What kind of culture makes Japanese men not want to procreate with Japanese women? Someone describe what’s going on in this country for the sake of the future of whites.
What kind of culture makes Japanese men not want to procreate with Japanese women...
japanese women are made for the BWC thats why
Oh no they might only have 100 million people on their island in 50 years. Better import millions of immigrants.
Wrong feminism hasn't infected the Japanese populace as much as it has in other countries. They are on the path of being divorced from their roots.
you are looking at the problem sideways, it's Japanese women's ever increasing standards that's causing the problem
you are uninformed.
White men use their white matter to colonize problems out of existence, which is awesome.
The world has changed. The economy is not a jungle but a hostile eternal winter full of spiritual mammoths that most people can't see, let alone hunt. It's not the 1950s, but people born in the 1950s are bluepilled cucks, usually, so today's issues are a fair trade: half the standard of living but near infinitely more knowledge. I can see the spiritual essence on top of the physical reality, and can perceive moral choices and opportunities lit by a light of an all-knowing all-loving God who wanted to know existence in this material world.
Enjoy being redpilled. Enjoy a deep philosophical certainty that exercise, work, and study really is the ideal life. Enjoy the feeling that comes from making a multi year plan and carrying it out one handful at a time...one step at a time. Enjoy breaking free from a lifetime of hateful propaganda such as OP's post, to focus one's mind onto the rigors of white work and white study and white social etiquette. Enjoy the feeling of simply doing the right thing, stuffing down all feelings which get in the way of politely getting it done and being a good neighbor.
Enjoy acting white. Nobody else knows what that means...the pleasure of clean living, honest dealing, and farm-worker dedication to studying and doing a good job. Not to mention lots of guns and lots of sons.
Enjoy understanding the hateful brainwashing of today's media, and consciously reject it by telling yourself a different story...the right story in which you do the right thing, what your grandfather and neighbors would approve of and admire. Enjoy whiteness: the self control to easily stay thin and hot, the enjoyment of nature and physical training, the desire to study every day to improve at one's occupation, and the resolve to focus immediately on having 5 or more children in one's 20s.
Enjoy Gamergating their propaganda.
prude women, over worked populace, demanding family hierarchical structures and easier access to quick fucks or masturbatory aids.
Japanese women aren't the innocent porcelain dolls Yas Forumstards think they are.
Japan is basically matriarchy.
the American way
God bless the USA
No culture, just economic zone with rootless, interchangeable worker units
Japan has the opposite extreme, too much Masculinism, they were the first MGTOWs even when the women were submissive and trad just because they'd rather watch hentai and sleep in
Corporate slave culture. Men are expected to devote 18 hours a day to their work for meager pay. Young men don't want that so they just become NEETs. Women are pressured to only marry men with good career prospects so they don't marry these men.
What makes you assume it's the men, cuck?
existential crisis
corrupt society massively stacked against the youth who then drop out and consume porn
Horrible office culture of working 10-12 hour days, never getting to use sick time or vacation because it is shameful to not work. It is shameful to not go drinking with your boss. This destroys sex drive and makes you hate the idea of family because you can NEVER enjoy it.
Let me be the first to say this guy is fucking based, provided you have the attention span to read his post.
Fuck Chinks and Kikes.
It's not that we aren't having children. It's just that we're choosing to have only one. Houses are smaller here, are expensive, and require both parents to work. Also the walls are super thin. You can hear everything going on in the neighborhood. Everything.
The real issue is too many people moving to the cities. Japan does have a ton of farmable land and countryside, but all of those towns and villages are dying because they must move to the city.
like this?
Same reason as the West, women want to focus on their careers, they would rather work on Microsoft Word then have a family because feminism told them that was awesome
half-right half-wrong
half-right half-wrong
mostly right
half-right half-wrong
mostly right
the actually correct answer
half-right half-wrong
mostly right
another correct answer
another actually correct answer
Job market
>does have a ton of farmable land
Why do you care? Why does this change your life in any way? Where are your kids?
you zoomers arent old enough to remember. in the 1990s Japan was flooded with overpopulation. Even in American geography class we were told they had way too many people and they needed to reduce.
Highly based
>overpopulation propaganda
What happen in that drop of births between 1965-1967?
