This man pushes your daughter up against a wall, fingers her, and tells her she is nothing

What do you do?

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Rig the DNC in his favor.


I would apologize and leave the room.
Don't want to risk losing my job.

Thas right.

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I'm not a cuckold, so I don't have a daughter to begin with.

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Listen up champ, you're either ridin' with Joe or ridin' with Donny Cornpops, and we all know that's no way to two ways about it. Heck in my day Jack if you didn't have your firm handshake you didn't make it past your first clam bake. And that's no tomfoolery. Hell I knew Tom Foolery back when he was governor of south Michigan, used to play grab-ass with all his nieces and nephews, and boy howdy were there a lot of 'em, Buck.

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Taking a page out of Trump's book I see

>what do
I'm ridin' with Biden

Listen Jack, here's the deal! number one. You damn liar, number one one. Number one no number one stomps my ass. Corn-pop can a testament one to that. Number one, number two. Number two is that listen Jack. Number one I'm hanging on to that torch buddy boy. Number three, I'll challenge you to a pushup contest any day of the number two: listen fatass, I was never involved with my son's consultant involvement, and number three? Well, listen fat, I know all about racism.

Back in my home town, the group I used to run around with would always go to the soda fountain on the east side of town, because there weren't as many colored folks around in those days. I said "now why would we hike all the way across town when there's a perfectly fine soda fountain right here? It was called Othello's and you could get a lime phosphate there for 10 cents.

My friends said they were afraid of getting jumped on the walk home, which I thought was just so dang racist. They also had licorice whips. So one day I said "no, I'm not walking all that way, we're staying", cause it was August and it was like 94 or 95 degrees out there.

So we went to Othello's instead and got some malts and one fella got a grape nehi. So yeah, Danny got his head caved in with a tire iron later that day when a gang of black dudes caught him walking home, but for the rest of us it worked out just fine. And salt water taffy, they had that there, too. Anyways, my time is up.

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Bernie was in on it. You can't rig a non contest.


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stay mad

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So you LIKE Pedophiles?

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Force him to finger pop his own cornhole.

At least it wasn’t trump
Better she marries a skinny dude than an obese one

>This man pushes your daughter up against a wall, fingers her, and tells her she is nothing.

Trump lost a lot of weight in that photo.

vote for him in the 2020 presidential election.

Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". OK, here's the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.

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He sure did

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chad biden grabbing them by the pussy

Take him behind the bleachers and kick his ass

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Fire a shotgun through the door at the problem, per his advice.

take my dick out of my daughter's ass and punch him and put my dick back in

Push him against a wall & finger him while whispering in his ear he is nothing

Shoot the old fucking demented boomer then throw his ass in a wood chipper on live tv

About what?
Bernie was literally just a hype man and it's been obvious for over 4 years he never intended to be president.
Project more nigger

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