Political Philosophy on Yas Forums

What is the dominant political philosophy on Yas Forums?
What is the most common political philosophy?

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The most common political philosophy on /pol is fuck you faggot. True story.

Vegan fascism



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Its retarded r/the_donald boomers and i fucking hate it because they lower the quality of this board so much.

incelism for all genders

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Old Yas Forums would support Trump during the election for the madness. Guy's entertaining. Boomers thought we were on the same boat as them and they flooded us. Now I know anybody supporting Trump is a newfag and probably a boomer. /ptg/ is pure cringe.

Elective Hereditary Fasco-Monarchism combine autarky with Monarchism, Nationalism and, some Democracy to appease the modern masses. I used to like the idea of Semi-Constitutional Crowned Republicanism.

Ron Paul


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It generally fluctuated between politically-incorrect libertarianism and national socialism, but since 2016 we've been swamped by GOP party line. There is no 'dominant political philosophy' on Yas Forums because there are no more principles or philosophy on Yas Forums.

It is literally just the GOP party line. Sure, there are some committed libertarians and Nazis on here, but they're no longer a part of Yas Forums. This board has merely become a replacement for /r/the_Donald after all of their users migrated here.

I just want to crush my enemies skulls under my boot. Then impregnate their females. Is this too much to ask?

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i think majority has not even read the basics of political theories


Repent user, if you drink from that well you will be thirsty again; if you drink what Christ offers you will never thirst again.

there are no more political philosophies. people now more than ever develop their worldview in the style of academia, by engaging in arguments with opposing worldviews. as they experience more debates they gain practical experience of the various talking points and arguments that exist out there, and equipped with nothing but their gut feeling and intuition they respond, and they also get experience of how others react towards their arguments. the worldviews that result from this process don't neatly fall into any of the traditional categories. for this reason, you will not get satisfying replies in this thread. show people a list of political philosophies and they won't be sure what to make of it. present them with a particular talking point however, and they'll know very clearly what they think about it.

centrist neoliberalism

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Wow, how anti-semitic

Boomer miga

With zoomer Monarchism

Doesn't sound like I'd get many opportunities for skull crushing and impregnating if I did that. I'll have to politely decline.

I haven't had a good debate on Yas Forums since 2016

This is an eco-fascist board. Everyone else is larping, a shill, or new


sofists would be proud for Yas Forums


based and ted pilled

pretty much
Heil hitler and fuck degenerate consumerism. pretty much sums up the main core beliefs of Yas Forums

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employing tactical effortposts to seduce lurking enthusiasts to come out and engage is also a skill, but Yas Forums is truly fucked

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>tactical effortposts
So, tits as image, half a sentence of SJW babble as text?

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Shill for anything but natsoc