Matrix: Why Didnt the Machines Just Shut It Down Like the Kikes?

Apparently when things get out of control (((they))) just shut it down. So in the Matrix, Neo was running shit, but why? What if the Matrix kikes just shut it down? What could Neo do then? Some humans might wake up? Bunch of cucks. They wont do shit. SHUT IT DOWN.

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By the time they noticed him he wasn't connected to the Matrix anymore. Remember the ship? Pay attention.

Why would they shut it down when everything was under control?
Just lay some hope for these guys who won't give up, make them think they won and they will be perfectly happy with that.

Every time your computer has the slightest glitch do you just throw it straight in the trash and buy a new one?

I think you find a direct correlation with (((profit))) and the Energy required to run Machine City

>Matrix: Why Didnt the Machines Just Shut It Down Like the Kikes?
The Matrix is the only movie that was actually under the control of the Wachowskis. IN THAT STORY =- the main idea is to wake up from the MATRIX - or the programming that everyone in the world is subject to through the media.

Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions were psyops - they were by the CIA for the masses. That is why the main theme in both Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions - is an all out war of the humans vs the machines - to give people an illusion that they can win against the "MACHINE". You can't win against the machine - that's a fact.

Because, the guys without any hope will burn it down and kill everyone. I know. Im one of those guys.

>You can't win against the machine - that's a fact.
BS. The machine is programmed by an incompetent diversity hire. You dont scare me.

They were using the humans as a power source and also agent smith was probably stopping them

They created the One. Tbh it's weird that we don't see more people running around claiming to be reincarnations of Jesus or Shiva or L Ron Hubbard. If you look at the Anabaptists of the 15th century, it was precisely under general turmoil (German Peasants' War) that they got idiots hooked. Where are the false Messiahs? Do they remove them before they even emerge on the public stage? The glitches are accumulating, folks. This is a weird part of the simulation and that's quite an accomplishment.

I'm Jesus, I just like to keep a low profile.

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Because it's a movie, kike.
Jews can't do basic shit, how the fuck they would have some sort of Matrix?

weren't machines controlling both the matrix and the "real world"?

Because it's another strata of control. Why would the Machines?
Morpheus asks, "Is this real? Am I dreaming?"
The Architect asks the Oracle, "How long do you think this peace will last?"
During the first movie, Agent Smith elaborated on the failures of the first Matrix: it was too perfect and the system failed i.e., Garden-of-Eden state. Chaos. It is intrinsic to nature, and if removed, the system cannot function without its necessity.
The illusion of choice is powerful: look at our own modern society.
If you allow people the "option" of feeling like they are free agents, it's optimally viable because it is believable.
Add in the fact that the machines had destroyed Zion five times before and that Neo was not the first iteration of the One but the sixth, and this aberration of the One was necessary for the system. We have had many "Messiahs," and regardless of your religious beliefs, it's important to note that those in power either use or tolerate the iterations of such prophets because it is another layer of control - contrary to these religious figures' messages maybe professing otherwise. The elite system adapts and then assimilates the zealotry, using it to justify their wars, invasions, expansions, etc. Control.

This is why you are allowed to know and disseminate information counter to the system; that too is by design. What is the "woke" state or "redpilled" state of being? Another level of control.

The “real world” was just another level in the matrix. I thought that was obvious.

>Doesn't understand the metaphor of the machine and thinks its literal.
Low IQ faggots are the worst.

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>Implying that in the "real world" Neo can actually make shit blow up in midair
Everything was under the machines control from the start

>If you allow people the "option" of feeling like they are free agents, it's optimally viable because it is believable.
The government literally shut everything down and im ready to start slaughtering en masse. What are you talking about?

>weren't machines controlling both the matrix and the "real world"?
The "machines" (the elites) know the real world - or what's actually happening in the real world. They control the rest of us (in the matrix) by giving us an illusion of what the world is - when it's anything but that.

He posts from his mother’s house

Metaphor or not, it's still programmed by some retarded diversity hire. Prove me wrong nigger.

Because the Matrix was filled with plot holes and was written by trannies. Just enjoy it without much thought

Well said user. You got it all right.

My mother died years ago from ALS. I've already experienced Hell. Come at me nigger.

Because humans were used as batteries for energy so the Machines could... you know... stay alive.

Btw the Matrix is 100% an allegory for Gnostic Luciferianism. The Machine is God, and the Agents are the God's Angels meant to police humans. The "Real Wolrd" is meant to be the realm of the demonic Qliphoth, Morpheus and his crew are Black Magicians, and all the powers Morpheus and his crew gains when plugging back into the Matrix represents Black Magick sorcery (eg "hacking the Matrix"). Neo is "The One", meaning he is the Anti-Christ chosen to defeat to God and the Angels. Its all bastardized Gnostic interpretation of the Bible, God and Angels.

Matrix 4 is in the making right now by the Wachowski sisters, and will come out in 2021/22. Maybe it will answer your question.


Glowing this hard

>some tranny kikes are making a 4th movie.
Yeah, sorry, at this point my only questions are how to efficiently kill my enemies

>Btw the Matrix is 100% an allegory for Gnostic Luciferianism.
The Matrix is an allegory for the system of control over the population that is based on mass media. The elites are the machines.

How stupid are you to have not figured this out by now?

>Glowing this hard
I burn with the righteous fury of a thousand suns, but I assure you I dont glow.

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Wow, you are dumb. No it is not. They sell that idea to idiot plebs like you to hide the movies real message. It is a Gnostic tale of the coming of the Anti-Christ who will free humans from God's control. Learn about the occult and Gnosticism and what (((they))) believe. You really think fucking Hollywood and two trannies would peddle a movie about breaking free from media conditioning? You are beyond retarded and ignorant. I cant wait for you dumbass kids to go back to school once this quarantine is over.

>The elites are the machines.
Wrong the machines are golem
Remove the E (electricity) from the forehead of the golem and it dies. Pro-tip: Golems will be shut down and Jews will be slaughtered.

They did, they rebooted it. And then when that stopped working they left a handful of primitive fucks live in a cave and stopped fucking with them in exchange for still fucking the majority of humanity as slaves. Machines win out every time

>actual glownigger calling someone else a glownigger

It was a joke. Low iq nigger calling someone else low iq to feel better about themselves when they can't comprehend humor.