So I heard Trump aired a propaganda video

According to CNN, Trump aired a propaganda video and he was "angry and freaking out"...

Can someone, anyone, at all, provide a video of Trump angry and airing propaganda?

If you cannot provide this video then the only conclusion is that CNN is full of shit.

Let me see the video of Trump angry.... I'm waiting... If you do not provide me with the angry video of Trump I can only assume you're lying.

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>cnn calling someone else propaganda

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I'm pretty sure cnn is controlled op working for the republican party

Wait no one has the video what is going on here?

Still waiting...

Is the angry Trump propaganda video even real, does anyone have it?

CNN said it's true so it must be true but where is it?

like 40 minutes in, you can see President Trump showing clips on the 2 screens behind him.

and i wouldn't say angry, he gets a little pissy

But the clips Trump shows is just old CNN clips... How is that propaganda? CNN is the most trusted name in news...

Where does Trump get angry too, I'm not seeing him get angry whats going on here he seems pretty rational

Where does he get pissy at I'm not seeing it, I see him maybe get annoyed by stupid people every now and then but everyone gets annoyed by stupid people

where is the angry propaganda?

I mean the reporters are being extremely combative and pissy themselves. Trump's tone towards them is more than justfied.

>Trump finally shows CNN footage
>CNN calls it propaganda


>Anything american is the most trusted name in news...

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The absolute state of CNN

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According to CNN the constitution is an evil plan from Trump to win the election.

I wouldn't trust CNN to write a report on how to tie your shoelaces.

The reporters were all horrible, particularly the bug-eyed peroxy cunt. There’s asking questions, and then there’s opening with a soliloquy filled with lies leading up to a gotcha’ question. There’s interacting with the president, and then there’s constantly interrupting him snd obstinately talking over him. It’s absolutely fucking shameless. The absolute gall of these people. And they're all operating like the absolute worst cheap suit ambulance chasing slimy attorney by asking the same questions over and over again not to get mote information, but to try to trip him up and trick him into contradicting himself. These are not media. They are hostile anti-government agents. I want to know who they work for. I want to know who is paying them.

>the only conclusion is that CNN is full of shit

That goes without saying.


They have to be. Im beginning to think the entire establishment left is controlled conservative opposition. There is no way they can give off such terrible optics and think theyre doing themselves good. That or theyre so confident in their undermining of our society that they believe theyre invincible.

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Trump played only videos that cannot possibly be taken out of context by him in the presentation. They were very straightforward. He was reminding the people of what he's actually done and exactly why the press are lying about what he's done and how effective it's been.

>theyre so confident in their undermining of our society that they believe theyre invincible

This is the real answer. To understand why the left media does what they do, look at the average IQ of their voters.


Stupid people fall for propaganda very easily. They have no way of telling that the media is lying to them, so they trust it unquestionably.

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>According to CNN

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They've been getting away with it forever, their desire for power overrides their common sense...

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>shows video of cnn and nyt reporters own words

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x22 report is nice

if you want to know why Trump did this dindu nuffin wrong shit start digging here:

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It's the Jews.

What's wrong with Trump saying this publicly? It would help stop a bit of the panic that's been happening to downplay it a little bit. Once the evidence was there that it was spreading, he implemented the new restrictions.


It’s this, quite simply. It is this insufferable conceit. They think they’re metro slick and super cleaver, and the rest of the country is filled with filthy country bumpkin retards. We are less than dogs to these people. In fact they hate every single one of us and want us all dead and out of their way.

I want to know who is paying these people to betray their own country.