More than you'd think. They want you to believe everyone has to crowd into Tokyo when the island chain as a whole has dying towns that need more population. I don't mean more births, I mean people need to leave Tokyo and Osaka.
I can't wait until South America succumbs to feminism and the rise of roasties, your women used to be based, now they have idealistic notions of the west and look up to the wrong parts of our society. They seek Israeli sex tourist cock hoping for a sugar daddy. How will you ever compete?
Fire Horse Zodiac Sign is considered super unlucky and unfortunate, or something. Yes it's a real thing.
wtf are you talking about? women are encouraged to work in japan. it's become such a crisis many old people are lacking care because the women used to do that, especially in rural areas. this is a commonly talked about issue in japan
>I mean people need to leave Tokyo and Osaka.
No; there need to be *more* Tokyo and Osaka's.
As it stands, there's virtually *nothing* on the entire Western coast and upper part of Honshu. No reason to move there.
That's smart. People should take astrology more seriously.
It's a common phenomenon, there's no exception
The same as any westernian ones. European numbers are fake, we include shitskins who shit 5-10 kids. White people are dying too, even faster than the japs.
Damn that’s just sad
I'm pointing out how you're using US DATA on a JAPANESE QUESTION.
Taxes keep going up. Men and women are required to work long hours (morning to night), taking (a week) vacation is highly frowned upon. There's no time. I made my wife quit her job when we got married and we have some kids now, but I'd imagine if we both worked we'd be at 0.
their work culture is insane so there's no time to socialize and meet qts. 2 hours a day of mandatory work clubs after school which is already 10 hours. also they face the same problem of crushing rent prices, meaning men dont really feel like spending their last remaining 200 yen on a bitch.
and they're too pussy to speak out against it because muh authority
Woman are encouraged to work in most 1st world countries, that doesn't explain the birth rate in Japan. I think the explanation is the occupation of Japan by the Americans after they were vaporized in ww2. They were exposed to American culture on a daily basis, and eventually your women decided they wanted a 6 foot Anglo with a cock, over some tiny nip dick
Why is there such an emphasis on work? Is it to stay technologically and economically relevant in the world? To keep up with china militarily and economically? Do the Japanese not realize that a shrinking population will only hurt them in this regard?
We're all in this together Tojo
Are you fucking dense?
>they're too pussy to speak out against
That's not generous at all to the situation.
>a shrinking population will only hurt them in this regard?
>Why is there such an emphasis on work?
to exploit the boomers' positions of power for profit; no other actual reason, because they are well aware that very little work gets done under the current system
>Woman are encouraged to work in most 1st world countries, that doesn't explain the birth rate in Japan
Yes it does. White birth rate is falling globally. They're maybe in Japan overcrowding is there so its necessary, but in US it's undoubtedly due to hookup culture and feminism. They're using this shit to replace us.
who cares
No, but you are.
He said it's a global phenomenon and provided non-Jap data to back it up you absolute mongrel.
The shrinking population is only a problem for tax reasons to pay for their abnormally high number of elderly. Even if most couples do have kids, it's only ever going to be 1 or 2 which means the replacement rate isn't there, more elderly will still die over kids being born. Japanese cannot afford families of 3 or more kids.
You’re a very proud and orderly culture which is something to be revered. I don’t like the hive mind part of your culture but that’s something that can be forgiven. It would be a shame to see East Asian culture reduced to the Chinese and Koreans.
have you noticed every piece of japanese media is young people smashing institutional authority
Look at his very first post retard and mind your
fucking business.
daily reminder:our birthrate is no different from european's ones. even higher. our birthrate is 1.5 and this only includes japanese couples. european's ones include immigrants and mix. our number of new born is about 1 million. no european countries are above that.
>a shrinking population is bad
I have to disagree with you on that. The idea there needs to be growth in all aspects is a meme. We have too many people. We're a rocky island with not enough flat land for multiple metropolises.
As for why work is important, it's just our culture. Japan isn't focused on the individual, but the whole. The job, at the end of the day, must be done. If info home on time, the rest of my team will have more to do. Maybe not bad a few times, but if you continually shirk you'll get less desirable jobs until you hate your job - this is bad because switching jobs (once you're in a career) is highly unorthodox and new employers will be very suspicious hiring you.
Also, why it takes so long is because Japanese workers aren't very efficient. The idea is to look busy rather than be busy. I'm not sure why this is.