Christians are behind the destruction of Germany and Europe

They orchestrated the migrant wave, they are the ones who opened the borders, Merkel is the leader of the CHRISTIAN party
Germany is ruled by the union of the two major CHRISTIAN party, headed by mama Merkel
Their natural allies are all open border socialist parties

Post red pills about what the Christians have been doing to Europe, how all migrants ngos are Christian organizations, how blacks only exists because christian ngos feed them, how they spear headed the destruction of Europe by importing hundred of millions of black Christian to keep their cult alive

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Reminder that Christians were the first EVER to practice mass migration under the byzantine empire, that most of the clergy is gay, that the huge majority of Christians support open border and gay marriage, and that they are the ONLY reason Israel exists


so what you're telling me is that the jews are behind it all, news at 11.

You are completely right.

>Categories of the mind vs categories of reality
Sorry OP you failed the test
KYS please

and that if Europeans will ever put a stop to these nazis they will all have to either be killed or convert or all nazis all pray to the jews, and it all stems back to the antichrist and his first coming.


1 people found

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As the Right Wing grows to embrace LGBTQ people, Christians are in the crosshairs!

Gonna continue to update this as this trend becomes more prevalent.

If you haven't already, go sign up for the national Trump deplorables "Coastal Resistance" team as it will be your ticket to the Democrats' greatest fear:

episcopal church allows openly homosexual clergy
lutheran church uses congregations offerings to sponsor muslim somalians

i cant wait for the preachers of all denominations to tell their flocks to get id2020

The principles which in principle can all be used to adjust the perceptions in exactly the same way - eg set the coordinates of the location (assign it to a dimension) in which you're thinking, put the coordinates of the location on a scale with different numbers assigned (scale-variations - eg the location of the plant is assigned as 0.5 kg, and the location of the guy on the table is set as 0.2 kg, or the distance to that location is 25 meters) - to get the location which gives the most suitable perceptions for the moment in which you're thinking. In order to prove to you that this is the case, you will have to have developed a technique to make this determination. For example, if I was asked to ""sit on a chair," I would refer to that description, and your criterion for sitting would then depend upon the chair you were sitting in. But in order to know if you were sitting in a chair or in a recliner, you would have to establish a criterion that would be appropriate for both, whether recliner or chair, not merely that they were "made" from the same material. To answer this objection to the apparatus, I would say that if I were to ask you, "Where did you get the chair from?" you would not know the answer.

Minister Dower said that in his personal opinion, there are several initiatives that Parliament is considering, with a view to the 4th March, as part of a vision in the 2030s. These initiatives include rejuvenating the economy, increasing employment, seeking out and developing the talents of each and every citizen, and investing in people's mental health

Stuff like that comes naturally when you worship a jewish god.

>Post red pills about what the Christians have been doing to Europe, how all migrants ngos are Christian organizations, how blacks only exists because christian ngos feed them, how they spear headed the destruction of Europe by importing hundred of millions of black Christian to keep their cult alive
In the bottom half of the countries in Europe, the Christians have sent over half the Muslim immigrants

It is a fact that most Muslims will be 'good Europeans' and most Christians will be 'bad Europeans' because they all secretly want to enslave the Muslim culture with their own Christian culture (thus maintaining the world's largest religious illiteracy).

Not one of these European countries has a Constitution. There is no US Constitution. Any politician that says there is one will be laughed out of town.

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>Stuff like that comes naturally when you worship a jewish god.
And maybe a few others besides as well.

So why is it that those people who do not believe in "god" and are against the so called "war on terror" are secretly atheists? And why do many atheists practice White Supremacy all day everyday

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OP is most likely an Algerian Muslim

Go ahead and have Europe, that place is truly God-forsaken and Islam will die there so no problem for me.

Two birds one stone.

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>OP is most likely an Algerian Muslim
I am not

>Go ahead and have Europe, that place is truly God-forsaken and Islam will die there so no problem for me.
And this is why Christians are the ENEMY

>And why do many atheists practice White Supremacy all day everyday
Are you retarded? Atheists are overwhelmingly leftist.

Christianity used to be pro-white and anti-semetic until it was (((Subverted))) like virtually ALL other European insitutions have been.
Remember the countries most hostile to migrants are strongly Christian, like Poland and Czechia. Swedenistan, on the other hand, is the least Christian country in Europe.

A Christian population with an overwhelming preference for an ethno-state (Rome vs. Stuttgart) will be disproportionately leftist (neocons) and against migrants, while a population not predisposed to religious ideology will be disproportionately rightwing (Nazi Germany). What kind of a nation is that?

All the based people I know that make Hitler jokes and everything are atheist.

You want help? Seek Christ and ask for forgiveness.

Oh and Muslim terrorists are ready to die for jihad, but I don’t think you pagan larpers want to die for Odin ;)

Good luck!

the financial incentives to get chipped will be great. in the beginning

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> Sweden is the least Christian country in Europe
>Poland and Czechia
>strongly Christian
Poland yes (~93%), Czechia no. Czechia is known to be one of the least religious nations in Europe.

Reminder that East Germany is less religious than West Germany and way more Nationalist at the same time.

95%+ of Nazi Germany was Catholic or protestant. I'm not seeing your point.

Christianity is essentially a weapon of the kikes to control non-kikes.

I have never seen a single Christian Right winger

Civic nationalist “muh undefined nation is the best” don’t count obliviously

Don't like it? Go read the book, it talks about it. It's pretty obvious.

Sorry if you're offended, but there's nothing I can do about you. You're going to the far side of the page, and that is where the actual content of this site is.

fuckoff kike
the reason they're championing gays is because of your evil doing, neck yourself in an oven

If christians arent cucks, why the fuck do they help muslims?

>the reason they[christians]'re championing gays is because of your evil doing
what level of mental gymnastics even is this

>If christians arent cucks, why the fuck do they help muslims?
they re not only traitors, they re greedy as well

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Christians can be Patriots (as in liking their country) but never truly Nationalist. They don't understand the difference between a population of a landmass and a real nation. Nationalism does not care for geographic labels and boundaries, only the nation itself.
It's bad in Europe, but it's even worse in the US. This is because the USA are an empire, not a nation. Just a country.

Of course this is not entirely accurate. A very small majority of Christians can actually tell the difference, but they usually don't stay Christian for long. Everyone has to decide between blood (family/nation) and afterlife (faith/religion) eventually. There's no room in between.

I will put forth my faith in my company to our employees and guests because I know that it will serve as an example for my employees, that their faith is a part of who they are and what they do. I would love to provide a video to highlight what we have come to believe. I encourage you to support the LGBT+ community by learning more and donating to a local

People are born, they grow and they die. They always make choices. You get no special advantage over your child or grandchild. You get to choose whether you get a family of three and a dog or one of nine children and a white picket fence. They get to choose whether or not to work in a factory and the city that manufactures it or send their kids to a good public school and go to college that costs a lot. >Do we have our dream?