Why can't you just have sex and make more white children? Isn't this a better plan then just complaining and doing nothing.
Instead of complaining like niggers
You think your clever don't you.
A lot of people here are very insecure and unlikeable and sometimes straight up deformed and autistic.
This doesn't mean that their concerns with demographics is misguided or that their arguments are invalid if they themselves don't have kids.
An incel clock, twice a day
I'm honestly being serious. We complain everyday but what we should be doing is encouraging white men to work even harder and marry some chick who would bare him multiple children then not only will our race prevail but we could grow stronger from our struggles. What's wrong with that?
>outbreed shitskins
Get divorced.
Literally what does a nigger have to complain about?
I can't stand normal women, if I was to impregnate one she would probably have an abortion or we would get married and we would be very miserable.
>Why can't you just have sex and make more white children
Can't afford it because have to pay for niggers, negresses, and niglets to live. They breed like roaches.
White women are too busy fucking dogs to have sex with me. This is why I hate the niggers.
>I hate the niggers
>has nigger flag
Really makes you think.
It doesn't matter how many children we have if the government just keeps importing twice five times that amount in a regular basis smartass
>Can't afford it because have to pay for niggers, negresses, and niglets to live. They breed like roaches.
It is immigration.
every single problem is immigration. All of this is the result of immigration. and why immigration? Because it is a well understood weapon of genocide, recognized as such by the UN, and we are being genocided.
>It doesn't matter how many children we have if the government just keeps importing twice five times that amount in a regular basis smartass
most of these dorks can't get women. This is why they spend their whole lives online to hate shitskins because when you have no happiness in your life you lash out at other people.
>most of these dorks can't get
it goes back to stupid religious mumbo jumbo starting with Jacob vs Esau
Instead of us racing to the bottom they should just be held accountable for being the biggest contributor to overpopulation. Stop having 12 kids
>overpopulation. Stop having 12 kids
White people are not even at replacement rates. The problem isnt 'overpopulation'. It is mass immigration.
If we stopped calling white people evil and stopped the endless immigration, causing a sense of permenant white-flight - we will breed again. Look to hungary.
this threads are always a shitshow because its exposes all the truth, its the biggest pill to swallow..
even if theres was a white ethnostate it will die off if the people don't have children, simple as that
>Just outbreed 6 billion people your (((leaders))) are openly mocking you over being replaced by.
Gee. How many fuckign times will you dumb fucks make this same argument.
We cannot outbreed the third world. Only ending mass immigration, and mass deportations will create the environment in which white people will willingly breed. Also, stop the anti-white rhetoric, propaganda, and demonization. We are being denied our literal birthright. Fuck you.
Google UN Replacement Migration.
Because most people here are salty incels that have never seen a titty in real life.
social engineering? Giving women power over men? Drink bleach?
>Because most people here are
modest young white men. The main target of decades of mainstream media demonization. The targets of mass immigration, replacement migration and affirmative action.
> just breed man!
Go fuck yourself.
>social engineering? Giving women power over men? Drink bleach?
Social engineering basically sums it up. And who did that social engineering? Who led this brash genocidal attack on white men?
Im an Anti Natilst and believe procreation is equal to or worse than murder.
I believe its time for humanity to start planning a graceful exit for our species so we can maintain some dignity and not embarrass ourselves anymore than we already have.
Shows over. Time to grow up humans.
Found the jew. Always with the memeflags.
Find a sturdy white girl. Breed. Kids aren't expensive.
Latinos are white. Especially, with culture. Hardworking, family oriented, and Gid fearing. I'm glad they're taking over as the second most important demographic.
>Latinos are white.
Maybe.. Who cares. There are far too many pouring into USA. They vote socailist and are happy to go on welfare and pop out babies. Does that sound 'white' to you?
>Hardworking, family oriented, and Gid fearing
SOme of them. They should do all that good stuff IN MEXICO.
>. I'm glad they're taking over as the second most important demographic.
You have to go back. We are not a daycare for hispanics.
Equal grounds would require the following:
- The end of all affirmative action
- The end of preferential business grants\loans\contracts\etc for minority\immigrant businesses
- The end of dysgenic welfare practices
- The end of all race based programs of any kind for loans, education positions, and so on.
- The end of the demonization of 'white nationalism' or 'white supremacy'. If la razza and ADL and CAIR exist, so can white advocacy groups.
Are you up for it?
My penis fell off in 1994. What do I do now?
Become an anti-immigration activist.
I'm not a jew. I was just using the flag for its aesthetics.
You are a tool of their mission then. KYS.
If you can't beat 'em, honk at them. Honk! Honk!