Coronavirus Spread by Lack of Intelligence

Is the shutdown the ultimate redpill on the intelligence levels of society?

If you watch the financial news (CNBC, Bloomberg), you'll notice that they take for granted that everyone is ordering their groceries online, hunkering down, and definitely not going out in public.

But people aren't. They're lining up in breadlines and going to the grocery stores to buy more TP.

Why don't people just STAY THE FUCK HOME for this month, collect their trumpbux, and let this fizzle out?

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people are literally retarded.

their need to be seen in public thus demonstrating their incredible importance outweighs their actual will to survive.

Go back to plebbit and shit yourself with the rest of the faggots there

Nice spacing you turbonigger.

Are you fucking retarded?
>need to be seen in public
What kind of npc says this

Even here, people argue that they shouldn't be using their "SHTF" stockpile yet and should be out shopping at peak-coof but they like totally prepped my dude.

it's now spoken, brainlet. it's apparent from their actions.

I kind of love how the poos are handling the just smacking everyone who's out and about with those long, thin sticks.

give me the virus if it means i get to fuck both of them

It's funny how those girls get less attractive the longer you look at them.

Because they're "bored" and wanna go out. All the places are closed except stores so they make it their little vacation.

Poos are sometimes based.

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That's all women.

Because they feel the irresistible need to be culled.

lmao nice unnecessary concern about OP's spacing you uncreative phallus pleaser

Because not everyone has access to a computer, not everyone wants to order food online and to be given products that are wrong because some retard doesn't know how to read. People like to do stuff for themselves.

>CORONA exposes the unintelligent


wtf i love india now

but if things are still readily available, why shouldn't i keep buying new food items? especially with the low probability of dying

If you still believe this virus is "super dangerous" then you are fucking retarded.

The media is turning everyone into bootlickers.

imagine how nice their feet must smell

>It's funny how those girls get less attractive the longer you look at them.
just wait til you hear them speak

Anyone encouraging quarantine and lockdown are retarded

Yas Forums has become so bluepilled that they no longer recognize YOUR MASTERS telling you that you are not even worth mentioning... YOU NEED TO DIE LIKE THOSE GOYIM ON (((9/11)))

>Mommy sez tha germs will get me
You are all faggots

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>Coronavirus Spread by Lack of Intelligence
you mean by women?

If you are healthy but spread Rona, you are a murderer

Its simple really. The longer this drags on, the more trumpbux we get.

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There is a very old joke in India: Poo "How many Israelis are there? Jew: "8 Million." Poo: "No, I don't mean in India".

The joke is that India is the cheapest place in the world to live.

Attached: Jews 05d.jpg (1042x1020, 102.51K)

the less freedom you will have and more useless jew debt paper you own


>shouldn't be using their "SHTF" stockpile
mommies fresh tendies are yummier

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faggot leaf, you make us all look bad

that doesn't even make sense you dumb fag

Coronavirus spread because it's extremely infectious. Real number in USA is around 50 million. Go to doctor and ask for antibody test, you've probably already had it and didn't even notice.

I’m sure it sounded really cool in your head, chang

go eat some bat poo now

>order food online.
>have some guy show up at your door who's delivered to 50 other random people throughout the city that day...
No thanks, I'll take care of shit myself.

Kony2012 and the Dress were test cases to achieve this level of division over a hypothetical. You niggers are all retarded. The "stay home" crowd as much as the "it's a hoax" crowd.

No one knows what the fuck is going on, but believing the media and the US Government isn't some measure of intelligence either. Obey because you have to, or err on the side of caution but please shut the fuck up if you think you know what's going on.

Do people really think staying home for a month is going to make the virus just disappear ?

As long as I have access to my vidya and tendies, my freedoms aren't being taken away.

Exactly, they're wearing the same latex gloves and face masks. People who don't know how to use ppe.

The MSN said so and when have they ever lied about SARS-CoV-2?

Because im the one drilling your GF's cervix when she goes outside for "fresh air"

>STAY IN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE GODDAMNIT 0.00000058% OF THE POPULATION IS SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!