Muh exponential growth

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>B-but muh Second Wave

Good thing we destroyed the Bill of Rights and economy, otherwise more people may have gotten the flue.

>muh middle school math
>can't recognize a normal distribution
You have to be 18 to post here

We're literally on the verge of a police state, the economy is in shambles, deaths are on level with the annual flu. And yet people are still just parroting the OMG STAY THE FUCK HOME propaganda.

I've lost faith in humanity. I can't wait to watch this world fucking burn.

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Flatten the curve of white peoples rights. Really should be going down. Imagine working your entire life for your own benefit or even white children. This needs to end.

There's a reason why there is a lockdown in place in most Western countries, which is to stop new infections and deaths from occuring, which is working. If it didn't work we wouldn't have put a lockdown in place. Is OP retarded?

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Give it two more weeks, just you wait

Bill of suggestions really. Doesn’t even apply to white goyim slaves. What the founding fathers intended.

>we destroyed the Bill of Rights and economy
lol, calm down, it's just acouple of days. what a fucking crybaby. Also, an economy that can't withstand a prolongued shutdown because of a pandemic has fundamental problems that would have had to be corrected sonner or later anyway.

Only sick obese niggers and old AF boomers are dying. Fuck them. This is the natural order.

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>The deaths even with lockdowns will be in the millions
>the deaths even with lockdown will be in the hundreds of thousands
>the deaths even with lockdowns will be in the tens of thousands
Gee these retards dont get why the deaths are so low, it's because of lockdowns

Very dumb and naive

This low iq brainlet doesn't know the solution to the differential equation always yields an exponential solution. The rate could slow dramatically and it will still be an exponential growth pattern, you stupid nigger.

>We're literally on the verge of a police state, the economy is in shambles, deaths are on level with the annual flu. And yet people are still just parroting the OMG STAY THE FUCK HOME propaganda.
Fucking this thanks for inspiring me to go out and buy beer tonight

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Naive as fuck.

Are all Americans schizo? Your system of values seems to sustain in mental illness.

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>learned stats in social sciences and thinks to say such dumb shit
not quite

>deaths are on level with the annual flu
Not really, there were like 10,000 coronavirus deaths in New York in the past 2 weeks (and this is with lockdown in place). New York makes up 1/40th of Americas population. 10k people dying there in 2 weeks would be the equivalent of 400,000 people dying all over the US in 2 weeks.

Even if you're schizo and that says that this virus is a hoax and that they're purposefully misdiagnosing non COVID deaths as COVID deaths; for reference 400,000 deaths would be equal of 1/7th of the average yearly deaths that happened in the US, taking place in a couple weeks time. It doesn't make sense for them to have that much excess mortality without this virus, unless your mega schizo who believes the hospitals are purposefully killing people and saying they died from COVID.

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-1 is an exponent.

lockdowns are a meme

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Glad I'm not the only one mad about this. I talk to my relatives and they're like "well yeah we lost the freedom to assemble but what about the germs :("

Burger are so fuck stupid. Silly burger they release own virus on people, jsecond wave come soon , end america nation forever finally


Ooooo he called me a schizo, that means I'm wrong. That also means the government willing gives up power when they overreach during a crisis.


Haha dam that's funny

Are Americans really this stupid?

Shitty attempt at same fagging but the message is still based.

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I find it very amusing that the same leftie faggots who screamed their heads off about "OMG FASCISM" for the last 5 years straight are the ones who buckle immediately to authority. Turns out, all you have to do is make the "antifascists" fearful enough and they'll fall in line without even so much as a question.

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Forgot the memeflag, dipshit.

yes , burger blameing Chinese Democratic Republic for theyre own bio weapon virus, can’t even lie to own people without us finding out

Yes last thing I want is a chimney for my fireplace.

>what is a logistic curve
>we mu-must destroy our economy because dif eq always models everything right
>you must ignore empirical data and stick with my theoretical assumptions of how epidemics spread otherwise low IQ nigger
>perfect embodiment of pic related

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I hope you genuinely can't tell that your ID is the same every time. That would make this all the more hilarious.

nobody under 80 is dying

Nothing will happen.

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The people presenting the models every day have literally said "models are usually wrong." Yet autistic droolers here act like since it's math-related that it must be infallible.

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leave him alone fuck burger he did not say anything to you dumb whore bitch fuck your mom i fuck her so hard last night bitch nigga

Bullshit, skydivers are dying left and right from this shit!

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>the flue
Okay retard


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>I've lost faith in humanity.

Most people are just sheep. They have no actual thoughts of their own, they just follow authority figures.

That's the problem with this country - it's controlled by the media.

There is always a decrease on a Monday, seriously, count the drops in your graph, every seven days theres a drop then the next day a huge increase.

it's airborne hiv, retard.

Flu kills 50k every season. We're not even halfway there yet, and Corona has already peaked. It's time to start admitting that this thing was way overblown.

>I can't wait to watch this world fucking burn.
You're going to be waiting for a while.

>boomers are 80+
I just want this to be over, just so you faggots can go back to school and get off of here.
>>The deaths even with lockdowns will be in the millions
No one ever said that.

Fuck your constitution you liberal shithead. I want Fascism.

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hi guys, need some help

I heard Trump released a propaganda film today where he angrily played propaganda but all I can find is Trump calmly playing old CNN clips

if someone should help me I would greatly appreciate it in a new tab of course