How come he hasnt been assasinated Yas Forums?

>denounces globalists and the elites all the time
>called Sandy Hook fake
>sneaked into the Bohemian Grove exposing the satanic rituals

Despite doing all of this, how come hes unharmed unlike other journalists such as Andrew Breitbart or Seth Rich? Is it to prevent a Streisand Effect?

Attached: alex_jones_infowars.jpg (1400x1400, 281.19K)

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Why turn him into a martyr? Deplatforming him was good enough.

He's a disinfo agent.


>Linked the NIH, Fauci, and Obama to funding the Wuhan biolab

Because then everyone would go crazy after his death. People would know that it’s the elite if he dies.

It's because he's a mindless conspiracy theorist who has never said anything important.

Powerful people always go after truly effective journalists. It was true with Julian Assange, and now it's happening to Glenn Greenwald.

Alex Jones isn't a journalist. He's a huckster. He's not a threat to anyone but himself.

why do fake christians refuse to name the jew as the killers of christ
and the malevolent force they actually are historically.
alex knows every crazy story but zero about
the jew.


They're not "fake Christians," they just understand their religion better than you. Jesus was an Arab Jew.

all this reddit spacing hin this thread, ffs, oh yes, you have to be from approved college brainwashing machines to be a journalist, forgot.

Cause there is no conspiracy

He's a performance artist who loves traps.

Attached: drag-queen-political-comic.png (1500x500, 78.11K)

lol imagine being this butthurt about obvious truths

I'm not mad, I just think anyone who doesn't see facts is a moron

Alex Jones...hmmm....a guy who's willing to believe any tinfoil hat conspiracy, but for some reason doesn't believe qanon and thinks Epstein killed himself.

If you're gettng paid millions of dollars to be crazy, you *might* not be crazy.

>How come he hasnt been assasinated Yas Forums

Because he doesn't name (((them))), and shifts all blame to libs, pakis and chinks instead.

Because he’s doing his job. He is a gatekeeper of the “conspiracy” community. Bits of truth mixed in with disinfo. Throw in the unhinged behavior and he’s the prefect controlled opposition.

They turn hin into a martyr a tons of people will do bad things against them. That's why. They need to kill his name first which they Wil never do.

If someone threatens your interests outright killing them is pretty suspicious. Best to drag them through the mud

Pretty much. He takes whatever grievances are caused by zog polices and scapegoats others for it.

To conspire is not crazy, people do it all the time.
If you're not smart enough to read between the lines of what is jokes, and see the sparks of truth you aren't worth saving.

He's a vitamin and water filter salesman who spins his listeners into fear so they buy his products, he's part of the problem acting like he is helping

He is one of (((their))) talking heads.

>Glenn Greenwald
Literally the guy that put a stop into the NSA leaks after being bought by a french billionaire and now has moved to Brazil with the goal of destabilizing the government? Shut up.

Yea, selling food, water filters, and vitamins to help you is "evil".

>a retard snake oils shonk of Podunkville

why not "assassinate" a dung beetle?

Attached: jonestown--billionaire_exodus_down-under.jpg (2035x1079, 235.21K)

Attached: take_the_flavor-aid_pill.jpg (1663x1666, 432.79K)

A lot of big boys with guns would retaliate and that word is out at the highest levels

u talkin shit kid

the greatest CHA build on earth
disinfo agent

Right. As you said, you're a moron.

name the worst thing AJ has done, look pal, I'm not even his fucking flag waiver. Why are you trying to defame him so hard? I bet you listen to the fags on CNN who are literal buttfuckers.

elaborate, what did he say that was "disinfo"?

they would retaliate against what?

Nobody did shit when epstein "died", lets be real here

Has he called out the Clintons yet?
That might help.

then how come he got de-platformed?

He's a mossad asset dipshit.

Controlled opposition. If you can't see that then you a nigger.

Then brought to CNN and showed the world" HEY GOYIM LOOK AT HIM, WE BANNED THIS GUY!!!"

>mossad asset
A mossad asset that redpilled the masses on 9/11 being orchestrated by the government?

either he's just a "conspiracy theorist" that they've written off, or he has some kind of deadman switch or dirt on someone.

He flooded the entire September 11 conspiracy research community with deranged bullshit about holograms and space lasers. This was done to drown out actual research into Israeli front companies like Urban Moving Systems.

That boomer LARP meme?