Why can't the US just fucking legalize weed already? We know its going to happen eventually...

Why can't the US just fucking legalize weed already? We know its going to happen eventually, do we really need to have this long and annoying process where state after state goes through the process of decriminalization and legalization? It all feels monumentally slow, stupid and costly for no reason

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It's legal here. Lmao

Only backwards shitholes don't have it legalized

i dont think it will ever be federally legal. The states will fight against that , each state is creating a captive legal market protected from out of state competition.

Here come the salty ass replies from legitimate schizos who will call you a degenerate because they tried weed once and had a panic attack.

law enforcement lobby but first (((they))) have to fix the market.

>undercutting states to create competition
not very united, are we?
that's how the civil war started.

its going to be legal here soon
Jacinda told me while she was sucking my cock
true story

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no fuck off, you degenerate
t. 20yr weedhead

Don't smoke that jew bush, it makes you slow lazy and smell like shit.

they have to let their friends and donors friends get into the business first its only fair goy

>tfw haven't smoked in eight months due to a bigass panic attack last time i got high
i mean, it was because i took 5 strong pulls in one hour off an e-pen after two weeks of being clean, but something in me psychologically wont let me try it again out of fear

i guess what im saying is they should just admit they couldn't handle it gracefully.

Weed dealer here. Why do you want me to lose my job user? I barely put in any more effort than neets but i make about 85k a year. Dont take this from me.


yes, like New York
I'm still trying to find some sketchy place that will sell me juice online

ill bite your dick off

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how am i a loose woman?
ive been smoking for over 20 years. i know what im talking about 420 brahs should be executed

ill smoke weed while you gargle my blood coom

>but first (((they))) have to fix the market
That's how it worked here in CA. Nobody would legalize it until they found a way to craft a bill that made sure their buddies made cash and small operators were regulated out of the market, that was Prop 64 I believe

First they need to make sure it's not dangerous.
Not for us
For them

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Weed makes you wake up groggy and shitty

Shouldn't be legalized ever

Bruh watch Trump legalize it just to take the wind out of Joe's sails on a debate stage.

Texas here. Boy, do we sure have crystal meth, though!

i have been smoking for 10 it does nothing but make you feel better after like a week it stops making you stupid only roasties hate weed because they connect to when they where whores in high school therefore its degenerate not them.

>i make about 85k a year.
so if it became legal, use that money to start a business, buy real estate and open a legitimate storefront. Quadruple that 85k/yr

the constitution allows states rights
the federal government overstepping their rights on something that will inevitably be legalized is anti american and would be similar to the federal government overstepping their rights on freeing the slaves when slavery abolition was inevitable but a slow process state by state

They are babies and want you to think that they are the absolute authority on everything and hate when they have less power.

This whole deal is so babyish and just makes me hate the government even more.

More like I smoked hydro everyday as a teen and now hear voices 24/7 because I'm schizo.

Michigan allows me to grow up to 12 plants at a time. I keep 6 and have 3 flowering every month and a half or so. That comes out to about 6 ounces once it's dried and cured.

I'm not a big smoker, once or twice a week at most. My mom has had numerous spinal surgeries and weed really helps with the pain from that. Still end up with massive amounts of bud that I end up giving away to friends.

This. I'm always paranoid as fuck like 24/7 I'm ready to bust my 9

Lol that wasn’t the weed it was just you.

Weed breeds degeneracy. Just look at Canada

i smoked for like 10 years and its shit, if you are gonna do drugs at least do a good one

cool I want to get super powers from weed with schizophrenia you can never be alone you always have someone to talk to

Yo dude, check this out. Here's (((why))).

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you are too fresh

why did it make me a massive racist and antisemite, then?

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fake drug dealer

jew themselves


attention whore

fucks their sister

why wouldn't those immense corporations just produce with weed then, whats stopping them from it other than the health concerns of citizens?

news flash: the south lost faggot

Legal in my house

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nigger, no southerner uses the confederate memeflag on Yas Forums this memeflag is a favorite of israelis who are ashamed of their star of remphan

I too love for a drug that creates skitsos to be legalized.

Ban reason: responding to off topic garbage

Fuck off jannies.

KYS you druggie fuckin faggot. Only drug addled cunts make threads about their drugs. Fuck off back to plebbit you worthless fucking cunt. Go be amongst other druggie fucks. Get the fuck off this board. We hate your fucking guts. Only fuck up cunts smoke that shit.

because states like Illinois are to busy setting up monopolies for their buddies and taxing 700 dollar an ounce weed at 42%.


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