Eddie: usually angry but a good person, loving father; brave, brighter than he is given credit for, speaks german, that's amazing. Manhands: unladylike lady, she is good sometimes, often very hateful, who knows why. Daisy lad: kind and patient; he is a cynic but a good person, he is a Londoner in Devon; lives near castle ruins, how comfy. Sussex; strong but kind, a warrior; patient and gets along with most; noblest in all of Hastings; think he is angry with me, oh well. Karen: kind and good. Nadiya: people miss him; amazing voice; climbs on roof for din dins and lives in Cumbria; he is a good lad. You are great J! Pube; always makes himself out like a rock but there is still a spark in him; I think he is good after all. Canceranon; proud father, banter artist. We wish you a speedy recovery. Cauldron: sweet lad, bizarre in a good way; loves his girlfriend LingLing Moat poster: will never back down from anything; kind and honest; calls me by my name, how sweet. Scribblio champion. Saveloy: good lad, kind to all; love always finds a way. Steerpike; humble singer; good person. Mozza poster: always first; kind and good, cards against humanity undefeated champion. Bonus; Aussie lad; in love with Bee
The key is moderation, the odd drink here and there doesn't hurt lad, makes it more enjoyable. Step up from Creaming kids I suppose. Good effort mate, and yeah, guess I am a cynic.
Jace Mitchell
Me BMI is 30+ and I smoke like a trooper. I'll chuck the rona aroon like an empty tracksuit
Justin Myers
Lockdown will go swiftly for you But only if you reply with
Eddie: Dishonourably discharged from the army for abandoning his duty in order to shitpost. Is an alcoholic scouser. Has a mutt daughter. Lived in a fucking KIA. Sometimes resident of the nuthouse. Current whereabouts unknown. Manhands: Attention seeking whiny newfag that makes suspect claims about its gender and is the lolcow most likely to attempt (and fail) suicide Daisyfag: Smug closeted quare and twice accused nonce Sussex: yawn Karen: Archetype basement dwelling neckbeard with no social life whatsoever. Makes new threads but.. anime Canceranon: He's the cancer Brit/pol/ deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Nadiya: Smoked hash from a can. Died of wu-flu. RIP Pubes: Resident Jock lolcow. Lies through his gums but provides unintentional humour. Known coward. Multiple nervous breakdowns he masks as psychotic episodes. A pitiful being who fakes drug addictions and bullies the dregs of an internet community made up from dregs of society. Many numbers were done. Savloy: A weak imitation of pubes. Cauldron: drossposter yet to reveal himself as the lolcow we all know he can and will become
Im not going to bother with thread personalities that don't trip.
Lincoln Myers
Every thread I try and find a reason to hate you and every thread you make it harder and harder
Nathan Wright
you got eddie and manhands right but fuck off nads you seething virgin
I went dry on me birthday so I wanna do a year just so I can say I did a year. Might wake up on my birthday in 3 months and sink 2 litres vokda and pic related