Don't you think the timing of this """"comet""" is a little suspicious?

Don't you think the timing of this """"comet""" is a little suspicious?

Attached: 3BA871B4-5627-471D-A5BD-E5335E99EDBF.jpg (730x520, 924.06K)

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Maybe. The closing of all the Telescopes weirds me out.

apparently it started "disintegrating"

comets and asteroids are way more common than people think but nobody pays attention until it becomes propaganda as usual

I would need to see additional frames, a comet framed between two stars is not unusual.

I think the comet will make a ping pong.

It’s not’s slowing down for approach.

how does a commet do that?

elliptical orbit, see geometry level 2 class

or just see this gif

Attached: Elliptic_orbit.gif (300x300, 18.02K)

objects move fastest at perihelion.

>still spreading bullshit about the existence of dirty snowballs in space
why haven't you accepted the fact that not one satellite that came close to a "comet" found a dirty ball of ice, are you retarded?

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said, leaflet?

sorry forgot a few more quotation marks around """disintegrating"""

+1 bonus point do not need to see me after class

Attached: 78451211141.jpg (1080x642, 15.1K)

Just a coincidence that Halley's comet came at the same time as the chernobyl disaster?

It’s not a comet. It’s the recon ship post Oumuamua

That's not slowing down in the gif though, it's speeding up as it approaches!
apparently the comet is breaking up.
maybe one of the pieces will hit us.

Attached: 78451444141.jpg (1080x642, 16.78K)

Maybe it's the "new jerusalem" coming to take you home?

Yeah, we should just share a slice of pizza.

Are we getting a visit by ayys?

Yes, it speeds up at it gets closer to the sun, then slows down again as it leaves. Is there some evidence that it's slowing down upon approach or is it just disintegrating as comets do? First I've heard of this one

Swing loooow

Space ship using an asteroid as a transport method. It’s “taking off” to prepare for intercept

>Between January 2013 and December 2100 the closest approach of Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y4) to Earth happens on Sat May 23 2020 at a distance of 0.78115752 Astronomical Units, or 116,859,502 kilometers:
>78% of the distance between the Earth and Sun
fuck, not even close

there's millions of objects flying around the solar system and hundreds of them go near our planet every year

Jesus is really calling the Christians bluff. I wonder what they'll think when space jews take them into the air?

Project blue book
really good website with comet info and visualizations.

To clarify... comets are constantly """disintegrating""" that's what the tail is. They don't usually break apart unless really stressed, like Chris Chan level stress.
Just a coincidence the Hale-Bopp comet came at the same time as the Heaven's Gate committed sudoku?

So I got some info on this and I downloaded the radio telescope information on this object.

- from the Moon is about 1500 miles right now.
- downloaded.
-posted this and it was deleted
- Posted it here in another thread... deleted
-Posted it again on youtube .. Deleted and my account ban

what the fuck is it.

I agree I've been watching this for over a month now and it slowed down and is currently in orbit around our moon.

Oh you're approaching me.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2019-03-06_at_4.32.48_PM.jpg (800x450, 99.52K)

Attached: CollectorShip.jpg (940x588, 439.96K)

you're a standard model believing slave of jews

Chernobyl is burning now. Forest fires.

It would have to literally explode for there to be any chance of pieces hitting us

See me after class.

My God, the twin tailed comet! A sign of sigmar! ALERT THE GRAND THEOGONIST!

Attached: Twin-Tailed_Comet.png (250x287, 90.83K)

Great info. Thanks user

Worst case: Aliens
Best case: Aliens

Attached: 1571897461053.png (200x200, 26.14K)

You gonna molest your student?

yeah, just checked the closest, approach .78AU or 78% of the distance between Earth and Sun, so not close at all.

Not this time. Thinking of giving him a role in a film I'm producing. After that we'll discuss payment.