Why is this so hard to understand?
Why is this so hard to understand?
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That's a lot of words to say 'niggers', user.
>do more crime
>be more investigated
because it's wrong
Who is causing systemic racism in africa?
>taking 0 responsibility
Maybe they are racially profiled and over policed because they are violent and criminally minded by nature?
Because they are
>ah stole deez johdanz n killed dat white boi becuz im a desperatu yung kid
>charities give free food and free clothes to niggers every day
>over policed
It all makes sense now. The cops showed up and everyone started committing more crime. Not the other way around.
>Crime is often a result of 'desparate' (misspelled) circumstances
Then why does the left think all billionaires are criminals?
le good point le redditor
I agree with poverty but systematic racism is practically non existent in the u.s. just stop acting like a nigger, cops may treat you different but if you dont chimp out they wont throw you in the back of the car
So nigger rape because of poverty?
>they commit more crimes because they're arrested for committing crimes
Take your (You) and leave this place.
>Caused by systemic rascism
Stopped reading at this point.
>Explain Haiti
>Explain most of Africa
>Explain every single place blacks exist
There are poor white areas/people and they are significantly less violent than blacks.
It's not hard to understand, it's just not true.
Chicken or the egg user.
Actual criminologist here.
This would not explain how the two most common crimes with the least police discretion (Murder and Auto Theft) are still committed by one group.
You can make that claim for minor theft or marijuana possession, but blacks still commit more violent crime and more auto theft.
if tyrone shoots a gun and no cop is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
>Why is this so hard to understand?
UUhhhhhhh... because it's TOTAL bullshit? You can't even see that?
All that picture means is criminals can't take responsibility for their own actions, you dirty leftist kike.
Op is a faggot.
Over policing is never a complaint. If your disagreement is with the laws being enforced, or insufficient policing in other areas you are welcome to point them out.
all races suffer lack of opportunity
not all are stupid and violent
but niggers are
niggers are stupid and violent
How are your niggers in Livingston ?
Is this why Jewish and Asian people commit a bunch of crime?
I have no problem with crime, I don’t know anons do
It’s not my problem and I don’t live in nigger towns
I respect high level crime and families, fucking working for peanuts for a bunch of Jews
if you look at Americans as individuals then whites commit more crimes than niggers
so I guess they have less opportunity and face systemic racism as well as being over policed (more whites are shot by cops annually than blacks) and racially profiled (no affirmative action for whites)
but instead we will ignore that and go with the argument a larger % of the nigger population commits crimes than the % of whites that do, and we'll ignore the fact police response times in ghettos is abysmally longer compared to white neighborhoods (meaning nigger communities are not as policed)
That's the equivalent of a religious nut job ranting about how an angel told him he's innocent. Neither claim can be proven and both can be entirely discounted when weighed against all the evidence to the contrary.
lol niggers are too stupid to follow the law
What's with lefties using "muh richard and mortimer" to push retarded shit that the character of rick would not only never say, but would fundamentally disagree with? I don't even like that zoomer shit but catching an episode or two makes this kind of thing look even more cringe than it is without context. Fucks sake there's a whole "lel rick hates israel" joke that's not even half subtle, the joke isn't that it's a misunderstanding, the joke is that he hates israel and even aliens are brainwashed by kikes to the point they can't stand hearing it, but they always portray the most paper-thin nihilist ever written as a leftist socjus brownshirt or some shit. It's absurd.
There's more of all that for white people and weh commit less crime.
Niggers make ghettos because they are niggers and act like niggers. They aren't even good enough to be secret niggers... What is there not to understand?
Your point has also been dis-proven because the lowest income Whites in the world commit less crime than the highest income blacks.
Also crime culture
rich blacks commit more violent crime and more property crime than impoverished whites.
reminds me of a podcast by this black dude hard8 Life Behind Bars
>growing up his parents wouldn’t buy him shit
>constantly steals videogames from stores
>likes having fresh clothes to impress his fellow high schoolers
>starts committing armed robbery and grand theft auto (to take it for a joyride and show it to his bitches)
>eventually gets caught and goes to jail
The dudes hilarious but before being in jail he was the niggest nigger out there. Listen to his podcast and the mindset he had, literally every Yas Forums stereotype of a nig
crime race
Why isn’t every user here marching with women of color and protecting their right to free abortions on demand.
Are you high? "look at americans as individuals" isn't clever, everybody here knows you mean "discard with per capita interpretation, the way an actual retard that never took stat 101 would do". If you look at every animal on earth as an individual, other types of animals collectively kill more people than king cobra do. That doesn't mean cobra aren't notoriously aggressive and packing serious venom, it only means if you avoid cobra you're more likely to be killed by something else.
wow you live in a really racist area.
>Over-policing and racial profiling are often a result of disparate criminality being so obviously systemic to one race over another that no sane man given an opportunity to observe these patterns can conclude that this difference is merely circumstantial.
a bunch of word salad excuses for peoples shitty actions
fixed that for you
I once witnessed an antifa retard on twitter bitch that some black neighborhoods are overpoliced AND that other black neighborhoods are underpoliced in the same comment. Not "we need to meet in the middle", no, this motherfucker actually said "any police presence in black neighborhoods is white supremacy" then proceeded to say "lack of police presence in black neighborhoods is white supremacy". These "people" don't know what words mean and are incapable of holding an actual opinion.
meme format is shit
Because I am not a racist. I am a civic nationalist. I believe that it isn't race, it is how you are raised. But at the end of the day you have to take responsibility for what you are doing.
>I had a bad upbringing
>I have a mental disorders
>My community is overpoliced
These are not excuses for crime.
Minority here. Thats a load of horseshit. Ive been profiled a few times maybe even harassed and at no time did I fly off the fucking handle and get together with "my bois" and gang rape a 10 year old white girl while robbing convinence stores in our stolen car then running from the police before ",flipping our ride" on the freeway.
Yes but i hate niggers so its ok
Okay chink
>systemic racism
Ever consider the possibility niggers are hated because they act like nigger criminals? Fuck niggers, they cause their own problems.
* sage
Niggers in line at the habieb gas stations will smack other ones in the back of the head if they start talking about getting a job