How did the US lose a war in vietnam to a bunch of gorilla warfare bow and arrow chinks?
How did the US lose a war in vietnam to a bunch of gorilla warfare bow and arrow chinks?
They didn’t. They lost to the opinions of drugged out hippy democrats that played anti war songs.
They intervened in the wrong conflict.
The military didn't lose, the politicians did.
This, American public opinion lost the stomach for that war, U.S. Armed Forces won practically every engagement they found themselves in.
Unfamiliar terrain and a cunning enemy.
>gorilla warfare
Fuck off, dink.
Vietnam was just a battle in the Cold War.
We won and you lost
How did china lose their war to Vietnam in 1979?
Cause they were too chickenshit to go north and face the chink hordes again, so they flew around in jets and sent niggers to patrol nearby jungles and declared victory.
Pretty much. The South Vietnamese couldn’t fight the Vietcong.
awesome thnx
this, look at the death tolls and you'll understand who actually "won"
we lost the war at home. faggots were long marching and spreading their marxist faggotry while this was going on
>We all really want to try this communism thing but there's a few hundred thousand americans with guns shooting everyone who wants to do it.
>Guess we'll wait them out until they leave
Vietnam basically humored America until they left.
>implying that America didn't fight with both hands tied behind its back
we could/should have vaporized the Viet Chinks and their Chicom masters at any hour
Maybe instead ask why Jim Morrison's father was involved in a false flag that deepened involvement in Vietnam.
It's more profitable to stretch out a war over a decade or more than it is to win it in an instant.
he's a fortunate son
hands tied shitlibs
they lost public support
>The South Vietnamese couldn’t fight the Vietcong.
They could, problem was, they didn't want to, South Vietnam armed forces became extremely lazy and corrupt along the war, the north just had more commitment, also the north cause was "noble" the unification of Vietnam.
Why is it so hard to for an American to just say "We lost the Vietnam war"? It's like the knight in that Monthy Pyton movie who can't admit defeat after having all of his limbs cut off.
because they wanted to draw it out like they did afghanistan, for infinite mil contracts
you don't know much about money laundering, do you?
Won every battle and stopped the spread of Communism which was the goal. Even the combined might of the USSR and China couldn't stop us.
This poster is a Jew, and it's 1 post by this ID. He knows very well that Henry Kissinger bombed Cambodia to lead us into another Jewish war to destroy goys -that's what the war was really about, a mass sacrifice to their demonic gods.
There was never any intention of winning against Communism there because the people that wanted that war were Communists themselves. It was meant to humiliate and embarrass the United States through war crimes and failure to win.
Because every other country mocks them constantly about it despite having plenty of worse losses of their own.
Thats how it is when your the popular one
T. Watches ozark once fag
>Interestingly, the rear admiral commanding the nearest US Navy carrier task force ordered American fighter planes, which were only fifteen minutes away, to fly to the defense of the Liberty; however, his order was countermanded by the commander of US Naval forces in Europe. The carrier admiral was George S. Morrison – the father of rock legend Jim Morrison. The admiral who countermanded the order was John S. McCain Jr. – the father of the 2008 Republican US Presidential candidate, John McCain III.
>Rear Admiral Morrison fiercely opposed the official report – which exhonerated Israel of any wrongdoing; and, though he was at the time of the incident the youngest admiral in the US Navy, he never rose to higher rank.
Not enough South Koreans
>implying the war was not the mission
But why did US engage in gorilla warfare? I mean, why didn’t they concentrate on taking out their capital cities or something?
Could it be (intentially?) wrong strategy from the very beginning - to prolong the war, engaging in meaningless local fights and unnecessarily increasing casualties for both sides?
the US has lost every war since ww2.
They were actually winning it,
believing that they lost it falls to the leftist narrative.
Complete propaganda, and pushed by the corporate media complex. People were socially conditioned into believing a US defeat.
When for starters, they had an incredibly low casualty rate compared to the enemy.
50,000 American dead
Almost 1,000,000 Communist dead
The Tet Offensive was a success for the US, but the media interpreted as a dire moment. Simply because US positions were being attacked deep in South Vietnamese territory.
What was the result of the Tet in reality?
The Vietcong was obliterated, by the confession of their own defence minister.
Heavy casualties on the NVA side, a lot moreso than the American side -- as in every battle they fought.
I believe if the Americans had launched a massive offensive after Tet, they would have won the war. But the media poisoned peoples minds on the homefront and destroyed war support.
Lesson for why a corrupted and hostile media is not healthy for the nation.
Beating the shit out of someone 'till bored =/= losing lol.
>They didn’t. They lost to the opinions of drugged out hippy democrats that played anti war songs.
Bulshit. We lost because we didn't know or care what was actually going on in the country, and ended up waging a war against every man woman and child in the place.
Then we did exactly the same thing in Iraq. At least the democrats learned something from the mess.
we killed those gooks wholesale and they fucking love us. we tried bros. we tried. at least you get it
>the US has lost every war since ww2.
No republican since Lincoln has brought any war to a successful conclusion.
War isnt team deathmatch you dumb moron
>The Tet Offensive was a success for the US, but the media interpreted as a dire moment. Simply because US positions were being attacked deep in South Vietnamese territory.
Because before Tet all the media was saying that the US was winning the war, and VC could no longer do anything about it. Then Tet happened and everyone realized the US had been lying all the time since there was a huge number of VC attacking.
>But the media poisoned peoples minds on the homefront and destroyed war support.
Because drafting didn't work, and there was no reason for US soldiers to be there, fighting in an irrelevant shithole.
Is that rifling inside of the shell? Never seen that before. Did we have stuff like that in Viet Nam?
Gorillas? Did they recruit from the zoo?