The Joe Biden you're seeing here is a live DEEPFAKE creation. Watch the way the eyes and skin moves as he changes expressions.
The Joe Biden you're seeing here is a live DEEPFAKE creation. Watch the way the eyes and skin moves as he changes expressions.
You’ve had your four years. It’s time for our eight.
Get a competitive candidate then, this guy is a walking meme.
You fuckers will never occupy the WH again.
The uncanny canyon.
Idk he served two terms which your guy won’t so who knows anyway
>shows (((MSM))) graph as proof
kys imbecile
flag off, obamaleaf
Cover your ears and eyes
Even normies are figuring out your bullshit. No one watches your shit anymore. Trump is the media now.
Were you one of the ones outside screaming in the street in 2016 when Bernie spread his ass for Hillary and then Hillary gargled Trump's balls?
I hate that degenerate communist kike with my whole heart, soul, strength, mind and might.
Step out of your Trump echo chamber to places where people have an education
Watch glitch on the blue patch behind his head
Listen up champ, you're either ridin' with Joe or ridin' with Donny Cornpops, and we all know that's no way to two ways about it. Heck in my day Jack if you didn't have your firm handshake you didn't make it past your first clam bake. And that's no tomfoolery. Hell I knew Tom Foolery back when he was governor of south Michigan, used to play grab-ass with all his nieces and nephews, and boy howdy were there a lot of 'em, Buck.
Kek. never change. We need entertainment
holy shit it's really fake wtf
All the videos that have been done with this background have been live deepfakes.
Biden is a half dead, fully brain dead, shell.
Trump is nothing to write home about, but the Democrats are purposely throwing the election.
Every E celeb not interacting with their environment is in a deep fake room.
no, the game is played like this: 8 years for blue guy, 8 years for red guy. that way we stay focused on squabbling with each other while the jews siphon our money and lifeforces.
>Step out of your Trump echo chamber to places where people have an education
I don't subscribe to left or right, but the lefts value on education really pisses me off. UNLESS YOU'RE BECOMING A DOCTOR OR LAWYER IT'S A SCAM. I say this as someone who fell for the college meme. It's like the majority of people who go to school are just robots that are told what to do and how to think but have 0 critical thinking skills. I started researching a ton on entrepreneurship and investing to escape the terrible life the college meme created for me. It's like the majority of entrepreneurs are dropouts who had to figure shit out as they went and some of them even laugh at people for going to college.
College doesn't even do a good job of teaching you the skills you went there to learn. Most of it's just a shit ass outdated curriculum and the school has absolutely no reason to improve, because they're guaranteed a fresh wave of useful idiots the next year. The one I went to even did some shady shit to make even more money. Education and all that other shit is just going to cement people further into a terrible wageslave life.
Dems are supposed to be our best and brightest but since Trump got elected you've behaved like a bunch of fucking hateful, screeching morons who don't know what to do, and now you're just fucking evil.
You offer literally nothing, you're pathetic in every way, which is why you'll lose again to a reality TV star, you fucking idiots.
Wow, those eyes are odd looking.
Have a (you) you stupid faggots.
Friendly reminder Hillary did actually use green screens to fake being at certain locations giving a live speech in order to hide the fact she was having uncontrollable seizures.
40% approval with strong economy. Independents know he hasn’t don’t anything. Enjoy the next few months. They’re precious
>Friendly reminder Hillary did actually use green screens to fake being at certain locations giving a live speech in order to hide the fact she was having uncontrollable seizures.
This shit is fucking absurd. Literally everything in this god damn country is controlled by boomers who are way past their prime. Music, games, movies, government, medicine, fucking everything. Corona was suppose to fix this shit.
lmao im still getting name dropped
that wasnt even me
fucking hilarious tho
u should know i dont change flags
false. AI isnt advanced enough to simulate dimentia
Look at joes reaction LOL
>blurts out oh!
>then bows and shakes his head somberly
This motherfucker has dementia so hard
he's had a fuckton of plastic surgery done to his face which might be why he looks fucked up and uncanny at times.
I have quite a bit of experience in making deepfakes and that doesn't look like one. Sorry, kid.
>inb4 someone calls me a shill
I'm not talking about just looking fucked up. Stare at his eyes, they shift around subtly on his face while he's being still
IKR he's almost as bad as Trump.
Holy fucking shit. A blue patch just flew over my glitch.
That's funny, he's part of an international electioneering commission, with one of its primary goals being to spread awareness that deep-fakes could be used to sway elections or some shit - that and to control elections for every western nation and then some.
Trump is the last president.
its true
Watch this clip from 1:26:09 for the following minute or 2. From today.
Active neck flab modification algorithm.
Did someone photoshop his lips onto his eyes?
Make sure to mention Kushner next time, and use the word kike at least twice per sentence. Stick to the script or shekelfree is the life for thee!
Yea sure he deepfaked a hologram in front of a bunch of reporters....
All you have to do is watch Biden's eyes for a minute to see that it's not an actual face.
Yes! I can see it! The motion in the jpeg you posted it clearly visible!
you now realize they can fake entire presidencies, if they have not done it/doing it already.
Among many other things, news reporters are one. No one to question the propaganda.
Celebrities, political enemies, false flag perps and entire news events. Its the panopticon. Only your senses and those of who you trust like you trust your own senses can verify truth.
>when the ADE hits
I'll just leave this here.
Keep in mind this was 2016.
>Shaun Kang
This black guy is still around?
post and image are both funny