I just had to take a Lyft and my driver wouldn’t shut up about how she knew for a fact Bill Gates was behind Covid-19 and that the cure for it was sticking a hair dryer up your nose. Lmao, I thought people were just kidding about that kind of stuff online, but she was dead fucking serious.
It’s not just Yas Forums people really believe this shit
i heard normalfags talking about ID2020 while playing vidya
it's hard for your racist small brain to imagine someone who's white and not a jew doing something evil
The driver was black though
Even better, blacks are probably more sensitive knowing this stuff because they are obviously rightfully the first targets for sterilization.
It's almost like everyone who has access to the internet browses Yas Forums
Doesn't it creep anyone else out how Gates is giddy over a global pandemic?
The variation I heard was that he and his foundation created the virus so that they could make a vaccine to reduce the population.
Not the virus they made, mind you. It's the vaccine they made to stop the virus that will actually reduce the population.
I don't know how to respond to that.
Just take your chip and STFU!
Once more, autist schizos ruin the plans of some jewish looking billionare. Unironically.
Bill Gates was behind Covid-19 and that the cure for it was sticking a hair dryer up your nose
>coronavirus doesn't survive well in spring summer, taxi driver whips the shit out of libturd dumbass who brags how stupid he is
>sticking a hair dryer up your nose
No one believes that glowie.
We know:
- Vit C superdose
- Vit D
- Zinc
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Azythromicin
We are a force guided by god himself
It was so frustrating because on the one hand she was so phenomenally confused, but at the same time completely refused to change the subject or ride in silence. She was convinced The Gates’ Foundation was behind it and I asked why? Like what would be the motivation behind that (disregarding the fact that it was insane) and she just kept talking vaguely about how “they just wanna take over” and how all the deaths attributed to the virus were lies. Very confused, and just absolutely incapable of listening to reason
It’s surviving just fine in warm places like Australia and Spain though
Believe me goy, just take the chip and insert into your arm. It's for your own good.
You will eat the bugs before you leave the table.
>I don't know how to respond to that.
Did you know that the majority of polio deaths around the world are caused by Bill Gates' polio vaccine which contains a live strain that mutates and reinfects?
way to miss the point, small brain
>Very confused, and just absolutely incapable of listening to reason
You're literally a shill. Bill Gates married a tranny and his children are not his, that's why they won't inherit anything.
The thing is, if normies thing hes bad, but normies are uninformed about everything, guess he isnt bad then
It's bad enough his software can spy on you now he wants to implant you with tracking nano vaccines. The internet is a globalist tool so its natural for Gates to push invasive systems part of the technocracy empire.
>No one believes that glowie.
I’m telling you- this lady really did. She wasn’t like a schizo, she just sounded like she must really listen to Alex Jones or people like that a lot. Like I said, she just sounded very very confused. She kept saying things that were half right, but then misunderstanding them and going completely off the deep end
Because they're right you moron
No, I’m not a fan of Bill Gates either, I just don’t think he’s behind covid-19, or that you cure it by sticking a hair dryer up your nose. Dude sucks, but that’s not why
his wife is a kike just like him. that's what they look like. My kike friend in highschool had a sister that looks like her.
He's a happener. It's been his obsession for the past few years. Now he gets to see it play out in real time. It'd be like Yas Forums if the nazis came back to life and marched on DC.
shut the fuck up shill.
>>coronavirus doesn't survive well in spring summer,
Right. Heat prevents them from replicating. That's why it's called the COLD VIRUS and why it (a new serotype each year, some years several serotypes concurrently) can only be released during each hemisphere's winter season. It's also the reason people get fever, as that is how the body fights the virus.
tldr; jews release cold and flu viruses each year and they're from the coronavirus family
BUT they are calling it the "corona" virus to prepare us for the grand solar minimum.
>nothing by accident
He a billionaire GENERATIONALLY committed to eugenics and population reduction. Who was his dad? What did his dad do?
>some alleged retard supposedly believed something retarded
>therefore all critical thinking and alternative hypotheses are bad and the government should do all the thinking for us
Do you fags ever get a day off
Without a doubt that is 2 dudes in that picture.
why does bill look like a woman here?