Italian-Americans are pretty based

Italian-Americans are the ONLY group of white people I ever see directly telling leftists, niggers and Jews to go fuck themselves now-a-days. They seem to be the only white people left with spines. What is the reason for this? Why are they so willing to say shit to the scum’s face when German and English Americans aren’t? They seem to have just enough of the don’t give a fuck attitude.

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Italians are disgusting desu. They have hooked noses, black eyes and look like abominations.

Like a combination of a white person, a Jew with some African. Eww

Because we are the least white and the most violent as a result. Fight fire with fire.

Every italian-american I know is
>also part jewish
>loud as shit
>fucking annoying
>dirty and messy
>thinks they're the hottest shit
>fucking catholic

Pretty shit IMO.

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Italian americans aka cryptos were the last nail in the coffin that is the USA.

OP is an italian american. Retarded thread. Deserves to be SAGED

italian-americans, especially in places like NYC, reject nigger culture. their kids are raised to be proud of their roots.
the russians who move here end up with half nigger grandkids.

i think its just because we're not white enough to be considered fully white, and we also had nothing to do with the american slave trade because we weren't here, so black people can't bullshit and guilt trip us with it. we made up 10% of the military during ww2, we had a large part in helping to build new york, and everyone likes our food

LOL. Italians are the only whites that dress like niggers and buy jewelry and fancy shit they can't afford. You can tell they have north African genetics.

what about plastic paddies

The Irish are the only group of whites who still vote for Democrats.

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Kike detected

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I actually feel bad for the irish-americans. they can't say "my grandma came from ireland" without an irish plebbiter calling them names.
I felt 100% welcomed in sicily.

H*ck taking it back a step further

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I don't mind then, it's cute


>white people
user, I...

Sicily is grossly underrated

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We are based this is true

Poles are literally the bottom of the barrel in Europe, excepting your prostitute tier women. Great cock sleeves

Because theyre brown in the eyes of the Jew. They have brown privilege.

If you only saw jean marie le pen back in the days
God i wish he would present himself to the elction and not his retarded daughter that lost to a fuckin granny fucker
I wouldn't vote for him but that would be funny

Hey Poland, I like your based attitude against the EU but you aren't exactly the expert on who's white.

hey asshole, you call that FOOD??!

>What is the reason for this?
pic related

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You're overthinking it. More Italians just don't care what leftists, niggers, etc think.


sick of these fucking threads. Mods don't even exist on this board.

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pick one

to be fair, when the irish came to boston, it was largely an entire white (English) city, and democratic values were just "hey, help the poor", and they voted for that, because THEY were poor, long before Democrat party became associated with LGBTQHI-etc and shitskin worship.

So, the tradition of voting democrat just stuck with them.


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looks white to me, nigger.

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