How can i do my part for the white race?
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Get married, stay married, have kids, raise them well.
have 3+ white children
Find yourself a nice black man so the white race goes extinct so it doesn't have to watch the world burn away all of white society's progress
Build a stable life. Be a confident young man or woman (not sure which you are user).
Marry. Within the sanctity of your marriage have not less than three children. One child replaces one parent, therefore three or more advances the race. TEACH THEM TO BE RESPECTIBLE.
Also, work to keep your marriage intact. Married parents with strong morals and healthy habits having children of the same race. THAT is how we restore ourselves.
>Muh pink piglets
Imagine not knowing it's too late for that.
marry a black girl
You have to go back.
Do your part faggot Kill yourself
Wife and I just had our first son last year. The feeling is incredible. Brothers, I am not in amazing shape or a chad by any means. I found a woman who profoundly loves me, was a virgin, and wants many children.
We're both awakened. It can be done. It's not a larp.
Do you even mine craft, bro?
This is as solid advice as you're going to get.
Get a job working on either an ambulance or join the military.
We don't have a ton of money either, we make it work because we love each other. We sacrifice for each other. My wife isn't some materialistic retard either. She doesn't wear makeup (doesn't need it) and we constantly bargain hunt.
Women like this exist. You just have to know where to find them.
Shut the fuck up nigger. I can tell you're literally obese just by how you're talking. Go celebrate your wife's turds elsewhere.
>The White Race was genetically castrated in WW2 by the Jews
All Whites with a genetic predisposition to fight, defend themselves, defend their people, associate with a group identity like nation or race were executed by the Jews as "soldiers" in a war controlled by Jews on all sides
What is left of the White race is the post-White race. It is made up of subhuman individuals that have no genetic capacity to fight, defend themselves, or otherwise resist their own oppression, enslavement, and torture at the hands of the Jews. These are Whites with no capacity to think for themselves, but Whites never had that, hence why they were all so willing to kill each other in WW2. These are Whites that thrive off of fear and cowardice. These are whites that survive through avoiding conflict at all costs, rather than fighting and defending themselves. This is why the West is so defined by spinelessness like tolerance, altruism, charity for the weak, and other historically non-White traits. This is why the White race does nothing to fight off the Jews who indoctrinate their children into following Canaanite rituals like hedonism, sodomy, fornication, ritual mixing, and human sacrifice. These are everyday things protected by law and taught to children as "good" things, such as condoms, birth control, abortion, homosexuality, racial integration, spinsterhood and women in the workplace, vice consumption, pleasure seeking, entertainment, etc. These things are all Canaanite rituals, the people who worship Moloch, and these are all rituals which are explicitly defended by the law in your nations, while actual morality, such as stoning these people to death in public, is condemned.
Do note that as much as stoning people to death is preferable, because this is a good form of team building, it is true that a gun is just a technologically advanced form of stoning to death. In that the a gun basically just throws a rock at a very high speed.
>Pic related explains stonings
is that way sperglord
Why/how are/is/did/do(es) 'X' blah blah blah Based Cringe Normies Ethnicity Phenotype Race Mixing Daily reminder What went wrong? He (literally) did nothing wrong McDonald's wagecuck arthouse Dishonest Cuck Despite being Redpill me on Imagine Simp BTFO Me on the left, right, back, front God I wish that was/were me fpbp Why is this? Who is to blame? What did they mean by this? What is their problem? Dilate Stunning, brave, powerful I'm gonna say it When I say 'X' you say 'X' Why, yes Rent free Mutt Ethnostate How could you tell? It's over Cope Wew Seethe Happening NothingLeafBurger Literally This, but Ironically/unironically The eternal 'X' Neet Wagie Can't meme Now that the dust has settled kys Go back Gaslighting (((you))) And that's a good thing Chad Stacy Have sex "oomers" Flags IDs "racialoids" Go away, 'X' 'X' detected/spotted/etc For me, it's 'X' How will/can 'X' ever recover? Glow NPC Schizo Jew Shill Incel Built for Bot Boi We wuz kangz IQ No u Oh nonono How compete?
Raise future receivers of the BBC and cucks for the BBC
Till Mrs. Schlomowitz teaches him it's okay for him to like boys in his kindergarten class. The game is rigged against you.
Cringe Bloomer fag
>>Constantly bargain hunt
Sounds like ashkenazi temperament to me
Every time I see Mennonites and Hutterites at the grocery store or the mall I get horny
Have sex
While nogs and muds have like 6.. It's a losing game plus they'll be used as tax cows till they die.
you can do your part by jumping in the cuck pit
Based FPBP
Fuck you.
imagine being a fat hypocrite beaner
Kill the niggers and stay redpilled fren