC
> “we’re only considering this one brown woman”
Sounds about right.

Not trying to embarrass you but aren't you Canadian?