When will you learn

when will you learn

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Not my fault you retards fell for the Christian being pacifist meme

Religion will be dead in first world countries in about 20-30 years OP, just give the magic believers some time to die off.

Dawkins is a brainlet who thinks he's smart. His entire theory is "religion can be abused. therefore religion is bad". The only reason anyone pays any attention to him at all is his edgy over-the-top opinion that religion is never good and must always be eliminated no matter what.

Rather than venerating ancient carpenters and vagabonds, picture a religion whose deity is Man. A religion which endorsed rationality, high art, strength, and the ascension of Man to his highest potential. That would be a religion worth participating in.

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He's also a cuck that backed down immediately when he said that races exist.


Attached: christcuckssssssssssss.jpg (1011x574, 288.43K)

Atheists don't have kids though. The most fecund demographics are the most religious ones. Atheism is disappearing, as Islam and Christianity both grow.

How did this work out for Ludendorff, OP?

he went on to join the nazis and dissuade hitler from becoming a christcuck

first world countries will have entirely different demographics in 100 years due to abysmal birth rates

I'm not religious. My dislike for Dawkins is strictly personal. I even have another picture for your collection.

Attached: my perfect infallible version of christianity has never been tried before.png (622x390, 35.79K)

you know if you change your memeflag we still know it's you right OP?

Dawkins is hilarious, cancelled for being a white male after going off script, liberals are the best useful idiots.

literally no one today is a creationist or a christian who believes in the bible, its all trolls pretending to be stupid to get replies

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>lose WW1 by being the worst general
>spend the rest of your life blaming Christians that you couldn't throw enough bodies into the meat grinder to win

Dude, you are understimating people

thought this board liked germans

and it's your fault

based and redpilled. unequivocally

the kingdom of heaven is the world you leave to your children

or it's hell

Weird that Ludendorff would say that when he later supported Hitler at the Putsch

Ludendorf was a literal psycho who tried to win the war by throwing his men into a literal meatgrinder to try and break the French's spirit. All he accomplished was the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides for no real gain.

hitler was atheist

sounds like hitler

christcucks never will

First off, you are a memeflag and use shill-speak, thus you are either a discord tranny or a Chink (until proven to be Jewish).

Second, Richard Dawkins supports the Out-of-Africa theory, like almost every atheist does, because that's what mainstream science teaches you.

Third, you probably have no idea who Erich Ludendorff was or what he means to Germany. He was all his life a Christian, and only after his putsch-attempt in corperation with Hitler did he turn mentally unstable. At that point his wife led him into a cult known as "deutschgläubige". The Prussian military aristocracy, also during NS, was Christian.

Here, now you have your reply, your thread is on first page and it slided successfully, you put us one step further in D&C. Fuck you, faggot.

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Dawkins is the ultimate midwit.

And Churchill

Yeah, yeah we get it. You're an edgy Satanist.

Unlike religion, atheism is not organized in any way that is conducive to increase birth-rates, regulate marriage, produce culture or maintain tradition. All politics and religion are just reproductive strategy, see Dual inheritance theory. Your "strategy" is self-destructive, uprooting our culture and then demanding that we maintain a moral society.

Attached: Atheism will die.jpg (638x479, 98.02K)

>ancestors of modern whites leave Africa and evolve based on new surroundings, becoming more intelligent
>ancestors of modern blacks stay behind and stay retarded
Sounds pretty based to me


What a fucking faggot. Ruined the empires chances

Ludendorff was really a good and honourable man. And he was a Christian. He named the successful offensive against the Russian at Allenstein in defense of East Prussia after the famous defeat of the Teutonic Order at Tannenberg, commenting to his counter-part Hindenburg that he "avanged them". He was a celebrated national hero and helped prop up Hitler's early movement. And his idea of the "Wehrstaat", which he developed in his post-war writings based on his experience, were the basis for NS-Germany's military policy.

As I said in my other post, it was his wife that got him involved in a weird cult, which was typical for the Weimar Republic.

Christians may have more kids, but their kids are increasingly atheist.

Except it's wrong.

Attached: examining out of Africa theory.jpg (845x403, 99.11K)

Where is he now?

Then you are just like alphabet people. You all need to groom our kids via school and media to continue existing as a group.

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Praise Jesus and you can thank Nazis for losing the war and making white pride taboo for eternity. You can also thank them for leading to the death of the best white men we had to offer.

My father is a vicar and I've told him all about this.

You realize that atheism isn't just some organized group homogeneous group.
We have a variety of opinions.
For example there are communists and libertarians who rarely work for a common cause unless Christians start trying to oppress us.

Does anyone have the source for this quotation?
I can't find it in german.

>empire sues for peace after Brest-livosk, before the Americans come over in force

What happens?
