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just wait two more weeks gaiz
Tick tock happening fags, where's your happening now?
Why aren’t chimneys like you Greeks dropping like flies?
I called it a nothingburger right from the beginning. I actually did zero research and didn't even follow the developments, but I'm always right.
>526,353 current cases
>60,588 closed cases
>36,948 recovered
>23,640 dead
>hurrdurr winning
I guess 4 out of ten ain't bad odds huh?
Eat paste kid.
I hated my job and despise college.
To bad it isnt required to report recovers nor is it practical to retest people over and over unless they are part of the 20% hospitalized.
Really skews your numbers eh.
>5 months
>20k deaths attributed to this phantom Illness
Literally pathetic, it's not even just a flu, that would be an overstatement
Too bad there's no empty beds in the entire tri-county area out here. They're turning people away. I remember when our numbers were low too. Don't worry, you'll catch up soon bud. The misinformation you're spreading is harmful and dangerous.
Where are your sources? I've posted mine. The burden of proof is on you my friends. Until you prove me wrong, Im right.
It's coming, just u wait.
Also checkem faggots
Letssssss gooooo nothingburgers
>he thinks they are testing everyone
Kek you are such a retard go back to /cvg/ delusional happeningfag
this is even more embarrassing for the hapooners than the fucking iran/ww3 meme
>lol only 100,000 dead
>everyone stops wearing masks and goes back to partying
>restart nation
>New York happens in every major U.S. city
>deaths spike
>shut nation down
>repeat until vaccine
Just wait till Italy re-opens and watch the bodies start piling up again
Been here since /new/ newfag.
Gtfo my board no roodypoos allowed.
i like this chart
>New york happens in every major blue city
>unprecedented shutdowns
>23k dead and rising even with quarantines in extremely short period
if i wasnt protecting my old parents id cheer on lifting the quarantines so a whole lot of stupid fucks could slowly suffocate with lots of time to dwell on what niggers they are
the first known case in the usa was like january 20th, you're horribly stupid lol hopefully you catch it and your fat ass dies slowly and miserably
Smoking protects your lungs from corona by coating them with tar
The quarentine's sole purpose is literally so people can slowly suffocate
Protip: keep your parents inside during flu season
That's probably more because the chemicals and precursors for running the tests have hit a shortage.
>implying the redneck hick towns in my state even have real hospitals
Kvetch all you want faggot, a seasonal flu isn't going to kill me.
reminder it's just a flu and lockdowns and social distancing are a meme
Given the curve we'll reach something like 250,000 deaths worldwide in total, which puts it exactly with respiratory diseases, excluding tuberculosis
It's a double whopper nothing burger
People dying faster in rich states than "hick towns". Not sure on your point
We’re getting in their heads big time bros, keep posting the charts. Declines across the board
lol this has to be left pol niggers, nobody is this much of a sperg
"back to normal" isn't normal, Its great for boomers and women but young men life has been a living hell
two more weeks get
Join the army, don’t marry a woman.
>whole world in lockdown preventing the spread
>still gets 100k (lets not forget china) deaths within a month
The ratio is 23,640/526,353.
Is this impressive to you? How many people died from prescription medication last year? How many childhood cancers exist today as compared to the 1960's?
>Don't worry about anything real goy, just repeat the media.
>.001 Percnt of the population
Wow what a killer
Seriously, give it 2 more weeks. Also screenshot this post and look at it in 2 weeks. Lol.
people aren't getting infected in hick towns right now because they're all under lockdown and the churches are closed. If they re-open, it'll spread and they won't have hospitals to deal with it and they'll die
2 more weeks!
"Normal" wasn't working. I hope this entire fucking house of cards blows over like it was in a tornado.
I'm not even one of those accelerationist idjits. I'm just a man who realized that the system was sick and needed to be put down. It is almost fitting that a sick system is exposed by a virus.
now use your head for once and think about how much worse this could have been if those insane measures haven't been taken.
Spread outside of China only started 6 weeks ago.
Of course it will all be over soon because... reasons?
>just wait 2 weeks bro and you'll see
Wait for the second wave. This peak is from the first mass unmitigated spread from Chinese new year. Now imagine how many cases spread undetected between then and when quarantines were imposed.
GOP states don't have stay at home orders
>-20% GDP
>Billions on lockdown
>It was a nothing burger
Big difference being that a whole lot of that other stuff isn't contagious. I think the WuFlu is a nothingburger as well btw.
Wow .002%!
Maybe the virus only attacks you and your sodomy hive of 'tri-cities' you faggot.
I wish it was real.