I hope an earthquake levels Berkeley. How can we make that happen? Focus your energies, boys.
Oh gawd. Shut it down.
Nice of her to include some blatent positives in there, or does she consider things like "Objectivity" to be bad?
well yeah, any time you bring statistics or hard facts to lefties all they can say is "you're denying my lived experience"
>or does she consider things like "Objectivity" to be bad?
Yes, because she and her pet victim categories objectively look bad on whatever measures she uses to evaluate people
give it decade until the sun is at its most active.
or 2038 when it nova's
Yes because they think that if you subjectively feeeeeel something, it means it is true. They are romanticists at heart, and anti rational -- which is why they use Derrida to attack science and scientists.
>fear of open conflict
we'll see about that
>fear of open conflict
Seismic and volcanic activity increase dramatically in solar minimums. You don't have to do anything. Just wait. kot
>white supremacy
>quantity over quality
huh? since when?
510 here. I have to sit through crap like this for my uni job and all i do is zone out. Just give generic responses and it will all be over.
All i want in life is for a big one to hit Berkeley and rip that shithole in two.
Honest question, which jobs make you do this shit?
being complacent means you enable this shit
I have a slightly above minimum wage job at my university tutoring retarted chinks who can barley pass English 101. Most of the time i sit on my ass and shitpost until my tutee arrives. I only have to hear bullshit like that during meetings sometimes.
>Fear of Open Conflict
God, please tell me they believe this.
>fear of open conflict
>I'm the only one
I think she meant Characteristics of Leftists
>your academic claim that all races are equal denies my lived experience
They do.
The right knows that the media and lefties will destroy their lives if they are even slightly left of stalin. So the right usually keeps silent.
The right knows that if they defend themselves in a physical fight the courts will side with lefty. So they let themselves get punched.
The left doesnt see this as choosing not to fight but as the inability to fight. Which is why they believe anytime they punch a "nazi" it proves the right is weak.
Isn't right to comfort a leftist policy? like right wingers believe in pulling up your own pull straps
>does she consider things like "Objectivity" to be bad?
If you ever take a science course at uni and get a left-leaning lecturer, you'll know that this is exactly the case. Their reasoning is (basically, because I don't want to get deep into it):
All information we have we collect through our senses. Because of this, we only consider things true because our perception appears to tell us that those things are true. Since our senses are reliant on our minds, and since our minds can sometimes mislead us, truth is subjective.
Please tell me this is from a typically leftist-infested discipline and not something in the hard sciences or math.
>insert any title
>list vauge words
Please God, destroy that shithole Berkeley.
Destroy Berkeley and let them feel the wrath of divine justice.
Judging by what happened to Haiti, Zaire, and South America, I'd say white people "power hoarding" is the safest, best thing.
I mean, they’re not totally wrong except that:
>objective truths exist, because the fact that anything exists at all is an objective truth
>therefore it’s not that truth itself is subjective, just our own conception of it is
>since we are capable of reason, and can deduce that certain things are true or false, the issue is only the degree of separation between our ideas and truth
>2+2=4 is true
>2+2=5 is false
>the only way we can recognize something is false is that we can grasp some degree of truth
>therefore some ideas can still objectively be more true than others
>though we cannot fully comprehend all truth, it doesn’t mean we can’t comprehend any truth at all
Inevitably you still have to come back to reality, subjectivist wordplay and sophistry can’t escape this.
Whats really funny is that the rich wasp liberal douchebags millionaires who run berkeley and manipulate their POC hordes with trauma-warlock triggers and the rich jews who help them do it are in fact the "power hoarding" white people they shamelessly and ostensibly call out.
Kek wills it.
They are totally wrong. They think that just because we have erroneous conceptualizations of an idea or concept due to mistaken perceptions -- that ANY and EVERY conceptualization must be false and therefore there can be no true apprehension of facts; that it is all, therefore, a matter of power relations and bullying to push an interpretation and claim it is true. That may be a fair description of what in fact happens, but there is actually truth regardless of what the power relations like these soulless liberal fucks bully us into believing.