University professor who was beaten by four burglars FORGIVES one of his attackers in prison meeting - as shocking new...

>University professor who was beaten by four burglars FORGIVES one of his attackers in prison meeting - as shocking new image reveals full horror of his injuries
>Paul Kohler, 56, professor of law at Pennsylvania State University was jumped by four men in his home last year
>They subjected him to a savage 20-minute beating that left him badly hurt
>New photograph shows him shortly after the attack with painful wounds

Wow the absolute state of Americucks. Not only do you allow niggers to brutalize your people, but then you actually turn the other cheek and forgive the perpetrators??

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hate does nothing to the offender, and only harms you

images aren't connected, this hoax image was debunked long ago.

that's a woman, not a man

he was beaten by polish men


Stop race-baiting, stupid leaf.

Can you hit that cuck professor harder next time? Thanks Jamal.

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>Pathological Altruism: Case Example

He's not wrong, forgiving the dude or not, the bad guy is not going regret beating him. All hating does is just hurt you in the long run. Not even of a philosphy fag but read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

Stupid leaf
Why make shit up when there is so much in reality to choose from?

Nice disinfo from 2018 faggot.

Why the fuck does everyone act like hating someone hurts you?
Hate feels great, you'll never feel so alive as when you absolutely loathe someone

But not inaccurate.

100% he organized a conjugal to give the guy a BJ too

>University professor who was beaten by four burglars FORGIVES one of his attackers in prison meeting

good for him.

Not hating that which deserves hate is obscene.

That crackkka knows what's good for him


Ive been jumped by 4 nigs and 2 whites before and they could barely keep my down, lol.


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you have no clue what its like to be preyed on by people like that, do you? that is straight up cuck thinking. all him doing that does is paint a giant target on his head screaming "IM A HUGE PUSSY PLEASE TAKE MY SHIT" on his forehead.

forgiving your neighbor for trampling your rosebushes is one thing. him killing your family in cold blood is something else entirely.

Forgiveness is for weak people

What would Tony Soprano do anons?

Toll paid in advance.

>University professor
So a full blown communist?
Serves him right, S


t-they were p-probably victims of white racism from people that l-look like me *sob*
t. cucklord

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>forgive muh enemies for nearly killing me
Liberalism and Christianity share so much silliness in common. Let their great god Jehovah, unbeknownst to them, feed on their worthless bodies.


He was beaten by east euro slavnigs stop lying you ugly chink

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What a champion. Put that face on a box of Queerios.

>they didn't kill him