This is unsustainable

this is unsustainable

Attached: election-map-by-county-3d-1-1.png (1311x810, 142.48K)



libshits are getting btfo by this virus.

Why not sustainable? Can't bear the tension? Or are you saying that Team Blue must win, because of their stacks?

its an election map not a corona map

overlay the corona map :^)

What the difference?

We really need to limit the amount of electoral power a huge city has on its state. If Cook County didn't have a monopoly on IL my state would of gone red. Even my county Kane a BORDER county of Cook went red.

They're both population density maps

im saying that blue cities surrounded entirely by red counties dictating policy to the red counties is unsustainable. there is maybe 1 blue city on this entire map that isnt in a sea of red territory.

How come Alaska is such a die-hard republican than anywhere else?

frost fucks up with your brain

I agree, we need to do something about this balkanization. Cutting all food export from the red states to the pockets of blue that DEMAND they get no vote is a good start. We can't avoid conflict in this uncertain time while forcing interaction of any sort. Cities can keep their "diversity" and whatever else it is they think they export to the rest of the country, the rest of the country can stop giving things they produce to people who hate them. Easy stopgap solution.

You can't be a pussy in Alaska.

Land doesn't vote.

fucking retard showing off the average drumpvoter IQ

Jew York and LA demonstrate how necessary it is to have an electoral college at the state level.

Attached: USA Corona infection map 4-13-2020.png (1868x742, 415.76K)

blue spots = places of education and civilization
red spots = cousin fucking, gun toting farmerman land where your edumication is done by Uncle McFinger

This is honestly a bit of a white pill as it shows that in actuality, Americans don't like leftists and their policies by a good majority.

It's easy to not even view the big city fuckheads as americans at this point.

Neither should those who dont own land.

Cities can't survive without the labor of that "land" propping them up unnaturally. To attempt to deny the people in that "land", who do the actual work that's necessary for them to survive and live comfortably enough that all self-preservation and common sense evaporates through disuse, a vote is closer to "omg literally slavery" than anything retards in cities have witnessed in their lifetimes.

>Sodomy, public drug use, and street shitting
>education and civilization

>places of education and civilization

Attached: Bernie bros cucked by niggers 2.jpg (1024x796, 210.4K)

your country is a shit hole, grade a pile of steaming shit, shut the fuck up faggot

The way to do this would be state senates working the way the federal senate does- each county gets X number of senators.

Yea im sure nobody abuses drugs in west virgina, not at all, its fucking utopia in eastern kentucky too im sure!

thats where all the crime and murder happens

>fat fuck actually seething
feels good

Look up colleges and where blue spots are


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Funny how that "civilization" is currently getting fucked in the ass by disease while the "farmerman land" is just fine. How's that education worth anything if "don't live in such close proximity you're guaranteed death in the event of a serious outbreak, as happens at least once per century, occurs" isn't part of it? retard

makes about as much sense as this map


reason number 10 million to boot CA from the union


>whooaaa places full of immigrants that dont know english arent very good at english whoaaaaaaaaaa

nice strawman dude

Lol, it's made to look like there's an epidemic.
>Ohhhh so much red!!!

Oh. You think people will like Biden better than Hillbilly? He’s senile and handsy.

>"wat duz 'per cap-uh-ta' meen?"
wow tell us again how educated you are

West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky dont have junkies openly shooting up on main street, nor do they have faggots buttfucking in the streets or Tyrone and Jamal culturally enriching the locals.

>California is full of Mexicans who can't speak English
>The entire south is full of Mexicans who can't speak English and blacks who can't speak English
>Florida is full of Colombians, Haitians and Cubans who can't speak English
>New York is full of everything that can't speak English

I wonder why those places have the lowest prose literacy? Really gets the noggin joggin.

Corona spread to "sanctuary cities" because your borders are Swiss cheese and your city councils are cucked and anti-white. You're getting what you deserve.

