The allegations were baseless. You besmirched an innocent man and a tireless advocate for progress. It's OK though. He will forgive you. How about talking it out over a slice of pizza -- what do you say Yas Forums?
Admit it, you fell for Russian propaganda
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mubda mo bidda te dat tum muhfugen bix noodcofbin dub homuhfugga
Ok boomer
fuck off child
your dribbling post is shit and off topic.
your post should be deleted like you
Go away, Mossad.
>calls someone a c-hild
>begins throwing internet tantrum
Everything you see here is propaganda. This website is not free speech... you are categorized and listed and tested for what your response will be to things. I want off this ride.
ok groomer
what kind of faggot asks about pizza, hotdogs and children in their email?
>tee hee those goys will never discover the true meaning of our obviously-suspicous-code-word code words!
Checked and Redpilledâ„¢
soon to be renamed: John Arresta Podesta
>he thinks the writing on Mr. Podesta's hands symbolizes anything other than his favorite food, fish, and his favorite 14 words: "Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"
what about John Molesta Podesta
what is that video actually?
what would he be doing?
he's a GOOD GUY
what he's not allowed to party?
Oh yes, because mentioning how you don't like hair on your pizza in casual conversation is totally normal and innocent!
So what do you think will be better cheese or pasta, you know, for dominos? Asking for John pedestals email.
How long does Christmas pasta last before you have to through it? Until March maybe.
And what about the hottub party, 11 9 and 6 was it?
I didn't fall for it, I choose to believe it even though I know it isn't true.
There is nothing weird or suspicious about Tony Podesta's art collection. You incels need to have sex, preferably with a kid.
This is fresh
ya think yer hot shit, doncha
I forgot my cheese napkin
oh fuck off John. you're going to swing like all your pedophile buddies. should have had better hobbies.