38 y/o white male

How did it come to this anons?
20 years ago this guy would only buy toys for his children. Now he has no children and buys toys for himself.

It didn't have to be this way. Where did we go wrong? Is there any going back to what we once were?
It's time to put away childish things, and that includes (literal dolls) of a (brave) female super heroes.
I pray it's not too late, for all of us.

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You wan't to know why this is the only type of "man" you ever see now?
Real men don't post selfies attention whoring online like a woman.
And jews.

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That actually makes me feel better.
Thanks, fren.

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Modern society has allowed for an “extended childhood” and rewards people for staying in that stage.

No way is that dude 38, he looks 10 years oldet

That's what a 38 year old kike looks like user

A whole generation raised on cartoons to advertise products. Latch key kids babysat by tv and cartoons. Their childhood memories are tied to product pushing advertisements.
Nostalgia is a fucking trap. These people would rather hide inside with video games and shelves of toys, smoking pot, and pretending the world is fine. Bugmen are genx/lost generation boomer golems. Most of my friends are this. Luckily my dad was a drunk asshole and implanted enough guilt in my subconscious that I rejected it.

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The wisdom of the white male is to avoid white whores.

the sweater gives it away.

Those guys already existed during the 70s atleast.

I mean I just guessed his age, hes way too old for dolls of wonder woman though.

I guarantee you he grew up in a single mother household

It's all because we turned our backs on God and allowed degeneracy to take hold without striking back with righteous wrath.

I'm 32, so this guy has a good six years on me, half a decade, and I can't imagine what his excuse is. People our age were the last ones who grew up like normal kids, internet wasn't a thing, it was around, but not at all mainstream (I didn't even have the internet until I was 13 or so). We were socialized normally, not stuck in front of a screen all day and night, had actual friends, learned how to somewhat take care of ourselves, all the shit that kids these days do not and will never do.

I dunno, when I was young, we grew out of video games and cartoons somewhere around middle school. I can't think of a single one of my friends who still plays games or watches cartoons. Most of them are married and have kids.

This man is a disgrace to oldfags like myself.

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There's nothing dysgenic about that description judging by the photo unless we're looking at some savant-tier technological/mathematic genius (in which case he is unlikely to father big brain offspring in a way to develope their full potential; doesn't matter with sperm banks)

that's not 38
maybe 48

Why does he look so old? I'm 37 and look 10 years younger at the very least.

take your meds, memeflag

It's not causing you harm so why do you care what he does?

ok so i suck at guessing males ages. are you guys missing the point though?? xD
i love it

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Capitalism. Thanks GOP.

20 years ago would be 2000. He would have been playing PS2 and buying M:tG cards. Nothing would have changed other than the vice.

>How did it come to this anons?

Doctors decided it was wrong to hit your children.
100,000 years of human history overturned by "science"

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Yo..you...your'e him aren't you??!

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This. Why are people surprised that capitalism flooding society with infinite choices and ways to "express" oneself is cucking society

he looks happy

No, I have enough self respect to buy that kind of shit online and I hate modern DC.

sure he does, on the outside, memeflag.
Now go shill some more.

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at work, most coworkers just want to go home and play video games
I think it's over

>the 38 year old nigger

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why are black nerds, always, 100% of the time, weebs?

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>And jews.
this is the real reason. pay close attention next time you see soiboy mouth images especailly nintendo switch related imagery (they hate nintendo for being family friendly)

every one of them is jewish.

in fact, OP image is of a jew. They shame themselves because they're trying to slander white men by pretending to be them

it works.

That is one sorry sack of shit. If the world were in hard times and we had wars and hardship, that little bug would not have made it past 25 years old without being squashed. We have too many excess men today.

It does seem sad, just kind of mindless consumerism to a degrading level.

I bought one of those Funko dolls of Ash from Evil Dead a while ago. I took it home, then had it sitting on my counter, and just thought "why the fuck did I buy that? What am I going to do with it?" I like the Evil Dead, but having a plastic toy sculpture thing was just a completely functionless, pointless waste of money. Luckily, my roommate's sister visited the following week with her young daughter, so I had her give the toy to her niece.

Uh? I thought he has kids?

>Now he has no children and buys toys for himself

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how is this guy 38? Looks 48.

>this sucka is 10 years older than me

And I felt like a loser, feel a lot better now

Wow. This photo is only a couple hours old. I knew there was fellow /toy/ bros lurking