Attached: leftist borders immigration soy.png (834x1060, 168.99K)

Oil interests I would imagine. That and alaskans dont really see themselves as american. I think a lot of them vote independant or dont vote at all.

>moving to a country when you dont know the language
>allowing people to move to your country when they cant communicate
Yeah its a bit of a problem isnt it?

reminds me of

Attached: mega-city-one-from-dredd.jpg (2181x897, 813.56K)

Because liberals' pet mexicans and niggers are retartet

Amazing the dichotomy between Dallas and Tarrant (Ft Worth) Counties in TX.

Attached: Biden_china.jpg (640x631, 220.81K)

>wealthier, more educated people voting in the best interests of the nation while poor, uneducated idiots vote for billionaires time and time again
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEE how can this be happening
ask fox news

Not to take their defence but I will say this just for the sake of arguing:
Cities are still economic powerhouses of the nation and generate a lot of wealth. If the rural part begins to go on a strike, these cities will pretty much import food from outside the country (And we all know who they will turn to since most of them are chinks already).

The rural area and farmers are important, but they're not gonna win this fight.

which is it then, full of illiterate mexicans or education hubs?

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Yes. The electoral college drowns out the voices of the American people who choose to live and work in our shining centers of technology and progress. For some reason Bubba and Cletus who live in flyover country, contribute nothing to society, and collect welfare every month have an electoral voice more than five times as loud as the scientific and engineering minds who live at the center of human progress. Pic related is who elects politicians, not the people who take the time to investigate every candidate to be able to make informed decisions about the future, not only for themselves but also for their descendants and the community as a whole.

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>dum poltard don't y kno that's b'cos NY is full of non-angloophones

I'm guessing they're not exactly grammarians at speaking Spanish or click click either.

Attached: Boston Racism.png (1665x1549, 2.05M)

Where in Kane user?

anyoine else notice the big hook nose on that "ally"

>states with larger nigger and spic populations have lower average IQ
Is this your first day or something?

even in percapita big cities are extremely violent compared to suburbs and small cities
>places that are uneducated are uneducated
im glad we reached an agreement

That argument might hold up if those cities didnt exist as centres of a post-industrial economy. You cannot use services to leverage the global supply chains in to bear.

Yes it is. That's why the Wuhan flu will hopefully wipe them out, and convince any remaining whites that city living is for rats and lowlifes

Knock out the power substations and the city waterlines, and it'll become sustainable pretty quickly.

City whites also voted Republican. Pretty much everyone who hated Trump more than Hillary voted Hillary.

When you consider that roughly 100 million white people voted but that that of the 37% Hillary won, a large chunk were jews or gays, it means that only around 29% of straight non-jewish non-arab non-gay white people voted Democratic and this margin has been shrinking by about 2% an election year for several election years.

Making a heat map of jewish population centers is very anti-semitic. Delete this.

honestly the only answer is to require an IQ test to vote. sub 100's don't get a ballot. all our problems solves overnight

Depends. Are you white, a Jew, a Hindu, or an Asian? Then it's an education hub because these are the groups who encourage scholastic achievement and college education.

If you're anything else, it's just the place where you live and work until you're dead. The only Hispanics or blacks you see working at universities or hospitals are the janitors.

And the "land" would go into chaos without all the coordination needed to get the fertilizers, equipment and shipping needed to make a farm break even.

The difference between White Democrats and White Republicans is minimal. Most Democrat counties are rural black counties. Educated white Democrats are an anomaly caused by the rejection of status quo Neo Liberalism and Neo Conservatism

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the claim was that they were education hubs and civilization. it doesnt matter what race the people are if they can barely speak the language, they are uneducated

I don't think you'll be seeing so many of those illegals that don't actually exist voting this year.

Did they go into chaos in the 18th century when they coordinated their own needs? Urbanites have a tendency to insert themselves into places that they are not necessarily welcome and then insist that they are needed.