Female Deshodding General

Female Unshodism also known as the Deshodding Movement are 21st Century reactions to not only consumerism but consumerism's haphazard intersection with slavery, sex trafficking, exploitation and destruction.
Unshodism critically examines women's shoes as symbolic for both those terrible practices as well as the social conditioning programmed into modern women to support any lucrative fashions no matter how illegal, unethical or harmful.
How can you support Deshodding and Unshodism?
>Celebrate barefoot women in art, media
>Establish and defend the preference for unshod women (remember, it's the pre-capitalist norm)
>Introduce positive aspects of barefoot women in everyday conversation
>Invent new idioms and stories defining the advantages and wisdom of unshod women
>Compliment and support unshod women
>Public shaming of shoe whores, flat-flappers, heel-danglers, flip-flop fidgeters
>Public shaming of the men parading slave-made shoes on their women's oppressed feet
>Protest women shoe stores that sell any shoes beyond those intended for wear inside a domesticated home (e.g. slippers).
>Remind women and men of the evils of shoe supply chains, shoe designers and shoe brands
>Spread awareness of podiatric morbidity, handicaps, chronic and permanent injuries destined to befall shod Western women.
>Connect in the minds of young women the tales of slightly older women who have suffered greatly by the anti-woman shoes made by Shoe Capitalism
>Associate the illustrious brands and icons of shoe capitalism with the slavery and brutal economics involved in their manufacture
>Become fluent in anatomy and physiology enough to discuss how unshod lifestyles are healthier for women
>Avoid themes of domestic confinement, family life, they're not popular among the groups we want to influence or else support our opponents by giving them easier counter messaging
>Ignore shoe shills and their tiddy and assmen-junkies

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ok footfag

I hope this catches on soon

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awesome. I love these deshodding threads, and it's political, too.

It's the only way to return back to traditional society, Leaf

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You fags invented the brassiere. Because of you fucking frogs millions of men around the world are denied the pleasure of seeing women's erect nipples through their clothing.

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This seems retarded at a glance but then I realized my wife probably rarely wears shoes and seems to love being at home w the kids

This foot fag again?

seriously fuck off

She would need to be convinced to be barefoot everywhere, and at all costs. She would need to convince other women to join this movement as well.

It's a growing movement

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Isn't easier to just say you like feet?

very based
finally taking the white pill heh ?

>he posted it from a french vpn/proxy this time

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Bare feet on a woman only escalates her feminism, and it would destroy all degenerate and artificial means in order to render her invulerable against the elements. We men are hardwired to find women's feet attractive, which is why (((they))), are trying to promote a VERY anti-feminine trend with excessive shoe-buying, which donates to Anti-American companies run by faggots.

It's to bring back the most natural state for a woman, to be vulnerable, feminine, and to force more traditional values on them within the home.

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i have foot fetish

a patricians pastime

They can and will manage easily

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This is based but the fucking footfags are already ruining it

This is gold.
This is why Yas Forums baffles normies and terrifies Leninist academics.
Well said.

My first thought exactly. Aside from hard ass tile floors in our house, i need my wife to be able to ride a snowmobile and bring shit in the house without losing two toes a year to the bitter Idaho winter.

Also why we wear jeans to church a lot of the year. Gotta be practical at some point.

>can't handle walking barefoot in the snow before sunrise to have a smoke
You aren't evolved for northern climates Abdul, get out

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Yeah, but callouses

Fuck off Josefin you're not welcome ITT either

This. 53% of men have a foot feitsh

Do you want hookworms? Because this is how you get hookworms.

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If this becomes the new normal, all sexual deviancy towards women's feet would disappear, therefore removing unnatural degeneracy.

If you are a female, you will become accustomed to the snow. And you should remain home to begin with.

That is why they would stay homebound most of the time, and would maintain their feet for them to remain feminine. Places will be forced to clean up to protect women's feet.

Any place that is safe enough for women to be barefoot in, is a place worth living in.

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How about we compromise with flip flops?


>an entire political movement based around foot fetishism
This user gets it This is just 1950s housewifeisms combined with a specific fetish

Go away you retarded slut

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Is this some weird footfag shit? Or I are you trying to make it so that I can't walk around in public with my wife anymore? Either way you're fucking strange

My daughter can run barefoot on gravel. She has always been this way. I buy her nice shoes, boots, etc and all she wants to do is be barefoot.

Stockholmare detected

This is actually a great idea to transform it into an art/political movement. You french fags are famous for that and use it to great success.

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How do you walk on gravel?
How do you walk in snow?
How do you walk on ice?
How do you walk on hot pavement?
How do you work where foot protection is necessary?
Hoe do you go on long walks or hikes?

This seems like a good way to develop severe callousing or infectious injuries.

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I'm glad you'll never have kids.

hi josefine

Little nematodes that live in the gut, they excrete their eggs through shits.
Dogs gets them often, they're half the reason farm animals are kept on all those drugs, not wearing shoes = hookwroms guaranteed because they're fucking everywhere.
Why do you think footwear is so ubiquitous across cultures? even oogaa booga native American cavenigggers have moccasins.
Radical footfetishism is doomed, unless you enjoy the though of pic related chewing through your feet entering your bloodstream and depositing itself in your intestine to suck your blood forever.

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>I don't want to "remain home".
Take a hike, Josefin.

>I'm not retarded and I'm not a slut
Shut up whore
>I'm gonna leave
Good, don't come back

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i'm avoiding these threads because I don't like how that word sounds or looks

That is why you don't stand in sewage or fecal matter.

You will not get frostbite if you stay indoors in a safe area. It's to prevent you from ruining society, all while you take care of the home.

Any removal of vulnerabilities to the elements would be contradictory and harmful to this movement.

Hopefully she keeps it up through adulthood. Encourage her being barefoot everywhere, and tell her to encourage her friends too.

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Women shouldn't be leaving their houses or properties anyhow. The only distance they need to worry about is the length of chain running between their ankle and the the stove. And that's down to how much chain I, as the man, am willing to spring for.

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idk what you're talking about user ?
me at the louvre some time ago.

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>sewage matter
You know animals shit everywhere right? Not that it'd help since the eggs survive dehydration and spread easily though dry soil.
allsorts of lovely parasites enter the body through physical exposure and the sole of the foot is perfect vector.
This shit is fucking retarded and letting your penis think for you is too, fucking footfags.

You make a pretty persuasive argument

Enjoy your movement fading into total obscurity and comedy.

I'm sorry, I'm all for women staying st home with the kids, but not wearing shoes outside the home is dangerous and uncomfortable. And women still need to go to the store, and meet up for community works, even in the most conservative societies.

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>mfw I ran Josefin out of another thread

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